No, I have never shot anybody. But I would if I had too. That was the point of saying I don't put myself in a situation where I would have too. Kind of like an alcoholic taking a job as a taste tester for Jack Daniels. Why take the risk? But if - and certainly at my age now (56) - if someone ever were to push the issue, and I had no way out, rather than fight I would shoot. ld:
I just read the opening post and... am I the only one who thinks someone has hacked Karl's account?? He usually doesn't say shit like good measure and stuff... :doh:
I'm serious! Karl could spin a character out of this, call him something like Frankie Rogue or Ace Slaughter, and use his stories to spin a standard plot. Why not? He does some writing, and it beats bouncing at 50. There could be an audience for it.
Gimme a break, Hanzy! Sure people have lost fights. I haven't had any in ages, but back in high school I got mashed a few times. I just wasn't that good at it yet. :: ::
That's hardcore. Reminds me of when I was watching Action News on a Detroit channel. This old guy had an argument with his neighbour. The old guy went inside, and the neighbour smashed in the front door and went the old guy shot him in the face! :eeeek: ::
I worked security many moons ago, have been in streetfights (also weekend warrior boxer)...I just don't yap about that shit in here, it's pointless to do so because I'm no longer capable of such things due to my multiple surgeries. I'm now partially disabled and obviously no longer in my prime. Good thing I had a great education and don't rely on a friggin' bouncer gig. So please, don't include me on the "never fought" group, I've had my share of fighting, you and dsimon are not the only ones. :nono:
That alwyas happens on the internet. :: I've had my share of wins and loses, just like ANYBODY else in here. opcorn:
Well fuck, you are friggin' 48 years should've learn that at least a couple of decades ago. :doh:
A lot of people are in great shape out there, sculpted like Greek gods, yet a shitload of them can't fight worth a fuck. opcorn:
oh no doubt.. but when you have an untrained fat slob saying he'd manhandle someone who is IN shape and has trained most of their life.. it's silly
dsimon writes: You and Hanzy are not fat slobs you guys are big boned! :: I carry a good size pouch in my front but the rest is solid.... too bad there are no bones in that front area.::
dsimon writes: But I have seen many double chins with chicken bones hanging out of them.... We have a Popeyes on the corner.::
It is pretty weird that a man stalks another man and goes to great lengths to post that other mans picture up multiple times on the internet, don't you folks think? Sorry, "Orthodox Crusader", I am straight and engaged, needless to say, you are not my preference nor type. I would suggest you go to gay sites on the internet and leave straight folks alone here. I know you have a crush on me, and that is proven by your infatuation with my photos, thanks but no thanks. Again, you need to go to a gay dating site since you are gay and I am straight. Good luck in your gay encounters. Karl