Oh fuck off Kellerman..................TWICE now he has asked the man what he thought of his OWN performance :: ::
Kellerman annoying me now....... "Basically, we never have midgets on the tele, so did you feel a responsibility to impress, because you were being paid more than $500....????"
:: Little man is refusing to answer the questions. Max is exasperated. Max now tries the Godzilla Inoue angle...here were go........is Inoue in your future and when.... Boxer answers: "Its up to God". :: :laugh11:
I THINK THE translator was not asking the correct question because chocalitito answer was some random bullshit...
Agreed...I think the translator was basically refusing to translate the questions for him, which is fair, they were bullshit questions. He just wasted Sosa in 2 rounds, and Max is asking him what he made of his own performance. He;s not Floyd. You aren't going to get some headline-capturing shit out of him. Since 1995 HBO have shown 2 Flyweight fights, is it..............:: They shouldn't be asking how good he was, they should be telling him how good he was.
Steve Bunce: "Viva Nicaragua, as they say in the trade" Steve Bunce: "Christie Martin used to get paid more than Ricardo Lopez" ::
Getting into bed now to watch this one on my phone. Just put a big £2.79 on 6 rounds or under. Thank you Chocolatito, thank you.
This shit won't go 4 rounds...NO FUCKING WAY... why the fuck is GGG trainer looking at Monroe&Trainer hard??? Like his going to fight....
GGG has ALOT....ALOT to learn....FUCK ouf of here with all the HYPE!!...he keeps going to the head...and is landing...but missing a lot also...go to teh BODY...and this fight will be over in a round or two.... ROund 4...MONROE did pretty good....
If Cotto is fighting as a MW no excuses. Hell apparently GGG is overrated and Cotto would beat him anyways.
If the money is right Cotto should take this fight IMMEDIATELY! GGG is there to be hit, Cotto will have a field day with power shots.
The gameplan for Cotto vs GGG will be very basic. Keep GGG in the middle of the ring, Tie him up when he gets overly aggressive and push him back. GGG looked gassed by the 3rd round.
I agree but Cotto has good defense and I think he can take GGG in the late rounds and but on a real beating on him. If Monore had any power at all this fight tonight may have been very different.
:: at some of the utter pish being spouted in here 1. Cotto has NONE of monroes hand speed 2. GGG was having fun in there, he was only half paying attention. Gary Lockett said it best, wait until GGG fights with a "bit of fear in him" ie he starts using his head and his jab. Then you'll see.