Golden opportunities for Blackpool early on. I knew once West Ham had their first clear cut chance they'd score.
Turn back, the eeeeeeeest coaaaaasturs uhr tooooo meny, like! Thuuurs like muuuhhlions oav 'em, in Glazgowwwwwww the day, eh? Like uh big sing-ING coantest
Weirdly I have a friend who supports Bayern. Like properly obsessed. Started supporting them first year of secondary school.
I think Chelsea will win...just a feeling. Only upside to the plastic fucks winning is Harry Redknapp being found dead in the waters near his private yacht in Poole. Toxicology results inconclusive.
Same old same old. Somebody in this thread made a comment about the tiki-taka being overrated, and it is, but this Chelsea style is shite and infuriating. Its like high-level Wimbledon or high-level Stoke. 10 men behind the ball, sometimes 11, run up the field, get a free kick, hope for a break. Utter shite. Bayern the same. Poor mans tiki-taka, generally clueless on how to break down a massed defence, vulnerable to counters. Yawn.
That scarfaced frog Abdullah Ribery is the most overrated crock of shit ever. I mean he's Stewart Downing with scars.