The Batman trailer

Discussion in 'Movies & Televison: Reviews, Discussions & Debate' started by Panchyprsss, Aug 23, 2020.

  1. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    The Bat bomb shelter? :Dont:
  2. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    I rewatched this again. I disagree to those who say it doesn’t have replay value and it wasn’t great. Like I said I rate it the number 2 Batman movie behind TDK.

    I remember being in the theater about thirty minutes into TBM and you have that realization that you’re watching a great movie that’s going to hit right and stick with you. I think those who missed seeing it in the theaters missed out on that movie atmosphere a film like this thrives on.

    The thing I think that made this movie so special was the tone and atmosphere. I’m not sure another Batman movie has ever captured the dark theme like this one, not even TDK did it as good. The use of the Nirvana song was another brilliant touch. It totally captured the theme and was the perfect song and as much as it was used (which was a lot) it never felt over used. I thought Pattinson did a remarkable job, arguably better than Christian Bale IMO. I liked the entire cast and all of their performances. I can’t think of a single weak link among the main characters. There was a great balance of drama, mystery and action here that blended so nicely together. I actually think this movie is underrated and is twice as good as Maverick was. In that respect, for me it was the best film of 2022, it has great replay value and I think it’s a brilliant film.

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