I'm serious! How about an example of Ace Slaughter dealing with a pervert: "I know you have a crush on me, and that is proven by your infatuation with my photos, thanks but no thanks. Again, you need to go to a gay dating site since you are gay and I am straight. Good luck in your gay encounters." Of course the pervert wouldn't listen, and Ace would be the target of a dreanged gay stalker, who would eventually catch a vicious ass-whoopin' for interrupting Ace and his woman. But the story could have enough drama, violence, suspense and sex to keep it going for 120 pages. I think it could sell!
As the smoke cleared there was only one thing Ace Slaughter knew for sure. He knew that he was the only one still standing. And while the path leading to this point didn't reveal itself as expected, the outcome was never in doubt. "It comes with territory." Ace thought as he wiped fresh blood from his right hand and smirked ever so slightly. And after 30 years working in the thankless world of bar bouncing, nights like this didn't just come with the territory, they were the territory. Ace was used to the blood and guts. Hell, for Ace this was his oxygen. As red and blue lights from approaching police cars began to slowly illuminate the dim parking lot, the shear number of bloodied and moaning bodies at his feet devishly impressed Ace. But with the reality of light something else became painfully obvious to Ace. How would he explain this to the local boys in blue? Houston's finest knew Ace all too well. It seemed hardly a month would pass without some local drunk pinching a dancer's ass and ending up on the misery end of an Ace Slaughter headlock. There were few veteran cops in Houston that hadn't heard Ace's name cursed in emergency rooms around the city by battered, sobbering lowlifes while getting their torn lips stitched or crushed noses snapped back to something resembling normal.
I guess this means if I said I haven't even come close to losing a fight since I was 5, I would be lying :dunno: It could happen :nono:
It means you haven't had many fights Tyler. When I was younger I prided myself on the fact that I had never really been beat in a fight. Then I turned 12, entered Junior High, and lost a few. :: Seriously, if you have had as many fights as I have in my life, the mathmatical probalility is that you have lost a fight sometime, somewhere. Nothing to be ashamed of, maybe you were drunk, maybe you were over matched, a thousand reasons why. A real man knows he can't whip the world, but he keeps on fighting anyway. Old Texas saying : Ain't no hoss that can't be rode, ain't no cowboy that can't be throwed! ld:
I guess you won't believe me when I say I have had over 600 street fights either, right Just because you can't win over 20 doesn't mean I can't win 600, think about it....
Wrong Tyler. I've had more than that. Way more. And by actual count, I've only lost maybe 10, or 12. But that's not the point. The point is I've lost. You say you have have 600 street fights and never lost? Then you live in the wimpiest neighborhood in America.
Part of being a mature man is admitting when you fail, and resolve to do better. You seem not to have arrived at that point yet. No insult intended.
I am only talking about the fights in the states, when I was fighting river rats on the Dong Nai river when I was in Vietnam, two and three at a time......I don't count them because they are too small. Most people would but not me, I only count people 6' and up. Midgets don't count, so who knows how many I have squashed ld:
Agreed, that's war, and that don't count. As far as 6' and up, thats silly. I've fought guys 5'6" that I gaurantee could whip 90% of anyone over 6'. And again, Tyler my man, you missed my point. The point isn't whether or not you are a good street fighter, the point is whether or not you have ever been beat in a fight. My original thesis still holds. If you have had that many fights, you have lost some, whether you want to admit it or not. ld:
I really didn't want to go there but you seem to want me to rehash my bad experiences in 'nam. This may sound like I am bragging, in which I can assure you I am not, but I have at LEAST 30 certified kills on guys that small over there. It was embarrasing how dumb they were over there, all I had to do was say; "LOOK, HO CHI MINH!" then as they would turn their head in bewilderment and being stupified, that's when I unloaded on them. Sometimes it would be such a paralyzing blow, they would literally freeze in a pose reminescient of something straight out of a Madusa tale, then drop to the ground lifeless. Back then I was ruthless, I would even punt them in the head for good measure even though I knew I killed them.
And for that, Tyler, we as a nation can never apologize enough for taking a young kid and forcing them in that situation. As with most of my generation, I am a strong believer that the most mistreated veterans in our history if the 'Nam vet. You are, my friend, a hero. But that is not what I am driving at. What I am saying, is that we as men, all men, seem to be driven to not being able to admit we have been put in situations of defeat in our lives. I have many times. What keeps me going is that I know one single setback is not going to define, or shape, my life. When I was in my late 20s, my wife fucked around, yet I got shafted in court and lost everything. Know what? I sucked it up and started over. In my late 30's, my second oldest son got killed in a refinery explosion (long story, but it is why I hate goddamn Republicans so much). In my 40s, after fucking up a lot - and most not my fault - I graduated college, and started my life anew. In my 50s. because of me trying to take care of my family, take care of a wife that has had 7 heart attacks, cancer, paying for both of my parents funerals, and because of a fucking Republican President (long story :: ) I lost everythin and started over. Know how I made it? I made it because I have had experience in getting my ass whipped, and knowing when it seems the lowest point of humiliation, you can survive, and start over if you have to. That is why I say, if you have never had your ass kicked, you just ain't had enough fights. You have my respect amigo. And I might add, my profound thanks for your service to our country. :bears:
I've had 601 street fights. The only person who could ever beat me was myself. Oh, and fuck 'Nam!! Korea was where the real action was. You try staring 1000 crazy communists down in winter weather that would make the Eskimos blush. I've been there and it ain't pretty my friend.....it ain't pretty at all. :nono:
Oh, you had a good thing going and you just had to go try and push it that much farther................negating all the good you had accomplished with the previous attempts. :nono:
I am an artiste, and that fascist pig Cupey gives me 8 squares to work with. I AM AN ARTISTE!!!! I DEMAND BETTER!!!
If you've been in 600 fights in your life, you gotta be a real dickhead. Honestly, you gotta be a dick if that many people want to kick your ass. TFK