That was a boring fight, bro. I made the comment to Andrew after the fight that if you took out the money we had invested and the actual hype around the fight, you'd never watch it again. It was very, very poor.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't DLH get announced as the former 160lb WBO champion? I'll Holla 5000
There really wasn't a single champ at 154 so DLH-Mayweather is just as valid as anybody else. I totally agree with 140 as well...Gatti's WBC belt doesn't quite cut it when it's a de facto from another unified set in the Tszyu-Hatton vein in the first place. Mayweather with 5 is on the same level as SRL having been a 168 AND 175 "champ" by beating LaLonde.
You might not watch again but I damn sure. I thought the fight was awsome. Was it Corrales Castillo I. No. But it damn sure was a good fight. Especially considering the difference between the 2 fighters, the costume that PBF was wearing and everything else. Also how come nobody is commenting on the fact that PBF clearly staggered DLH. I'll Holla 5000
i thought SHITTY Cory Spinks was the champion at 154 after he beat the russian that beat Ouma....:dunno:
DeLa NEEDED a KNOCKDOWN N Round 12,@ the VERY Least to Make ANY Case for him WINNING the Fight... Simple as That... REED:bears:
hehe, that's exactly why PBF's aren't that solid either. DLH is in a wierd position too because it could be up to 6 for him if we count the WBO.
Based on what? Why was Ouma champ? I'm not challenging you, I really don't know the story behind that. I thought that once Wright left that everything was up for grabs, so anybody with a major belt had fair say. Maybe Ring magazine gave him the belt because they were the number 1-and-2 or 1-and-3 contenders? If so, then I apologize.
I know that and you know that. But when they talk about DLH's acheivements they also include the WBO belts. I'll Holla 5000
Depends on what your comparing it to. It was no Mosley-DLH I, or Tito-Vargas, thats for sure, but then again is there ANY hardcore fan that was expecting a war? Certainly hope not. You knew what to expect given thier styles, so why are you complaining? Considering all, I thought it was a good fight. Boring is DLH-Tito, Mayweather-Baldomir, or DLH-Mosley II. This fight wasnt boring.
REED FULLY AGREE's w/Your Sentiment... Was this 1 of Floyd's BETTER Performances???...NO...Yet & Still,Floyd CLEARLY WON the Fight...PERIOD... REED'll even ADMIT that Lederman's Card was Waaaaaaaaaay Offbase...Floyd "Only" Won by 3-4 Rounds....Lederman had Floyd DOMINATING,which WASN'T the Case:nono: REED
I agree, that's what I was saying too. Really, it's all a moot point. These guys beat lots of good guys in different divisions, and that is something that at some point boxing fans started taking for granted. I still think it's amazing no matter who's able to do it for 3 divisions; after that, I don't care what anyone says, 4+ is all gravy even for some "mickey mouse" belts.
Look mate, just because I wasn't expecting an exciting fight, doesn't mean that because it wasn't the worst fight ever; then it was good. It was what I expected; boring. You don't agree? Cool. You don't need to. Tito-De La Hoya? This was every bit as average as that, IMO. Just without the final four rounds of running.
.....DLH punched more. As you can clearly see even here, they were counting punches landed when Floyd was hitting his gloves.
The problem is people wanted PBF to stand in the pocket and trade shot after shot with the bigger puncher. We all know that that wasn't gonna happen. Besides why would PBF do some stupid shit like that when we all know that 1 he's the smaller dude, 2 he's in there with a bigger guy and puncher 3 he don't have ko power to begin with 4 DLH got one of the toughest chins in boxing (however he was staggered in the fight). Why. All I know is that he stood his ground more in this fight then what he did against Baldy and Castillo 1 and 2. When PBF used all of his talents people hate. PBF would be a damn fool for fighting like that. I'll Holla 5000
Ahhhh,OK ... As if Floyd (The SUPERIOR Defensive Fighter) WASN'T Catching Shots on HIS OWN Gloves???... REED:dunno:
floyd sr is a hating ass ugly crack head predator lookin mutha fucka, cant be happy his son won without his help, thats one ugly retarded bitch
:clap: That's an UNDENIABLE Fact,Dog... Floyd was CLEARLY More FLAT-Footed vs DeLa,than he was vs Baldomir AND Castillo... NO Doubt about it... REED:nono:
Yeah, I have never seen someone superglue their glove to their head like that without an adhesive. He turned his back and almost got on his knees at the slightest hint of confrontation too, might aswell give him the fight for running too.
I think alot of this is disappointment more than anything else. Floyd won but I really felt like he cruised through this fight and did just enough to win. He at no time stamped his authority on this fight IMO. It felt like Floyd held back alot to me. Like he was content to squeak rounds rather than win them emphatically. Correct decision in the end IMO but this fight really wasn't satifying as evidenced by the outcry here. This kind of thing used to irritate me about Roy Jones too. Great fighter but too content to cruise. That's not the kind of fight I like to see.
If PBF crusied through this fight then he must be better than what people are giving him credit for. Yeah he could have been more offensive but why take that risk when you are fighting a fighter with the power of DLH. You gotta fight smart. PBF choose when to stay in the pocket and he choose when to box. I'll Holla 5000