I actually agree, Penalosa lost his momentum down the stretch IMO and gave away the opening rounds, I had it 7-5 to Ponce being generous to Penalosa (wanted him to win)
Oscar schooled Tito IMO, and Leonard looked like he got mugged after the fight, in addition to both guys being ancient, Leonard got his lip fucked up and had to visit the hospital afterwards. But if that kind of thing counts I'll add, Byrd Holyfield, Ali-Holmes, Robinson/Jones. Jones-Toney is the most high profile schooling ever I think.
the funniest part of that entire thing is the fact that Jerry Roth continually argues that the 12th round was Oscar's round, whereas 3 of the first 4 were not, which is just not true. I agree with most of the people who have said that a schooling is more the case when its a decision rahter than a blwout KO type of thing.
Best post of the thread in terms of the COMMON usage of the word (which I agree is overused and abused).
I'm one of the bigger Penalosa fans around, and I had it by 1-2 pts. for De Leon - either 115-113 or 114, depending on the day. It was much CLOSER than the scorecards indicated, but I can't really see how Penalosa gets 7 rounds clearly. Peace.
I don't think Trinidad-DLH classifies as a schooling at all. Nor Byrd-Tua. Some adds, though (trying not to repeat): Napoles-Cokes I & II Napoles-Lopez Monzon-Briscoe Kessler-Andrade Dawson-Adamek Nelson-Martinez II & Villasana II (was there anyone better at rematches?) Jones-Toney, Mayweather-Corrales, Hops-Trinidad and Mijares-Arce are some of the best pure examples ever. Peace.
I wouldn't consider McCallum - McCrory a "schooling". McCrory was competitive. Camacho vs Ramirez - I thought Camacho would win, but Ramirez would be competitve. Nope. Thomas - Witherspoon - Not completely one-sided, but Thomas HANDLED Witherspoon. Witherspoon was so helpless against Thomas' jab that he was reduced to complaining to the ref about imaginary thumbing. Taylor - McGirt - Another one I thought would be more competitive. Holmes - Shavers I
I wouldn't consider McCallum - McCrory a "schooling". McCrory was competitive. Camacho vs Ramirez - I thought Camacho would win, but Ramirez would be competitve. Nope. Thomas - Witherspoon - Not completely one-sided, but Thomas HANDLED Witherspoon for the most part. Witherspoon was so helpless against Thomas' jab that he was reduced to complaining to the ref about imaginary thumbing. Taylor - McGirt - Another one I thought would be more competitive. Holmes - Shavers I
Duran-Moore was a beating. McCallum-McCrory was a systematic break down. The best example on that list is Johnston-Manfredy. That was in fact a schooling.
Benitez-Duran was one of the best schoolings Ive ever seen. I know many people say it was close, but for the life of me I cant see it. Benitez embarassed Duran.
Sorry to be unoriginal and all, but I have to re-state Calzaghe - Lacy. Jeff didn't win a single minute of that fight, let alone a round, and for me this is the definative schooling of recent years. I also rather liked Curry - Honeyghan, though I'm not sure if some wouldn't consider this a brutal beat-down rather than a schooling. :eeeek: I was also a big fan of Michael Watson, but a fairly green version of (albeit one good enough to have beaten Benn last time out) him was comprehensively schooled by Mike McCallum if memory serves... MTF