Brilliant from Ireland today. Glad it's the Argies next and not the Kiwi's. Still, Argentina are no pushovers. Shame about the injuries.
Irish, Ye say it's a pyrrhic victory, like, HOOEVER Ireland played mostae the match wi'oot two key players and defeated France pretty handily. There's nought tae say Ye cannae dae it again. Both yeez and Wales have responded tae injuries and disruption tae the team pattern wi' aplomb, so far.
O'Mahony is out, confirmed. That is a huge blow for us, as big as POC. O'Connell is waiting on a scan but I would be shocked if he recovers. Early signs are looking good for Sexton. With O'Mahony gone and O'Brien facing a ban, 6 and 7 are the big concerns for next week.
Well, O'TK, salaco, Irish and Jimmy (and Hut), It pains me tae say but POC is oot. He's been a great servant tae the game - easily as Talismanic (is that a word?) as BOD and Martin Johnson. Genuinely sorry he leaves the International stage this way but at least he made 108 caps!!! 'Ireland’s worst fears have been confirmed with the news that after 108 caps and 13 garlanded years, Paul O’Connell’s international career is over. The talismanic lock will play no further part in the Rugby World Cup because of the hamstring he tore against France on Sunday.'
No great surprise unfortunately. Watching the game live I knew he was out - agreed Billeh Boy, there is something special about POC. A great servant for club and country, sad to see him go out like that.
Thank you chromecast and youtube..with wife 'n dependents out of town, worked from home while watching france vs new zealand 1999, followed by 2007...less keen on rewatching 2011. The French anthem is second to none.
Wrong. It's second to this one: <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
:: The Russian anthem has a touch o' evil aboot it, like. Ah agree wi' O'TK and Hoot that the French and Welsh anthems are pretty bonny - the French one is the better anthem but they Welsh sing so well it brings it right up there, in ma opinion.
Seems kinda weird that we think of one hemisphere as being physically 'above' the other. We could have drawn the map upside or on its side, couldnt we? We're just pointlessly floating in vast space here.
:: Ootrage. Felt sorry Fer the Welsh laddies. Really good value game and it took an amazing decision from the Sooth African no.8 and scrum half tae break through fer the win. Bit pissed NOO but looking forward tae the next game and as Hoot said: Goan the North!
Wales basically won ONE fucking game, against England, which they should really have lost. Bread of fucking Heaven my balls.
I don't like Wales mate. Just don't. Never have done. Wales is the confluence of two rivers, the river of British Snobbery and Celtic Sentimentalism, and I don't like its taste one bit.
The Welsh did well but they looked like they just wouldn't be able to hang on throughout the second half, the loss of players [and lack of proper depth on bench consequently] plus the attritional saffie gameplan told in the end. Dan Biggar acted like a bit of a tit when taken off, although he deserves a pass for being the welsh player of tournament, alongside Jamie Roberts. I expect NZ to win handily this evening and if they do, I cant see them struggling against this SA team.
Irish, As ever, Ah like hoo Ye stake Yer case but Ah think Ye should seperate Yer ire from the sporting land.
:bears: Good post, O'Slacko - Ah'm praying fer a French win, mind, tae really shake n' bake things up.
I can't see it Billy but then who could've predicted '07 especially...I definitely get impression this is weakest version of kiwis we have seen since last world cup, maybe too many old legs..however, too many water carriers on the French team, no x factor...where is this team's Dominici? Especially after they lost Huget so early in the tournament, cant see it unless the Kiwis get old overnight