Teddy Atlas Manny Pacquiao BOMBSHELL On FNF.

Discussion in 'General Boxing Discussion' started by V10, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. mexican wedding shirt

    mexican wedding shirt The Greatest of Are Times

    Jan 18, 2003
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    Hut Hut, it's you who is distorting facts now, since you've somehow got it into your head that Team Pacman is to blame and not floyd.

    To points 4 and 5 - Pacman actually did the opposite of what you state. Pacman actually said if the NSAC required these tests, he'd have no problem with them. You see Hut, the NSAC only requires a post fight piss test, that's it. He wasn't refusing anything required by the NSAC.

    He was refusing tests by the USADA, which had the possibility of a blood test the day before the fight.

    Seeing as all Pacman has to do under NSAC rules is piss in a cup after the fight, I'd say the compromise they offered is more than reasonable.

    Afterall, GBP basically told Zab to fuck off when he wanted extra tests from Shane, no compromise, just a flat out no.

    And to point 5, where did you get that idea? Pacman agreed to random urine tests anytime.

    And you do know that EPO can be detected in urine, and USADA - the very organisation that GBP got involved, have developed a urine test for HGH? Those 2 steroids are the 2 most likely to be consumed by a boxer.

    So random urine tests and 3 blood test is an AMPLE fucking compromise, as is a blood test RIGHT AFTER THE FIGHT.

    Like Jake said, if he was on roids, the chances of him not getting caught would be pretty small.

    I like almost everyone here too, but if anyone thinks Floyd truly wants to fight Pacman, they are fucking retarded.
  2. Hut*Hut

    Hut*Hut The Mackintosh of temazepam

    May 17, 2005
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    Involved in hyperbole
    OK, I mixed up the NSAC and the USDA or whatever they're called. The post is edited & the point remains.
  3. Hut*Hut

    Hut*Hut The Mackintosh of temazepam

    May 17, 2005
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    Involved in hyperbole
    Explain the 6 actions in my post then. 6 easy opportunities to throw his hands up and walk away which he turned down and continued pursuing the fight through.

    Explain, PLEASE.
  4. mexican wedding shirt

    mexican wedding shirt The Greatest of Are Times

    Jan 18, 2003
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    The point doesn't remain.

    You said Pacquiao refused random testing alltogether.

    He didn't, he agreed to random urine anytime.

    EPO has been detectable in urine for a few years, and USADA funded a company to develop a urine test that detects HGH.

    If he is on roids, with the compromise he offered, random urine and a blood test after the fight, chances are he'd get caught. But no, that wasn't good enough for Flid.

    Pacquiao is also on record a few years ago saying he felt that blood taken close to a fight weakened him.

    Even if it was only psychological, it still makes his excuse a bit more legit, and less like complete bullshit pulled out of the air.
  5. mexican wedding shirt

    mexican wedding shirt The Greatest of Are Times

    Jan 18, 2003
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    I already have.

    He tried to make Pacman look bad, and make himself look like the saviour of boxing, managed to duck Pacman, whilst fooling many people into thinking that Pacman ducked him.

    That bit seemed obvious to me.

    If Floyd was demanding too much money, 60-40 or the like, it would be TOO easy to accuse him of ducking Pac. In fact almost everyone would, probably a lot of Floyd fans too, it would seem obvious that Floyd didn't want the fight.

    Floyd (Ellerbe) obviously knows that. Now as dumb as Floyd seems, Team Floyd (Ellerbe) concocted an incredibly devious plan to get out of the fight and make Pacquiao look bad simultaneously.

    If Floyd wanted the fight and thought he could beat Pacman, he wouldn't give a shit about this fucking testing.

    In regards to agreeing to the admittedly preposterous weight penalty and gloves etc, the answer is simple - Floyd had no real intention of singing this fight, it was all a lot of posturing and bluffing, and fooling people into thinking it's Pacman ducking him and not vice versa.

    It's possible what Jake said is true, that it was all a lot of bluffing and bullshit from both sides, and this March date was never realistic anyway, for a fight of this magnitude - but ultimately it's Team Flid that introduced a fight breaking clause and wouldn't accept a compromise.
  6. jarhead

    jarhead Undisputed Champion

    Jan 17, 2006
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    Spokane, WA
    Hopefully out of all of this, better drug testing will come into play required by athletic commissions and sanctioning bodies. If any of us think all this tarnishes Pac's legacy, then Roy's legacy is tarnished, Mosely's legacy is tarninshed, Toney's legacy is tarnished, and the list goes on and on and on and on. Baseball isn't the only sport tarnished by a Roid era.:nono:
  7. royyjonesjrp4pno1

    royyjonesjrp4pno1 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Floyd gave him 14 days and he still said no. This after Freddie Roach said himself they would accept the tests.
  8. V10

    V10 Undisputed Champion

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I'm sorry man but you're looking too hard into it.

    Jumping over the facts and judging over what you think Floyd's 'secret' intention were, how smart Ellerbe was and their evil plan to make poor little Pacquiao look bad.

    hut*hut is 100% spot on.

    Fact is:

    #1 - Against their 3 common opponents, Floyd did BETTER numbers. He could've asked for a 52-48 split arguing this and he would be very well on his right. Instead he took a 50-50 split in 3 seconds, that right there says a lot.

    #2 - Floyd agreed to 8 ounce gloves. Again, the standard glove size for welterweights in nevada in 10 ounce. Considering Manny is by far the bigger puncher, WHO BENEFITS THE MOST FROM THIS? Consider this, what would have more impact on the fight Manny and Floyd wearing lighter gloves or Manny and Floyd having a tablespoon of blood taken 14 freakin' days before the fight? Seems to me it's Floyd who is giving up more by accepting fighting with 8 ounce gloves. He could've easily screamed like Arum "The Nevada Commission indicates Welterweight fights are to be fought with 10 ounce gloves not 8! Fight Off!" yet... He agreed to it.

    #3 - Agreeing to pay 10m for every pound over weight. You've said it yourself many times, this was just some bullshit thrown to see if Floyd would back off but he didn't, he took yet another bullshit condition.

    #4 - Mayweather's willingness to compromise the cut off day. The issue was this, Floyd wanted random testing up until the fight, Manny for some reason didn't and was ready to call the fight off. Who was out there on the papers saying they were willing to compromise the date as long as the experts assured them it was enough to be certain both fighters would be clean by fight time or caught cheating? Schaefer and Mayweather. Arum and Pacquiao on the other hand were only too happy to call the fight off any time an obstacle came and to throw names on who would be next for them. I read on fightnews a quote by Pacquiao 1 week or more before the judge episode where he said he wasn't scared by Foreman's height and that he would get inside with bodyshots. Does that look like the frame of mind of someone really trying to make the Mayweather fight happen?

    The date team Mayweather came with (Advised by the experts) was I believe good enough for both sides to agree and that was 14 days before the fight. 14 fucking long days. But Manny to this couldn't compromise. Oh no sir, 14 days? That's a deal breaker for sure in the most expensive fight ever. Who would ever think having a tablespoon of blood taken 14 days before a fight would be worth it to get the biggest paycheck ever and the most enhancing legacy fight there is out there by +76564756457689 levels? Not me. No fighter should compromise to this terrifying experience 14 days before a fight for the sake of boxing.

    And look, I've said it already: F*ck them both. I'm not saying blame Manny 100% and proclaim Floyd the savior of boxing but jesus, the Pacquiaomania is way fucking hard right now. Manny is lovable and Floyd a prick so it should be really easy to persuade the ignorant into this scenario where Floyd is ducking Manny but anyone objective boxing fun should know better. Floyd is to blame for being a spoiled brat and playing ego games with Pacquiao but Pacquiao most fucking certainly should be to blame here. It was Pacquiao who pulled out of the fight, that's it.

    The fact that Arum had a deal with Jones for the Clottey fight in 2 days after the fight was called off should give us an indication of how much he really wanted the fight to happen.
  9. Hut*Hut

    Hut*Hut The Mackintosh of temazepam

    May 17, 2005
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    Involved in hyperbole
    Am I talking to MWS or PetreTG here?
  10. bigdawg

    bigdawg Undisputed Champion

    Nov 29, 2002
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    Seattle, Washington

    When Shane fought DLH2 they prolly couldn't detect the PED's back then. But then again Shane prolly used something that could beat the urine tests. I'll Holla 5000
  11. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Actually I agree with MWS and was going to make a similar post myself. The very fact that Floyd who had claimed before the Cotto fight that he deserved the lions share of the money was now so willing to give in right away to a 50/50 split is funny in of itself. The same thing with the gloves and the weight limit fine. Floyd didn't even try to negotiate any of those terms. On the surface yeah it looks like he's being conceding but this is Floyd Mayweather we're talking about. When is he ever conceding? If it was anyone else I might not question it but since Floyd has a history of being difficult and demanding during negotiations as well as a history of not fighting who we want him to fight you're fucking right I think they came up with this to get out of the fight. So go ahead and call me fucking retarded Hut Hut, no offense taken.

    You can come up with whatever reasoning or who's to blame or what not. None of it trumps the fact that once again Floyd is not fighting a top 5 welter weight which is something he has yet to do since he became a welter weight. I don't care where the blame goes or what his perceived intentions were. The fact is it isn't happening, again. You can't keep giving him the leeway on this. At some point Floyd has to be held accountable for his legacy and maybe he should have taken that into consideration before he asked for a test that never once caught anyone using HGH or steroids.
  12. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Victor Conte said this:

    First of all, testing for Human Growth Hormone, HGH, an effective test really doesn’t exist. Floyd Mayweather’s camp has asked for Olympic style drug testing. What Conte is quick to point out is that the Olympic officials have tested over 1,000 athletes in recent years, and NOT a single HGH test has ever come back “positive.â€￾ Said Conte during background, “There were countries where an entire team was on Steroids and HGH and passed Olympic style testing.

    So why even ask for the damn tests Floyd? Maybe to get out of the fight.
  13. Barristan

    Barristan Undisputed Champion

    Jan 16, 2006
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    After the last 3 - 4 weeks, I don't know who's legacy is more tattered; Manny's or yours.
  14. KaukipRrr

    KaukipRrr "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Ignoring knowledge and indulging in echolocation.
    It seems you're blaming Fraud, for the inconvenient truth about Pacquiao. There may not be much anybody can do about HGH by world standards,..but they can try to ensure he isn't on EPO,.. From the clues that the Pacquiao camp have given us, revealing the minimum cut off date that he needs to flush it all out OFCOURSE,.. EPO's a definite possibility.
  15. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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  16. KaukipRrr

    KaukipRrr "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Ignoring knowledge and indulging in echolocation.
    Yes I know,.. loosening the strangle-hold on Pacquiao, and dimming the focus on behaviour that is perfectly, perfectly consistant with a fighter covering up the intended use of illegal substances,..I have yet to hear any proper alternatives, apart from an exposed contradiction of lies from a threatenned party which is ofcourse, a revelation in itself. You prefer not to comment on the matter for it is just 'speculation' you say,.. but you've certainly formed your own conclusions on Mayweather's intentions,.. so why not have a guess Lib four Lib?.. which excuse offered by Pacquiao has lead you to the conclusion that it is all Fraud's fault? :crafty:
  17. The Genius

    The Genius DEMONRY!!

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Sure thing pal.

    There's as much evidence to say that Floyd skipped this fight as Pac. This fight goes on as per normal with regards to testing and the fight would be on. It's really that simple. Both guys have fought under the same rules with the same testing their whole careers but only NOW it's not good enough for Floyd?

    If Floyd never raises the issue of testing with any future opponent then he doesn't have a leg to stand on here. Neither guy is innocent in this.

    To the point about Floyd ducking: when will he fight someone who campaigns in his current weight class? What's his recent track record on that been like? Does his recent record speak of a guy that is trying to cement his legacy by making big fights?

    There's real evidence for you. Learn the difference.
  18. The Genius

    The Genius DEMONRY!!

    Nov 28, 2002
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    The guys you mentioned either tested dirty or admitted to doping. How is Pac on the same level as these guys?

    Better to say that any successful boxer that has never tested dirty has had their legacy tarnished as they never had to undergo Olympic testing.
  19. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    I'll take Floyd doesn't make the rules for 100.
  20. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Yeah, but don't forget they can't refuse the testing. Otherwise they're as good as guilty.
  21. Neil

    Neil tueur de grenouilles

    Jan 3, 2006
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    The Cal Ripken of Alcoholism
    ray robinson made plenty of demands that were unprecedented when he was on top.
  22. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Sorry but Floyd Mayweather couldn't carry Ray Robinson's jock strap, spit bucket, handwraps, gum shield, answel, or vaseline.

    Seriously though, why are you even mentioning that? It has nothing to do with the present situation, not one fucking thing.
  23. Neil

    Neil tueur de grenouilles

    Jan 3, 2006
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    The Cal Ripken of Alcoholism
    i realize that your powers of inference are not exactly top notch, so i'll walk you through this slowly.

    the ability of robinson was not what allowed him to dictate unprecedented demands in the sport of boxing. his status and drawing power were what allowed him to do so.

    if pacquiao wants to refuse mayweather jr.'s demands, he is well within his rights to do so. and now it appears he will get to take a tough, risky fight for 1/5 or 1/6 of the dollars.
    p.s. answel? :doh:
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010

    IMDAZED Undisputed Champion

    Feb 25, 2006
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    I've been reading this on these boards a lot and it's just not true. At all.

    While EPO CAN be detected through urine, it is almost impossible to detect it that way. The urine test only detects the synthetic version (like the kind made by BALCO). And because it is in and out of your system within a day or two, you'd basically have to catch the person the day they use it.

    The reason why guys like Victor Conte - and the USADA - are adamant about random urine AND blood testing is because while urine detects for one synthetic version, blood testing tracks a person's red blood cell count and thus, it is much easier to tell if someone is blood doping (through natural or unnatural means). This is particularly helpful during training where fighters like to ratchet up their use and cycling--nothing like a great energy boost. It's also the reason why Conte said the Mayweather camp should insist on testing up until the fight. He noted that testing up to five days prior should suffice but anything 10 and beyond makes it too easy for the athlete to cheat. Hope that helps.

    Finally, I haven't heard much about this urine test for HGH. Has it been approved?
  25. Hut*Hut

    Hut*Hut The Mackintosh of temazepam

    May 17, 2005
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    Involved in hyperbole

    Actually, a persons prior history is inadmissible in court to the extent it shows a propensity towards the conduct in issue since it's ultimately irrelevant to a given case. So it isn't any kind of evidence at all.

    The only way you can blame him for THIS situation is by suggesting that improved drug testing is somehow an incredibly unreasonable request. And that's a ridiculous position. You can't blame him because team Pac turned out to have a mortal fear of decent testing. And you can't reasonably say (without constructing a ridiculously convoluted conspiracy theory) a guy who had 6 open goals to wring his hands of negotiations and walk away but didn't is motivated by a fear of the fight. It's pure blind hater-osity. And I say that as probably the guy who's hated Floyd most on the entire board these last three years.

    By all means hate Floyd, he's a repellent little hustling man-child shit heal. But don't be a HATER to the extent it distorts reality.
  26. Hut*Hut

    Hut*Hut The Mackintosh of temazepam

    May 17, 2005
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    Involved in hyperbole
    Thanks for setting us all straight.
  27. Muzse

    Muzse "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 8, 2003
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    For a guy like Floyd who needs the money worse than Pac does, what does this do for him.

    Would you by Mayweather vs Nate Campbell on PPV?
  28. royyjonesjrp4pno1

    royyjonesjrp4pno1 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 2, 2006
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    He conceded all them things to make the fight happen, thats what the facts show. Mayweather haters are unable to recognise facts.
  29. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Okay, but Manny has proven to have nearly the same if not more drawing power as Floyd Mayweather so again what does this have to do with Ray Robinson? By the way that 1/5 to 1/6 of the dollars you're talking about is still going to be a hell of a lot of money than your average top rated boxer makes. And from what I'm hearing it's going to be about 1/4.
  30. Neil

    Neil tueur de grenouilles

    Jan 3, 2006
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    The Cal Ripken of Alcoholism
    probably not. but i wouldnt buy pacquiao clottey either.

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