Keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile you'll continue to be the laughing stock of Fightbeat. Being consistently ridiculed typically doesn't indicate being superior no matter what your mother told you as a kid. I'm just glad you admitted that your first analogy was moronic.
I am not trolling. I am certainly not a threatened boxing fan who it threatened by MMA. I like watching boxing more, but that is not something I would or could argue. It is my opinion. MMA just has a long way to go. I wish boxing were run like the UFC. You mma fans are just showing a type of perceived inferiority. I made a bad analogy, so what I take lots of vicodin and I am still smarter than the likes of Triplesec. Someday, the MMA fighters will be true elite athletes. This fight proves that they are basically semi-pros. No former Tae kwon do fighter, who then becomes a wwe star, is going to go 2-1 as a pro, fight Bernard Hopkins and knock him cold. Personally, this fight has set my interest back in the UFC back. I will still watch occasionally. I still think boxing and MMA are not in competition and I like both.
Ike how is Randy arguably the greatest MMA fightr Ever?:atu: Are you fucking kidding me with that shit? This man was knocked out by liddell twice in a a row. Who did he beat at heavyweight that was great? Its not embarrasing that Brock won. Wasnt brock the Favorite? ::
The dude's been a champion forever and he is old as shit. Losing to Lydell, really 1-2, is nothing to be ashamed about unless you think these guys are true athletes. Liddell was a great MMA fighter too by UFC standards. He looks like drunken white trash and fights like it too, but isn't he a "LEGEND" in the UFC Circles? What are trying to say, Randy was a bum?
MMA is evoling at a very quick rate. Prime Chuck Liddell would not be as successful today as he was a few years ago. Guys like Severn, Shamrock, Royce, etc, would not be as successful 5 years ago, much less today. I'd say it's a safe bet that the best fighters of today will not compare to the best fighters in 5 years. The sport is evolving so quickly that what works today isn't gonna work tomorrow. TFK
I didnt say Randy was a bum. But there is a huge gap between bum and Greatest MMA fighter of all time. He isnt neither. He is not Top 10 GOAT. He was also 45 years old and had not fought over a year. Add that to the fact, Brock was the favorite in the fight. Brock winning isnt embarrasing when most people thought he would win.
I don't know why Couture has so many people on his nuts, sure he overcomes "impossible" odds, but the guy is 16-9 for fuck's sake. He's nothing if not beatable. Somehow, he's gotten the reputation as a master strategist and the perceived notion that he always finds a way to win. I don't care who he's beaten or who has beaten him, he's 16-9. That shit does not compute.
Couture is tough to define. He's a 16-9 fighter who has looked bad many times. But he is also a multiple time champion at Heavyweight and 205. It all depends on how you want to look at him. Do you judge him on his title wins? Or do you judge him on his overall body of work? I don't consider him Top 10 as fighter, but I would put him in the Top 10 as being influential to the sport. TFK
Just to add, Top 10 All Time lists are very hard to do for MMA, because like I said earlier, the sport just evolves so quickly. Take Royce Gracie. He dominated the sport in it's early days. The original UFC was pretty much an info-mercial for Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. He was undeniably the best fighter of his era. But take that same fighter and put him in today's MMA, and he would have a hard time suceeding, because today his style is very one dimensional. TFK
In no particular order & IMO Fedor BJ Penn Silva Hughes Ken Shamrock Rickson Gracie Royce Gracie Wanderlei Silva Kazushi Sakaraba Nogueira
But in terms of accomplishments and greatness? I don't think you can have Randy outside of the top 10, and I bet most have him in the top five.
I like body of work. Like i put Sakaraba on my list but he has many loses. But he was killing those gracies easier than anyone. He worte the blueprint IMO
Like I said, it's all in how you look at it. Would you put Evander Holyfield in your Top 10? He's a multiple time champion and unified the titles in 2 divisions, but if you look at his entire body of work, it includes a lot of losses to fighters who are not close to being great. TFK
I think i would put him right outside the 10. But an arguement can be made for him to be in the top ten. First fighter to ever win the title three times, first fighter to ever win the title 4 times. But he lost it that many times too. ::
Not really. Ironically Brock had 50-60lbs on Randy. So bringing weight up to compare the fights is stupid. De la is the bigger fighter and is going to be weakened by making 147lbs and is fighting the top p4p fighter in boxing. That is way different then a rookie fighting a 45 year old.
Randy isn't a faded part timer? Sure hes relevant because he beat Tim Sylvia and Gonzaga after getting KO'ed by a 205lber . De la was losing to the crim de la crim in boxing, aka Hopkins and Mayweather.
I think Randy has a great rep in the game becuase even if a guy beat him he could figure out a way to beat that guy in a RE no matter who they are. I think this would also be true against Brock if Randy was a little younger.
Fedor is the first name on my list. Why do i have to put GSP on there? He asked or ten greater than Randy not 11. But i actually dont think GSP has reached Randy's level in the sport yet.