yes, good job in squeeking out a split decision against a fighter who gases the last 3 rounds. If DLH had stamina, Floyd would have been shutout.
....lucky for Floyd, like I said. He was fighting with having that in mind and barely got a split decision......that makes him even more of a bitch.
Dude according to DLH PBF motivated him to get in the best shape of his life. I mean did he not have the abs of steel. As a matter of fact physically DLH looked to be in the best shape in years. So if PBF squeeked out a split decision due to DLH gassing then that means PBF is a smart fighter that is a student of the game and knows his opponents weaknesses. I'll Holla 5000
DLH threw some of the sloppiest puches I have ever seen him throw :dunno: DLH says that shit everytime. It means Floyd isn't a fighter and the accolades that he gets credited are unfounded.
and why did DLH have to resort to those punches. Cause in the center of the ring he was getting killed
KILLED? :laughing: Yes, Floyd made him swing for the fences with NO balance in his shots on the wrong foot
nice to see reed around gloating. im glad his internet connection hasnt "gone" as it did when roy was KO'd and reed was nowhere to be seen. Reed couldnt even make it to an internet cafe, it seems his entire town "lost" the internet connection after roy lost.
Floyd looked well and did what he had to do against a very determined champion last night. Anyone who looks at it with the sound off like I did last night should see that Floyd won 9 rounds to 3. I am going to listen to the commentary today, something I am not really looking forward to but I have been reading here the commentary was biased towards Oscar.
Whoever told you the commentary was biased towards Oscar is full of crap. In fact, what I was able to hear, it seemed like Merchant and Stewart were at odds for most of the fight. Stewart started with the "Oscar will get tired" crap as early as the third round. At one point, Merchant basically said that Oscar could very well get tired, but since he currently isn't, what's the point in repeatedly bringing it up. :: Again, I couldn't hear everything but from the little I got, they weren't cheerleading quite as much. Stewart kept mentioning how many shots Oscar picked off (which was 100% true).
Where were you then? The problem wasn't what they were picking up on, it was the fact that they'd pick up on something in the first 20 seconds of a round, then talk about that for two minutes, then pick up with the acion again. For example, several of the rounds where Steward pointed out that DLH was picking of shots (as you said, vey true), he said it and harped on it after he had blocked three shots that neither he nor anyone else mentioned that he DIDN'T block the next 2 head shots with a body shot thrown in. NOBODY mentioned the jab that Mayweather was throwing to the body, followed by the right to the head, with may have landed seven or eight straight times, but they were quick to point out that DLH's bodywork was slowing down Mayweather. At times, they became so fixated on how the fight may be scored due to style, that they forgot to do blow-by-blow stuff. Add that with the periods where the crowd was either dead silent (early), booing (mid) and actually heard some oohs/aahs (late) and those were the crowds input on what Mayweather was doing at the time (not that that matters in scoring, but that was the atmosphere I picked up on besides the obvious DLH cheering which was louder than anything).
dsimon writes: ?? First of all HBO was going which way the wind went. Then the minute Oscar did anything that was a step in the right direction they started to demeane Floyd. Including stating that he needed to get going, that he wasn't all that much of a fighter (Stewart), etc. When Floyd took total control HBO started to say Oscar gassed. Immanuel then started to say that Floyd was elusive and a great fighter. After the fight suddenly it became a great fight. Why? because the last round was exciting.
Floyd made Oscar look like a mummy. Oscar de la Zombie missed punches by 7 feet. If he had jabbed he would have won. Floyd got his face jabbed off but then Oscar ran to him, pushed on the ropes and flurried 30 punches landing two. Oscar needs to take his money and go back to Salem's lot. He is done as a fighter.