How bitches roll is to make empty claims over and over even when they've been shown to be empty. Gather ALL the people I have been racist against, ALL OF THEM, which according to you would be a great army, and i'll apologize to all of them. I'm serious, I'll apologize to each and every peson you can gather that says I have been racist to them. reading your claims, against me, it should be easy to gather these people i have bruatly slandered. Let's do it!
DEFEAT of a BITCH who KNOWS he's talking a LOAD of SHIT. There are no black people on this site that hate me except for maybe Maverick who hates me bcause of who I am. You like to throw around a lot of heavy claims with no merit, Godfather. Unless you can prove what you say, you sit there and just shut the fuck up then.
I'm not even gonna give the lying little crybaby any of my time today, but I just have to laugh at him and the fact that he has to make up stories to try and have a point. That's some hilarious shit. The only thing worse then a Pampers wetting crybaby is a Pampers wetting crybaby who has to lie. TFK
If I talk shit to people here who have a problem with me it somehow becomes "crying." Now this is from a poster who you could take his first 1,000 posts on this board and write a book about hiow the white man can NOT get his fair shake in today's day and age. You have cried enough just about about being white and therefore disciminated against to fill up a factory of 'pampers.' When is your next little acronym where we can look foraward to more racist slogans about Obama? You don't like rap music either? Now there's a fucking shocker!!! :cheer:
that was mr roboto, he wasn't banned outright. suspended for trying to be slick, you know that. granted, phonetap was quick on the trigger on that but you know why he used that word and the context he was trying to use it.
<font face="Verdana" size="1" color="#999999"><br/><a style="font: Verdana" href="">Can u blow me where the pampers is</a><br/><object width="425px" height="360px" ><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="movie" value=",t=1,mt=video"/><embed src=",t=1,mt=video" width="425" height="360" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"></embed></object><br/><a style="font: Verdana" href="">BabyFace</a> | <a style="font: Verdana" href="">MySpace Video</a></font>
Yeah i didnt remember. Its all good tho. I like you MUCH better as a member. And i forgot all that shit in the passed.
I dont think i ever used the term hate. But people do think you are racist. I dont have to prove that, you proved it yourself. Defeat LOL. You ass got defeated the first time you mentioned my name in this thread son.
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Okay, whoever thinks I have been racist toward them, I'll apologize to them right here and now. Just find them and line them up. Good luck with that. You're talking out of your ass again as usual, Godfather. Stick by your boy while he downs rap music, makes up new racist slogans against Obama, complains about political correctness for the 10,000th time on fightbeat, and defends the use of the word, "negro" and then claims the dozens fo people who call him TFKKK "must hate white people." Go on your witch hunt against me with again no victims. What's the matter? If every black poster here has a problem with me, it should be easy to bring them here and let them say it. Last time you tried that you pantsed in public. You're a straight up, BITCH, Godfather. Spouting off at the mouth about shit you know isn't true. ld:
GODFATHER LOGIC! (Him talking to me) "You are racist. And I speak for the entire board here. Many people think you're a racist I just can find any of them. You have been racist towards every black person on this site, it's just that none of them will come forward and say that. And when you claim you aren't racist, somehow they agree with you. Of the hundreds of bannings we have made on fightbeat you have broken the rules so many times that you have NEVER been banned while almost all of the people you have argued with including me HAVE been banned." :bangh: :atu: :boohoo: THAT is a great example of someone talking out of their ass! :notallthere:
I have apologized for my heated remarks toward Maverick a LONG LONG time ago and several black posters came forward and said they had no problems with me and never have. Didn't Godfather post a video of himself driving around saying racist shit? Then defended it over and over again by saying he isn't racist, just a realist. Had he said what he said about Armenians at work he'd have been fired immediately. Yet no apologies, he stands by what he says to this very day. :doh: Find anyone who feels I have been racist against them and I wil apologize to them. It's not that fucking hard, guys. It really isn't that fucking hard? :dunno: I already asked for one example of me attacking someone racially NOT in a response to an attack, 200 posts ago and you guys came up with a big GOOSE EGG.
This one really made me laugh. Trying to equate my dislike of rap with racism? I don't like rap, so I MUST be a racist. Yeah....that makes sense. TFK
If the person saying those things about Mexicans was jumping up and down in a tantrum denying he was a racist I would point out his foolishness just as I have yours You dont have a point There is no defense of the stuff you said. NONE. I dont care if someone called you ever slur in the book, replying in kind makes you EXACTLY the same I dont have to pat myself on the back for not being a racist. In this day and age, it ought to just be a given. To me, it would be like being proud that I've never committed murder. You're not supposed to commit murder and you aren't supposed to make judgements and generalizations based on skin color. I dont give a flying fuck was said to you, when you come back with the same exact shit, you are no better than your assailant. Attack the guy's character. Hell, if you had attacked the person or persons at fault for BEING RACIST instead of DOING THE SAME THING, you wouldn't be sitting here getting embarassed in this thread, falling over yourself to make sure everyone knows you like Barack Obama
My bad. The guy is obviously an easy going sort who doesn't believe in generalizations. I mean, he voted for Obama
OBVIOUSLY! I mean, why would racists support Obama? <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>