Freddie Roach said that they would accept the random testing. Then Manny didn't accept it. There is no way Manny would accept winner takes all.
And I deal with MONEY for a living. :: My country is trillions in DEBT, so my bad. Somehow I had trillion in the mind. Still a quarter BILLION is the greatest offer ever. So Mayweather will argue it isn't real, you crazy. If Pacquaio is being foolish, accept it then. If Mayweather doesn't believe it then Roach says let's put on paper, then what? Mayweather is already spooked, now that Roach has moved pacquaio all in, he'll be petrified.
If Mayweather made the same offer you'd be saying he's full of shit and supporting Pacquiao for his refusal, and you'd be right. One would be foolish to take a risk that big when they could have half of the pot garanteed, win or lose. Boxing is a business, dude, and the guys that are managing both of these guys career know better than risk that much money in a ridiculous "who has the bigger balls" game. And what about roach, will he accept to risk his salary if Mayweather wins? What percentage of the purse he's entitled to? 5%? Will Pac pay him from his pocket if he loses? What about the sanctionning fees? What about all the training expenses? That's a ridiculous offer and as I said, only a dumbass would believe it's legitimate.
Shouldn't FLED be discussing Mosely. Wonder the split Mosely will get if he beats Fled and has to do a immediate contractual rematch? I'm sure thats in the paperwork as well. Noone in their right mind will accept winner take all, 40% of anything is better than nothing. However it did shut fled up and maybe make him reconsider his math a little differently. I don't think this fight will ever happen with the 2 ego's in tact. You would think these 2 were married at some point and time.
Like I stated before, these guys didn't start boxing yesterday. Mayweather would never make that offer because he never wanted the fight in the first place. He was being pressured by the public to make the fight. He would never make that offer because he needs the money win or lose to payoff debts. Why do you have to turn it around to Roach's situation? He MADE the offer. So he is OK with it. If Mayweather is even better than Ali, or Robinson, and representing equality in boxing, then he could accept the offer to fight the best for $200 million. There is no other offer that could net him that much in a SINGLE fight. Since he is unbeatable, accepting shouldn't be a problem.
Every fighter in the history of the game, including beloved warriors like "Armstrong", "Duran", "Hagler", "Leonard", "Robinson" would be silent too. No motherfucking fighter will agree to winner takes all...especially when ANYTHING can happen in a fight from a freak injury to an unfair DQ to corrupt judges on the scorecards. Roach knows that no one would accept this he's throwing it out there to try to be clever and get some kinda moral victory.... And if you're impressed by it you're an IGNORANT MOTHERFUCKER.. With all due respect :kidcool:
Nah... Same scenario but 60-40. That's fair. 60-40 and Floyd'll kick his ass...60-40 and he'll tear his ass up....60-40 I'll kick yo ass...60-40 I'll kick yo ass..... artie:
They might talk about it for hype/trash talk, but obviously neither side would really agree to it when it came down to a pen and paper. Actually at ESB there were people saying that they thought it could actually happen and that Pacquiao would really do it. I couldn't believe it was actually a serious discussion but once again I'm reminded of how gullible some boxing fans are. I have to wonder what world some people live in. It would be nice though to see more fights with a win/KO bonus. Adds a little extra incentive. Hopkins was really pushing for that stoppage of Joppy in the last round.
There is no way any fighter would accept a winner take all when they're pretty much guaranteed $30 or $40 million.
Yeah i know that and i don't expect any fighter to fight winner takes all. I was just pointing out that Roach said that Manny would accept random testing then he said Manny is weak from needles. Roach's word means nothing, Manny does what Manny wants to do.
Olympic testing?? Hell no!!! Risk making 0 money in one of the richest purses in boxing history?? Hell yeah!! All that tells me is that Manny is on the PEDs. Isn't your head supposed to stop growing at a certain age?
<P>Poor Manny has blood taken within 20 days of his fight with Clottey</P> <P><A href=""></A></P> <P> </P> <P>I hope Manny is ok.</P>
agREED... For All his ATTEMPTS @ Portraying Himself as the Poor Widdle Humble Trainer w/Parkinson's, Freddie Roach is an OPPORTUNIST, 1st & Foremost...He's Positioned HIMSELF as the "Mouthpiece" for Manny Pacquiao to Suit HIS OWN Needs...5 Years Ago, NOBODY Gave a Shit when Roach Spoke but NOW, his Comments R the MAIN STORY on Every Boxing Site... REED Certainly DOESN'T Blame Roach & Would Do LIKEWISE if Presented Such an Opportunity, but @ the Same Time, REED REFUSES to Fall for the BULLSHIT FACADE that Roach Puts Forth... REED:mj:
Pacquiao's facade is even worse. He is portrayed as a humble quiet guy. I didn't see that on the 24/7. He was a spoiled bitch.
Pacquiao's GENUINELY a Very NICE Guy Though...Considering his ENTIRE Nation (& a Large Portion of the Remainder of the World) BOWS @ his Feet, Pac has Probably Gotten SPOILED by that a Bit... That's Somewhat UNDERSTANDABLE in REED's Opinion... REED:hammert:
WTF? What made you think that from 24/7? I didn't see a spoiled bitch at all. And like REED said, he's basically a continental hero, he's got most of Asia worshipping him, and half of Europe/America. Even if he IS a bit spoiled (which I'm not sure if he is, he doesn't seem to be) can you really blame him? If anyone comes across as a spoiled little bitch it's Floyd. His whole attention seeking persona and act he puts on, and the years he's spent whining like a little bitch about Larry and HBO not giving him the credit he thinks he deserves.
A quarter trillion motherfuckers!!!:: When negotiating with someone who don't want the fight, might as well go allin. Might as well say I'll fight you for FREE. Even with that throw on the table, Mayweather will not accept because deep down he knows he is not ASSURED a victory over Pacquaio with conditions as they are. I wonder what Mosley thinks of all this back and forth between FIGHTERS who are not even scheduled to face each other.
Naturally he's not going to be impressed. Who would? Hopefully he'll use it as motivation. Same goes for Clottey.
That is indeed a devistating bit of evidence that no amount of spin can patter down, you wont recieve any answers to that question from Pacquiao groupies.
,...Yeah I read all that,.. I didnt know what to make of it,.. actually it's depressing how big that video has become,.. a reflection of where people's priorities are in life,.. a small detail that I am aware of however,.. is that the girl with headphones on in the bus, is reported to have a black boyfriend,.... :crafty: !!!!!
Bu-But...he can't take a blood test within 24 days of a fight. It weakens him! What a load of sh*t. Back to the idiot TS, so Pacquiao will fight for free, fight for winner take all but won't fight for $40 mil because of random testing. Right.
“I grew up with Floyd Mayweather… we all came from the same block in Michigan. Me, the Mayweather family, Buster Mathis, Tony Tucker… The ‘Hall of Fame’ block, you know what I’m sayin? I love Floyd and I’m glad he’s doing what he’s doing… but if you claim to be the best fighter in the world in the world pound-for-pound… fight! Don’t make no excuses.†“Pacquiao’s going to knock Floyd out… and Floyd knows it. Floyd’s my man and I love him but I’m going to call it like I see it. The thing is this: Do you know what a rabbit does when it gets backed into a corner? It faints. And that’s what Floyd’s doing.†James "Light Out" Toney
Trainer Freddie Roach said, "The Ruiz fight, James was coming off an injury and we didn't have enough time for it to completely heal. He wasn't at one-hundred percent.The steroids didn't seem to affect him at all, we didn't even know it was still in his system for that fight. James was just himself in the Ruiz fight. His boxing ability won him the fight.