It's just as PRESUMPTUOUS to Act as if Roy's Chin was NEVER Tested Until Tarver Drilled him... CONTRARY to that Notion, Roy Jones WAS Hit FLUSH on the Chin, w/Little to NO Reaction... Sosa BUMRUSHED Roy, FORCED him to Fight Off the Ropes, LANDED a FLUSH Shot or 2 & Got STOPPED N 2 Rounds... @ Least 1nce or Twice, James Toney CAUGHT Roy LEAPING IN w/Counters & NATHAN Happened... & Despite Giving AWAY 30 lbs, Roy Jones Took 3-4 SOLID Blows from John Ruiz... Guys try to Make it Seem like Roy Fought 15 Years w/Out EVER Getting his Chin TESTED & that's Simply UNtrue...Calzaghe Certainly WOULDN'T have Hit Roy HARDER than Sosa or Ruiz did... REED:hammert:
That's Simply NOT True... The Roy of TODAY Doesn't Like Pressure, but a PRIME Roy Jones FEASTED Off of Pressure & was EXCELLENT @ Fighting Off the Ropes... REED:kidcool:
That is true. Jones had some of his easiest fights against guys like Sosa and Brannon who went all out for attack. Boxer types, Griffin, Hopkins and Harding, did much better against him as they gave Jones lesser opportunities to counter
Absurd. Because Roy stopped every single fighter he faced right? Don't be ridiculous. Calzaghe would go the distance with Roy in a close fight. Calzaghe is fucking tough, recovers quick, throws a LOT of punches (which makes opponents hesitant) - and in his prime days, punched a fair bit harder than he does now. Roy didn't stop Hopkins, didn't stop Toney, didn't stop several much "lesser" fighters, and he wouldn't stop Calzaghe.
Roy Also Didn't DROP Hopkins or Toney w/THE FIRST Hard Counter he Landed, Either... Not Really Sure how ANYBODY Could Watch a 40 Year Old Roy Jones BADLY HURT Calzaghe N the 1st Round & Come to the Conclusion that a PRIME Roy Jones COULDN'T KO him...By Merely Watching Round 1 of Roy-Calzaghe, how is it "Absurd" to @ Least THINK a Prime Roy could KO him???... Hopkins & Toney DIDN'T Apply the CONSTANT Pressure that Calzaghe Would, NOR did they Throw as Many Punches (Creating More COUNTERING Opportunities) as Calzaghe did... There's a REASON that NOBODY Threw 100 punches per Round @ a PRIME Roy Jones... REED:kidcool:
A few years back Id pick Roy by KO, but now I'm not so sure. I think it could go either way, Joe would not have fought the same fight against a prime RJJ. Draw.
And there is a pretty good reason to assume Calzaghe, knowing all this, would change his tactics as he is capable of doing. I don't think he would clown around as much if it was prime Jones, either
Roy's forearm punch wasn't as developed until late in his, Joe had a sturdier nose in his prime.
If Calzaghe Fights More CAUTIOUSLY, then REED Could Definitely See him Lasting the Distance...REED Predicted a KO on the Belief that Calzaghe would CONSTANTLY Bring the Fight TO Roy... But Do U HONESTLY See Joe Calzaghe WINNING a CHESSMATCH Against a Prime Roy Jones???... If it Became a Game of Hit & DON'T Get Hit, Roy Wins 8-4 or 9-3... REED:hammert:
:boohoo: Prime Roy was More ACCURATE & that Same 1st Round Counter Likely Would've Landed SQUARE on Calzaghe's CHIN... If a 40 Year Old Roy Could Land a FLUSH Forearm Shot, a PRIME Roy Could Definitely CHIN-CHECK him... REED:hammert:
No, as I have said, I don't think Calzaghe wins it but as you said, loses a close but unanimous decision, 8-4 or 7-5 type. Joe is damn quick, clever and moves great, bt it still wouldn't be quite enough
I think Jones wins a clear decision with opportunities to KO Joe but let's them go by...similar to the first round from last Saturday. I've always maintained that Roy's greatest asset was his counterpunches, mainly the counter lefthook he threw as a reflex when retreating. As he got older, that punch became less and less prevalent and was the main source of keeping guys from pressuring him. Calzaghe does a good job of creating distance then stepping in with his jab "however" he also has a bad habit of bringing that right hand back low. Roy would have caught him all night with that counter left hook therefore (as REED pointed out) negating Joe's pressure. I give Joe credit, he made the fight when it was beneficial for him to do so. Warren wanted no part of Jones during Roy's best days and that's simply the fact of the matter. Joe didn't pick up a title at 168 until Jones had been absent from the division for a year or so. The first time I recall Calzaghe calling out Jones was in 2000 or 2001 (at 168 mind you) and Jones left the division in 1996. Regardless, I was pleased that Roy and Joe treated each other as gentlemen and throughout the promotion repeatedly had kind things to say about each other. I hadn't realized they'd been so friendly throughout the years. Back to the fight... Roy had front end handspeed (meaning when he leads) but had none on the counter. Most of his shots were forced...kind of like my criticism of Jermain Taylor throughout the years. Taylor throws punches like he's throwing at the mitts in contrast to guys like Jones and Mayweather who are amazingly accurate because they throw at openings they see. Roy saw openings (prior to his lead eye getting cut) but simply couldn't pull the trigger. Was sad to witness. I saw Jones throwing punches not at openings, but from memory which is one of the reasons why he missed lead right hands so often. It was simply a case of a great old fighter going back to what was previously successful, but not applicable for the situation. Prime Jones beats Calzaghe fairly decisively. Joe would have gotten his shots in, but Roy would have won in a more dominant fashion than what we saw from Joe last Saturday.
You're reading way too much into that, TWIN. I'm not contesting that Roy's been chinny all along. But as he was for years the least hittable fighter in the game (and among the most untouchable perhaps in boxing history), his chin was basically dependable for his style, but still somewhat of a mystery. If anything, his reaction in the del Valle fight was favorable - he spent the rest of the fight gunning for the knockout, rather than jumping on his bike. What I'm saying was that Joe was a more effective puncher in his early years than most of the guys Roy fought. Chances are, he'd have landed with flush shots more than once or twice. If not, it's because Roy would've either been a whirlwind for however long the fight lasted... or he'd have taken a more practical approach and do just enough to secure a relatively contact-free (incoming, that is) unanimous decision, with the occasional chin-checked mixed in. My guess is the latter would've occurred. Roy might've dropped him early, but my guess is he gets a taste of just enough of the incoming to not go all the way for the kill, and instead. That's what I was getting at.
Calzaghe gets knocked down flash, and gets back up. His most recent knockdowns have been in the first round, before he even got a chance to warm up. And the Jones one was bizarre, I think it was actually pain that caused him to go down, rather than being knocked senseless in the traditional fashion - ie via the chin or jaw. His nose basically got smashed with Roy's bone. Prime Roy may have knocked Calzaghe down too. But when Calzaghe goes down, he recovers extremely fast, and starts throwing punches immediately. Roy has never been a stupid fighter, and he's also never been a fighter to throw caution to the wind or NOT care about getting hit. Therefore I think the chances of him KOing Calzaghe are absolutely minimal. I think when people do fantasy matchups, they more often than not seem to pick a KO. It's more exciting, more definite. But realistically, with two high level fighters, well matched, same size etc, the more probable outcome is a decision, unless of course one of them has a glass jaw and has a history of being KO'd - which Calzaghe doesn't.
After going 6-7 rounds vs. a Prime Jones getting counter every time he tries to unleash those slaps flurries.....he will become hesitate...PLUS Jones advantage in speed and punching power, the more Calzaghe pushes the action the more he gets hit/hurt...
Now watch this thread go down the drain very quickly now that the thread is moved to the Mythical Matchups forum. If this thread was posted originaly in the MM forum, it would have gotten only 5 or 6 replies. I told you guys, merge the MM and General discussion forum. Don't be so childish about it.
If Roy was a pretender, he would have been KO'd while coming up like Amir Khan, Andy Reed and others. If you want to blame his matchmaking, blame the alphabets. No one shits on Hamed's resume, yet he didn't do 1/10 of what RJJ did.
Roy'd win. It would be close. Roy is probably the only fighter more talented than Calzaghe was prime versus prime. You nutticks as usual are making gay spectacles out of yourselves. Roy went the distance with plenty of scrubs. He also took 12 rounds to beat scrubs like Eric Lucas. It would be close but Roy would get the decision. Calzaghe has the mentality of an elite fighter whereas Roy crumbled every single time he was pressed. BTW, no he did not show heart against Tarver in the first fight. Tarver showed he blows and ran out of gas. Roy did nothing different.
It's nothing new. People say the same thing about Lennox Lewis. Jones wins but clear decision. He doesn't have the killer instinct to KO Joe, I think he'd pile up points early and try to coast to a win.
Great post. It was indeed a sad sight to see last sat. Roy showed small flashes of his old self for the first round, and half... but after that it became apparent how diminished he has become. Truly sad to watch a once brilliant athlete so far past his best. I honestly believe a prime Roy would have Richard Hall'd Calzaghe. Joe, unlike Hall, might have lasted the distance and been a bit more competitive, but it woulda been a similar fight.
You serious? Are you sure you are not overrestimatingCalzaghe just a little based on his performance last weekend?
Now THATS a stretch! Lemme get this straight... prime Roy KO's Calz in the mid rounds, but Calz goes the distance with a prime Spinks in a close fight?:: That had to have been your worst thread. Spinks would have sent Joe back to Whales in a pine box.
No. Joe is a great fighter, but if we're talking about the prime 168 Roy... Calz would be quite simply outta his league. And theres no shame in that... almost ANYBODY woulda been outta there league with a prime Roy. Joe wins 2 rounds. 3 at the most. I cant even see him winning 4 rounds. If Calz pressed the fight all night long, I could certainly see Roy stopping him late. But I think at some point Calz would be hurt and countered to the point where he would no long press Roy, thus I think he lasts the distance.