Had I known we were going to lose the semi final I would have booked the New Order concert in Newcastle on May 8 and been able to have seen Everton's last match of the season, a Sunday afternoon game with Newcastle. I'm now stuck with this plan. Four nights in London, one night in Wolverhampton, and four nights in Liverpool. On the bright side, I probably just saved a shitload of money on would-be-scalped tix to the FA Cup final.
This is a thread posted on follow follow yesterday. It's sublime. I thought Irish might enjoy it :: *Laugh if you will, but this isn’t a sporting matter far less a laughing one. Today’s announcements have been planned and timed for maximum effect. The point of this planning is strategic and it is aimed directly at Rangers Football Club in order to destroy it. This is a huge step in a cultural war. Not an opening shot, this is a fusillade aimed at the very heart of the Protestant Community. Sure there are useful fools that will fall into line with the enemy and they will be cited as the reason that this should not be interpreted as part of a sectarian war, but these puppets merely mask and disguise the string pullers in this conflict. Regan the Roman Catholic from England with no outstanding credentials to run Scottish football was placed in his position by manoeuvres engineered by men like Reid, Liewell and Desmond. Other moves were then made to ensure that the puppet master Liewell would remain in arms length of Regan in order to make sure his obvious lack of nerve and intellect were not left exposed and that when leaning was required it would be at hand. The SFA has fallen and so has the SPL. Everything has clicked into place for our enemies and they are not going to let the chance to destroy us slip by. Where Whyte stands in all of this I have no real idea, but I cannot believe he was just mere coincidence. His appearance from nowhere and his subsequent elevation into the ownership of Rangers stinks. We were told at the beginning he was a front for other people. Now I am beginning to wonder. However, when Rangers are gone, the last crumbling bastion of Scotland’s Protestant resistance will go with them. The rest will be a simple matter of tidying up any pockets of resistance and rounding~ up the odd rabble rousers. The new legislation in law is already in place to deal with them. Wake up ffsake before it is too late; this is a war against you and your own and it will not stop when your football club has gone. (Reply:-) *100% Agree with you the sad thing is they are not even getting a fight John Knox will be turning in his grave Where are the Church of Scotland? a totally impotent, useless organisation who melt into the background, while Cardinal Keith O'Brian sets the Country's religious agenda .. !!! I'm more and More convinced by the day .. that Whyte is a Desmod plant .... !!! (Reply 2:-) Reid and Lawell have known for ages that they are at war with an enemy that doesnt even know it's in one ..... we sleep walk from one battering to another !!! The simple fact is .. we as a culture, have no voice and no one brave enough or caresenough to stand up and be counted (Reply 3:-) *At last to read something that shows im no alone in believing that this whole country is fucked There is no establishment anymore! Taigs are in control everywhere for a bloody minority they rule over the majority . an uprising is needed and overdue !!! (Reply 4:-) If indeed Rangers do fold then i urge the support to go political. Look to the orange order and masonic. Get involved with politics. If we don't have a football club to stand for what we are we must do it in other ways. (Reply 5:-) DON`T VOTE LABOUR (Reply 6:-)If people do not believe this battle is over religion they are deluded. We are being attacked from all angles. ::::::
:: :: "Where is the Church of Scotland in all this" :laugh11: It was the same when Ireland ran out of money..."Oh its a plot for Ze Shermans to take us over". No, its what happens when you borry money that you can't pay back, dummies.
Celtic better get the finger out and equalize. There is a double at stake here :nono: Maybe one of the Jacobite double-agents playing for Hearts will strike a blow for freedom?? Sort of like Celtic 2 Hearts 1 "Celtic made their way into the Scottish Cup Final after two late own-goals by Alan Breck and new French signing Charles LeBon helped them to victory over a dogged Hearts side"
Great, 52,000 singy east coast teuchters in the city all at once. Gonna be as bad as a Scotland game.
:: I bet Sky Sports News are running with this story as we speak "Massive Breaking News- Celtic Lose". Which was funny, considering how they buried the Liverpool vs Everton game once the result was confirmed. Fannies.
If only Ki-Sung-Yueng had scored that header late in the first half.....i'm sure he would score. Celtic had around 70% of the ball in the first half and from what I saw looked very comfortable. Shocked at the result. Sorry Hut.
'Unnatural position'. 'Hand to ball'. I just want this thread to record for posterity - never a penalty. And young Euan Norris has history, already. We have our eye on you, Euan. Phil Mac Giolla Bhain will get a swatch at your email outbox eventually.
I wish I was. Lost 3 games in the last 6 months and they've been our 3 biggest games. Burns & Lennon have definitely been the two most invested in the 'Celtic way'.....maybe that means a subconscious role as perennial underdog? Burns team cracked in every crunch game too, despite being brilliant. It all feels familiar. Or maybe I'm looking for patterns that don't exist. Fuck it. Wiggly refs. Champions.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JXahiSbmHhE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
:crafty::crafty: Now, this is my sort of game. Sapper. Underminer. Engineer. Subtle Subtle. Electronicus Digitalis Maximus. Take them down from their own living room.:fightme:
its fucking disgraceful...united will go on now and score a few more, and everyone will say well it didn't matter, did it?..as if thats how football works
I just wish players would play the game the right way and not have to resolve to cheap tactics in order to win. Heskey's just come on, so we may see Villa pull off an upset ::