Sly, why haven't you told the story about when you got into the fight with that Unicorn at the Japanese Baseball game? <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> TFK
I demand this gets put there once it runs its course, unless you want me to make a 700 club :warning:
Damn, Hairy, my intentions were to show you I was screwing about. Instead of just coming out and saying I was just kidding, I kept making posts that I thought would make that obvious. I even used Karls words in some of my posts. I'm not old enough to have been in Vietnam ::
dsimon writes: Great post! I guess I would say that getting smacked around good under fair conditions, whether they be a martial arts contest, a fair fight (though I cringe to say that) or the two guys who each had an art and fought to see which was better (one was good in some areas, the other in other areas), well that is a good honest way to taste defeat. Unlike in life, you can shake hands and be friends, or in some way make amends and get an A for effort. Real life in my experience does not work that way, it is not fair and does not respect effort, courage and forbearance.
That would explain it :: Not bad typing, but ol' Hairy has experience in these matters. Just close one eye I bet. Fourhooks should take notes.
And TurdenNerden, shame on you for messing with Hairyson that way. He was trying to be straight with you, and you lead him down the primrose path with that bullshit! That was cold! :nono: :: ::
Different generations. One thing Boomers never joke about is service in 'Nam. That damn war is still a sore spot to my age group. A word of advice. Don't claim - whether kidding or not - military service if you haven't had it. All vets, in all eras, be it WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Cold War, Gulf War, or the present Iraq/Afghanistan War, are heroes and deserve all the respect we can give. Kidding, fibbing, lying, whatever you want to call it, is showing a lack of respect for the vet.:nono: And as a card carrying member of the male sex of the human species, please don't insinuate. Come right out and be plain spoken. That is what gets us men in trouble with women - they insinuate, then get mad when we don't pick up on it. :: :: No foul, no harm. We cool Tyler! :cheer:
Actually, I was being kind. The old Hairyson Ford of SO legendary status, would have turned it into a full nelson smaktalk attack. Again, different generations, different intake! :: And no, not margaritas....... straight up tequila! :: :: ::
I thought the "I haven't lost since I was five" was good enough, then the 600 people was going to do the trick, you escalated the situation to Vietnam :nono: If you seen me in person, you would know right away I wasn't in nam by my age, that is if you were not the new generation of teenyboppers :doh: Then it wouldn't be so obvious. I'm afraid where the joke failed, was due to pc. But then again, I used Karl's words :dunno: If you were in person, you would not have been offended Oh well, you can't please everyone.
18 pages??? :doh: :: Go to your CP and change that shit, you can reduce the page count down to 8 pages instead of 18. opcorn:
Hilarious, Hanzy. Seems as if you are one of the fans that live vicariously through the deeds of people that actually do things rather than type about doing them, huh? As I have told you before dating all the way back four years ago on boxingtime, I don't know what I did to piss you off in order for you to vent this hatred for whatever reason you have for me here, but it is getting old, ok? Back off. Karl
Come on Stinger. I was just laughing at the joke itself. Not at you. Even if Rubio directed that same 'gay brothel' joke on another member, I'd still find it humourous. Happy New Year! :clap:
I think Stinger caused a huge upswing in the popularity of this board right at the time when things were boring. Notice Stinger is getting all the attention and making the best threads? :::clap:
Damn dude, you have super thin skin. Hanzy and the rest in here all joke around, and can take a joke as well. You should start doing the same, you'll stress a lot less and perhaps even live longer as a result. opcorn: