that is some big assumptions to say I think any boxer is a "hero" or an "unbeatable immortal" i want to see the fight! i just think that Floyd is SOOO much better!
Floyd wants it..and it will happen. i think it will be in may or so UNLESS pac keeps being a bitch on his drugs
Shane and Ortiz had no problems taking tests. Is Pac so special that means he is too good to be drug tested? Floyd isn't asking him to do anything that he won't do himself.
No it isn't obvious. It's only obvious if you're a blind nuthugger who immediately takes sides but people who are a bit more open minded might think he either has inside info or he's looking for a way out of the fight. To be honest I don't know which it is and really don't care anymore. The bottom line is the fight isn't happening and I'm done pointing fingers at whose fault it is or who needs to do what. Fuck Floyd and Pac as far as I'm concerned.
Pac and Arum (for what that's worth) are now both on record stating he is willing to take the test. The latest dispute is over which presiding agency will monitor the random drug testing. Floyd also has yet to show a willingness to fight anywhere other than Vegas. That they're giving away tickets for this weekend's fight will hopefully make him reconsider that angle. Then again, Pac can still sell out an arena there, so who knows.
I heard that they were giving away lots of tickets. I wonder how the PPV will do. So Pac and Arum agreed to no cut off or the 14 day cut off?