Nicely done, Davie. We needed him to come out and say something after King Kenneth's whine about referees and bizarre anti-lfc conspiracy theories. I think he's got the balance just right with this:-
Spurs will be fucked anyway at the end of this season. Once happy 'Arry goes, their better players will be for the off. MTF
There's already an under 19 league, I'm assuming it'll replace that. Good idea. Celtic have produced a few passable talents in recent years. McGeady, Maloney, Forrest, Kennedy (career ending injury, looked first rate), Liam Miller (waste), Mulgrew, McManus, O'Dea, .....McGeough, Keating & Twardzik all look promising. As has been the case since the days of Pat Crerand, stopping the little pricks moving down south is the problem.
Ah yes, its Evertons perennial end-of-season charge. Its altogether more Balalaika than Balaklava, but no bother. A charge is a charge and Everton always string at least one together just in time to have us all wondering "what might have been" if they'd only got the same resources as everybody else. Liverpool wonder if "this is our year". Everton merely ponder if this is their time-of-year. Now the earth mills with the swarm of blue groundhogs, all convinced that yes, the league form table doesn't lie, and out come the comments and the smart-alecs and here we gooooooo again! Moyes rebuking people over what they had to say about referees? Isn't this the same guy who got hauled up and fined, and then went on about the FA too?? Yeah, but it might have gone in, but for the whistle. Quite. Moyes :: Another "genius" in our midst, another legend-in-waiting, another footballing time-bomb, he just needs some of that financial dope so that his cotyledons can burst forth and the World can observe his green shoots of managerial brilliance.
The Irish league is a complete joke, however a Leinster team would have potential, more cash, more fans the chance to compete Who knows maybe people will like the "new" rangers football club
THIS. Football is unique. It is, by now, strictly a business, a financial concern, but it is like no other business or financial concern on Earth in that it is openly run on racial, political, personal, regional, and economic fault-lines and in public at that. No matter what aspect of the game is examined, beefs and grudges stemming from any and all of the above criteria can be immediately found. Some people think there is pro-London bias. Others think that foreign managers get battered unfairly. Yet others complain about financial imbalances and unfairness. Yet the people who do most of the complaining only do it for one simple subjective reason- their jobs, and the status, financial or otherwise that comes with it- are at stake. Yes, managers, I mean you. And so they will say anything or do anything to get themselves out of trouble where it presents themselves. Some are fairer than others, but they all do it, more, or less, of the time. The manager is the immediate panic-button for the owners. He bears the brunt of the attention, is charged with the financial well being of the club {read: the winning of games} and yet may or may not decide what raw materials {players} play for the business {club} that he "manages". A CEO or Managing Director of a large business is rarely stood up for the public amusement or openly belittled by people who know none of what he does and couldn't put it into practice even if they did. Football is the only Multi-Billion-Dollar business where such a pivotal figure has, relatively speaking, so little influence and whose decisions are routinely undermined by incompetents {referees} whom he is obliged to work with AND who has to tolerate all of this in front of a theater of baying slobs AND who then has to deal with the weasel words of "journalists" whose command of their native language is flimsy at best. This does not simply happen in any other business, and so the managers fight back the only way they can, with denials, opportunistic criticism, excuse making, fostering pals in the press and media, etc etc etc. They wouldn't know the high moral ground if it jumped up and hit them in the face, but at least they have good reason and an excuse of sorts. As for the owners and the press- most of them are pure sociopaths, garbage-mongers. Most of the print journalists are gutless maggots at best. Some of the owners are OK, but most are in it for the bottom line. $.
You see Joe you're not such a bad chap, you know the bottom line as well as any of us. :bears: I sometimes wonder how football, as it is now, will be regarded when I am a pensioner. I have a feeling it will be regarded with no small amount of contempt and amusement, bordering on hilarity. Why? Well the game is changing, again. We've already seen the geographical erosions- Peter Scudamore with his 39th game, played abroad, that kind stuff, added into the increasingly dogged "Fight for Fourth Place". In 1980, you either came first, or you avoided the drop, those were your concerns. Now, you basically have a win-win situation for teams who have neither the true intention/ambition, nor the means, to win the league. So their entire season is dedicated to Europe. This is a subtle but concrete deflection away from the validity of the domestic prize- in effect, teams play in the English League because is a vector to the European {"Champions"} League and the money that it offers. Teams actually play to come fourth, a strange sort of a vacuum where it is expected, almost accepted, that certain teams will compete for the title, and others will compete to join them in Europe. Odd but very real. All the old beefs and grudges will start to disappear as the game becomes less and less about where you are based and where your manager is from, and more and more about revenue streams, access to the European pot, appealing to "foreign fans", sales of T-Shirts to Vietnamese teenagers etc etc.
Get well soon, Trevor Francis!
Now this is a guy I can feel sorry for. Much like Nobby Stiles it is unlikely he has the same sort of cash reserves that these modern footballers have. Which reminds me- how the fuck did Nobby Stiles come to have to sell off all his stuff? Why didn't Gary Neville or "Sir" Alex just give him what he needed to clear his debts or secure his future?? :dunno:
Just realized that fucko Setanta WON'T have the game tomorrow, and that ESPN WILL have it instead. Will cancel that fucking sub forthwith. Of all the games I WOULD want to watch, they don't have it. :shit:
To the resident LFC fans, good luck today. Hopefully it'll be a good game, with a deserved winner. I hope the fans pull together today and make for a cracking atmosphere. COYB
I like both Merseyside clubs and their fans on here, so I am going to sit on the fence today. Good luck to both
Joe and I have both openly supported QPR. I have supported QPR when they were in the Championship. You're neutral on this? Classic!
I'll openly admit.......I want Everton to win today......not only to win just today, but the F.A cup. There.....I said it. :: I like Moyes and I want him to win a trophy. He deserves it the most out of the four managers competing in the cup semi's. Slice is just afraid of upsetting Irish ::
I do have a bit of a soft spot for Everton so it'd be great to see them win a trophy, its been too long. Either way, I hope whoever wins lifts the trophy