:: When you first mentioned it, I couldn't picture it, but the comparison is undeniable seeing them side by side.
Brock still needs a lot of work, but he's got so much strength, size and athleticism, if he stays motivated, in 2 or 3 years, he's gonna be scary. TFK
Because MMA is shit. Lesnar haha. Couldn´t cut it in pro wrestling, in american football, but in MMA champion in three fights. Maybe he can try Wlad after three fights. And still MMA owns boxing, that just shows how many fucktards are running boxing.
The guy was the champ in WWE, he left to play Pro Football. And now he is the UFC Heavyweight Champ. He is a talented motherfucker. It doesnt matter what you think of him.
I actually agree with you. This result is disheartening, it's put me off MMA. Makes me realise how fucking stupid and amateurish it is. There is a 0% chance that Lesnar could have 3 pro fights and say, beat Vitali. And ironically, he basically beat Randy with a punch ::
Lesnar Seemed to B Almost Tooooooooo RESPECTFUL of Couture, Early... He ALLOWED Couture to Back him to the Cage & KEEP him There...But WHENEVER Brock ASSERTED Himself, Couture was Virtually HELPLESS... Couture ALMOST Got Lesnar's Back @ 1 Point, but Brock REVERSED it Nicely... Lesnar Showed a DECENT Chin Tonight...He Wasn't Hit ALOT, but the Few Flush Shots were Taken w/NO Problems...But EVERYTIME he Hit Couture, there was SOME Reaction...Knees, Punches, WHATEVER... GOOD Win by Lesnar...Obviously, he's Got Frank Mir HANGING Over his Head & he'd BETTER Learn ALOT of Submission DEFENSES if Nog Prevails... But Dude is LEGIT...Even his WWE Pedigree DOESN'T Diminish the FACT that Brock Lesnar is a REAL Fighter... REED:bears:
Yeah he was the champ and still the fans buried him at Mania and he almost killed himself in the main event. He couldn´t handle pro wrestling.
that's because he's probably never boxed in his life. in mma it's different, he had an outstanding wrestling career (real wrestling, not wwf) and wrestling is a big part of mma.
Are you kidding? He should have never been asked to do a shooting star press!! That's why he left. He had a serious neck injury.
That's because boxing and MMA are very different sports, and Brocks strength, size and athleticism wouldn't apply to boxing as good as they do MMA. I'm sure after 3 professional baseball games, Lesnar still wouldn't be able to hit a curveball. TFK
Fans booed him because he was leaving. They knew it. before that he was a huge fucking draw. It wasnt wrestling he couldnt handle, it was the 299 day a year schedule.
Nah... He WORE Randy Down, Mex...Lesnar Landed ALOT of Knees (@ Least 4 or 5) & he KEPT Randy on the Mat for Extended Periods...Trying to Get from UNDER 270lbs HAS to B EXHAUSTING... THEN, N Round 2, Lesnar HURT Randy w/Punches, PRIOR to Dropping & Finishing him... Lesnar is a FREAK...HUGE, STRONG as All Hell, QUICK (For a Big Man)...He Appears to TAKE a Punch Good & his Punching TECHNIQUE Ain't Half Bad...He Throws STRAIGHTER, TIGHTER Shots than Liddell, that's for Sure... REED Doesn't Look as Tonight as a BAD Thing for MMA...Brock Lesnar is just GOOD... REED:mj:
Lesnar used to do the SSP all the time. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/r32kaZifKHA&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/r32kaZifKHA&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> TFK
Yup. I have video of it somewhere. That shit was incredible when he did it in the farm league. Lesner just fucked up that night. But he can do it.
Angle allegedly took him to school in a wrestling match. The guy was just a state champion. Nothing else. Yes he´s a tremendous physical talent, but so was Michael Grant and he didn´t run boxing. :::: MMA has some talented lighter fighters, but the heavyweight divsion is crap. Werdum. ::
Kurt Angle is an Olympic Gold Medalist. Its not crazy that he would take Lesner to school. But according to Angle, Lesner held his own in there.
Think about it. It was a 270 pound FREAKISHLY strong and athletic collegiate wrestling champion versus a 45 year old man outweighed by 50 pounds. It was actually a very likely scenario.
I criticize MMA when it should be criticized, however Lesnar winning tonight was good for the UFC. The guy has tons of talent and is way younger than Couture. Really when you think about his fight with Couture he should have won. Styles make fights. Couture isn't a sub guy at all. Lesnar has the same strengths as Couture and is just much larger. Also, it's not like tonight made Lesnar the best heavyweight in the world. Fedor would still kill his ass.