Certainly was brilliant...I expected it...but why does he have to act like such an asshole? Here's an American fighting a British guy after they just boo'ed our anthem, he's probably the best fighter I've ever seen, and he feels like he's gotta tell you over and over how great he is - which makes you hate him and want him to lose unless you think it's cool to be a loud mouth. The guy can do everything...box, bang, go up in weight, go down in weight.
This is the worst floyd got pounded by any fighter Hatton dictated most of the fight. Floyd just timed him perfectly with a short left hook. I didn't think hatton would be devastated by a short left hook. He fought really big hitters and gets ko'd by floyd mayweather?!?
After all the stupid shit Mayweather has said in general it is kinda ironic to talk about what Hatton has said.
Ricky was tired. That's why he got starched. The whole "fighting for 90 seconds" thing is bullshit. Mayweather knocked Hatton out because he broke Hatton down while fighting Ricky's fight. I don't know if people realize how amazing Floyd's resolve and endurance are.
that was a dominating performance over an A fighter in his prime :clap: and he fought the exact fight that favoured Hatton very impressive :bears:
:: I have to admit though that although very happy that Floyd not only won but KNOCKED HIM OUT (yeah Double L he KNOCKED HIM OUT :: )...I did feel some sympathy for Hatton after the fight. It's always sad to see a great champion humbled like that. Like I was saying before, Floyd hits harder than people give him credit for.
I hate Mayweather but I gotta give props : This guy is fucking brilliant, best fighter right now by a huge margin. So fucking good it's disgusting. He's just above the group of active boxer right now. Props to that POS, he's too good to bitch.
yeah it was marvelloud, the most satisfying fight I've ever watched. Hatton got handled and his girlfriend crying in the audience was hilarious!
Hatton beat him worse than any other fighter beat him and he still won by knockout, even though he isn't a ko artist. I don't like his personna but he beat the best, and that's what you have to do in any competitive arena. Good fight. not my type of fight but still a good fight. I find the hatton fights to be too much tedious grinding. I love slugfests, not hold fests.
Agreed he is the fucking man right now PERIOD! Fucking hell just say it he is the ALI of our time the MOFO is!opcorn:
Floyd is one ACCURATE mfucker. In between all that wrestling, he finds space to catch Hatton clean and flush. There is no doubt the fight was fought at RICKY's pace, but Mayweather didn't crumble, he stayed focused and composed. Now having said, he does things for people to continue to hate the guy. Now that he has fought a parttimer veteran in DLH, a small jr welter moving up, now that is time to fight the big guns in the division, he goes away for 2 years?!?! And by big guns, I mean Miguel COTTO.
That was/is the worst part for me. He stepped up a level too far, and showed great bravery in doing so, and was caught out. Fair enough. But to go out on your back is tough. You could see after the fight how much that rankled. Props to PBF tho- the best man won, clearly in the end
This was the most uncomfortable fight that Mayweather has been in and that includes the first Castillo fight. Ricky made it rough for him. Like I said on the radio show...it just couldn't have been a boring fight given the styles.
I really think Cotto has the FIRE POWER to make Roger think twice of having his nephew have a Chavez repeat.That will be a NO-GO.
Just think Zoo lost to this bum. Mayweather made that shit look easy and the ref did a terrible job tonight letting Vicky hold all the time.
The worst punch is the one you don't see. Hatton NEVER saw it coming...and it landed right on the chin, right as Hatton was walking in. Perfect.
And he has handled speed very well. He is much more TECHNICAL and focused in his aggression. That is the best money fight out there. Mayweather won't have anything to say about Cotto though. ALL BUSINESS.
We were discussing this tendency of Hatton's before the fight. like I said before in watching tapes of Hatton this week I noticed how open he was to the lead left hook and lead right hands as he was coming in. It was always going to be a mater of time before he got hurt.