I'm a bit disappointed....not because seeing Taylor get repeatedly put to sleep is thrilling to me, but just so the format was preserved. It'd been nice if the competition ended with the guys it started with... but ultimately it is up to Jermain and i understand his decision.
Well I agree with the logic there sure, but I think you'd have to be a fairly sadistic individual to want Taylor to continue in this competition ::
I don't get how they just replace a fighter in the tournament who's already fought? If Green is the replacement how does that work? Does he have to fight Abraham even though Taylor already did? Won't that screw up the point system to just throw a replacement in? Because it's not fair to just hand Green JT's loss nor is it fair to let him fight Abraham again because that's going to give Abraham an oppurtunity to fight more guys than everyone else therefore earning extra points.
It's a PRIVILEGE to B in the Super 6, so Any Fighter than CAN Get In Probably WON'T Sweat the Points...As Loooooong as they WIN, Everything Else will Take Care of Itself... REED:kidcool:
WTF? why should they pay him to quit the tournament. I would've rather let him take more punishment than to pay him for being a loser.
No, he picks up where that fighter left off. Meaning, whoever wins Bika-Green will go on to face Andre Ward, with he rest of the tournament remaining intact. Abraham still fights Dirrell, Kessler still fights Froch, and the third round matchups remain as-is (with the exception of Taylor, of course, with Bika/Green winner facing Kessler). The points system doesn't get thrown off, because Taylor had zero points anyway. Not to mention that two other guys (Dirrell and Kessler) also have zero points. It's the risk Green was willing to take all along, so much that he sat idly while waiting for the call. His God-awful fight with Tarvis Simms (a late replacement for Oganov) was the only one he's had since the tournament was announced, of the belief that he was entitled to the alternate slot. What you could argue, is that it's unfair for Bika/Green to fight a "sanctioned" Super Six eliminator, yet not be awarded any points for it - but then, you'd have the remaining five fighters (particularly Kessler and Dirrell) complaining that they were awarded points for an outside fight. I'm fine with it being the way it is. The scenario should be treated like that of the play-in game for March Madness - the winner still winds up as the 16 seed and has to face the #1 team in the country. It's unfair that either school isn't randomly chosen (to a degree, anyway) like the other 63, but neither school is bitching about the opportunity to play.
Had Taylor flat out quit, I would agree. But he was technically forced out - DiBella already dropped him, and there was major outcry over his opting to fight on at a time when most were calling for his retirement.
Besides Bika/Green is a world title eliminator as well, since Ward is the WBA champion. I´m just worried, that a fight between Bika and Ward would end in a no contest with both suffering deep lacerations from headbutts. Is that one point each then, like a draw? It´s still 1 1/2 months till the next round. :doh: I´m not so sure what to think of Taylor´s pullout. He has earned the right to quit with the fights he gave fans over the last few years and a concussion is a serious thing, but I´m not sure he wanted out. The public pressure was just too big. Would anybody have said a single word, if the fight went the distance, or are we as concerned for journeyman that get their ass kicked (KO´d or not) 5-7 times a year, every year.
Good points, both of them. The fact is, up until the KO, Taylor was hardly taking a bad beating. If Taylor had lasted another few seconds, I doubt people would be pressuring him to drop out of the competition. As you say, journeyman take worse beatings all the time. But they are less popular than Taylor, and we just take it for granted that it's their job to take beatings, so we don't call for them to retire too ::
Still baffles me how the guy signs up for the tournament, invests his time and energy, and then when he loses his first fight in the tournament, people act like it's some tragic event. Why in the hell would Taylor sign up for the tournament if he planned to quit the first time he loses?
good riddance since taylor is a loser. but then again, bika and green aren't exactly what i would call winners either.