:bears: Better. I'm hesitant to look at the photo you posted as proof but only because it's just after a fight and he has facial swelling. That being said his appearance has changed quite a bit. I had attributed it it weight gain but I see why, with the recent allegations, this could be scrutinised further.
The photo comparison is laughable. The first photo is what, Pacman aged 18 years old? Guess what, at age 28, I'm now a similar amount bigger to when I was 18 too. My head/face is also bigger.
Who cares? This clown is getting a blood test 19 days before a fight, and then training; sparring and playing basketball the next day. Every one of his BS excuses is flying out the window. Not as if we didn't know it was BS before. I know dung when I smell it.
All these haters coming out with allegations without any basis or support. Manny has never failed a drug test, and there is no more reason to suspect he is on drugs than anybody else who has not tested positive in boxing. Just because he doesn't bow down to Mayweather's demands, doesn't mean he's on steroids, it just means he's not going to be Mayweather's bitch.
Oh shut up. He had no issues bowing to Mayweather's demand. He had an issue with the US Anti-Doping Agency's protocol and shifted it to Floyd.
if someone did side by side comparions between Floyd when he was 16 (and fighting as low as Manny turned professional) and compared it to now...there'd be a similar difference in the photos. Hell... Look at Floyd against Corrales and compare it to how muscled he is today. I'd argue the physical change in his body rivals or surpasses that of Manny. Go 7 pounds south...look and his neck, shoulders and arms against Gatti in comparison to how muscled he is now. if anything, Floyd's change in physique is closer to that of Holyfield's than Manny's. Everyone harps on the "change" in manny yet overlooks the obvious in Floyd.
Using the visual to declare that someone is on roids is stupid. Look at James Toney. But that somehow doesn't exonerate Manny and his countless LIES.
If it's stupid to use against Floyd, the same holds true for Manny. Also, with Toney...he had a hand injury or something...can't quite recall...was taking some kind of medication as part of the healing process.
Toney has been busted TWICE. At some point, the old "I was using it for an injury" excuse just doesn't work.
To make myself clear, I don't see any abnormalities as such in those photos. I'm just trying to understand where that rumor came from and whether it could be seen to have basis in fact. MWS I thought Pac was even younger than 18 in that first photo. I attribute the changes to weight gain and age but I'm open to further visual evidence.
Holy Shit! Floyd MUST be on something to gain so much mass and muscle... I mean that is not normal in boxing. Your honor, exibit A and B. EXCELLENT Post. But VISUAL is not enough. Since Pacquaio is being sensational in his fights, that is more of a tell. Mayweather hasn't been spectacular since 130, therefore he is clean as a whistle.:notallthere:
:: Perhaps if Floyd had avoided the random testing 14 days before a fight instead of INSISTING on it, that would make sense. That being said, saying Manny is roided just because of the pictures doesn't make much sense.
Nup, I'm saying there's visual evidence of HGH use, not comparing him to the way he was as a 15 year old,..but comparing him to the transformation since his last fight with Marquez.
This concept is why I don't even relish the conversation anymore. In general. Threads like this with silly claims that I hammered into the ground like a tent stake bug me, mainly for the same reason. Almost anything you can say about one fighter not doing something with regard to each other can be said about the other. Except Manny's head did seem to grow. Floyd can only be said to be taking drugs that make his ego grow. EEDs. So why would anyone place more blame on one fighter than the other? Why side with one or the other? Forget about $250 billion dollars, that's just ignorant hate talk. Here is my reasoning: (a) Manny won't take the Olympic style drug tests because he says it's an inconvenience to him. And it is. He's right. Everyone knows he doesn't really fear needles or getting blood drawn, those were all lies. But it does boil down to the inconvenience of having to submit to something annoying. (b) Floyd won't fight someone on PEDs. And he is willing to take the same tests, so there is no advantage for him other than his natural skill. To me, taking a career-defining mega-mega-fight (.25 trillion dollars) against someone who is very possibly on PEDs is more than an "inconvenience". This is not an annoyance, Floyd is standing on a principle that is far, far, more important than Manny's resistance to a perceived inconvenience. YES, Floyd's motives are many. YES, he's a rotten spoiled egomaniac. NO, he is not cleaning up boxing. But forget the motivations just for a second, making all things equal, and let's pretend both fighters have equally honest and genuine motivations, and then let us compare their stances. MANNY: Legitimately, to the bottom of his heart, is terribly inconvenienced by potential blood tests from time to time during training. FLOYD: Legitimately believes Manny is on PEDs and wants a guaranteed clean fight. Sorry, but as much as I dislike Floyd, even if these 2 fighters were Bert Schlobatnik and Ernie Mechmesser fighting in Gary, IN... I would still feel the same way. Both fighters are passing up the $250 billion [See Fighter, et. al.], so it is silly to try and come up with ancillary reasons why one is more to blame than the other. Stick with the guts of the disagreement and I just can't see how anyone could side with Manny here, even if in general you believe he is clean. It's akin to someone who is driving a little shakily getting stopped by cops who tell him if he takes an inconvenient new, super-accurate breathalizer they will let him go. The cop is at end of shift and desperately wants to go home. "Just take the test, we'll wrap this up in 3 minutes." But our driver refuses on the basis that despite his driving, he has never been caught drunk driving before, so it's unfair to start testing him all of a sudden now. Off they both go to the county jail. It's just not defensible rationally. All you can say is "Well he has a right to refuse." Yes, he does.
Take the stance of the other side for moment. The driver was NOT driving a little shakily but he was PROFILED. He has a perfect driving record. The cops stopped him for NO REASON at all other than he looked funny and the cops are not looking to stop anybody else in the county. And in this case the cops have no JURISDICTION to dictate any testing what so ever, meaning he has no right to pull the driver over. NONE.
:laughing::laughing: This is one of several posts which have lterally had me falling about laughing in this thread. Credit is also due to Kauki and Genuis, whose little exchange amused me immensely. Thank you gentlemen... MTF