No, he did this by bringing in an asian child from another country and raising her as one of his own.
call an indian, or an arab asian and see their reaction:: its actually funny, because its technically true.
Indians aren't Asians, they are Indians. Vietnamese wouldn't consider themselves part of the same ethnic group as Indians, and vice versa for the punjabis.
Ohhh ! ...Obama is OUTRAGED NOW! And APPALLED!!! Well I guess he never heard any of this latest stuff before. Hahahaaa :: What a crock load of bullshit. I wonder who's gonna eat it up ? What he really means to say is ... Yeah I agree with his opinions , but he's fucking with my bid for the presidency so fuck him! :flip: ----------- <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;" valign="top" width="99%">Obama says he's outraged by former pastor's comments</td> <td rowspan="3" align="right" valign="top"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="99%">Apr 29 02:51 PM US/Eastern By MIKE GLOVER Associated Press Writer</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> </tbody></table><!-- date/author end --><!-- article start --> WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) - Democrat Barack Obama said Tuesday he was outraged and appalled by the latest comments from his former pastor, who asserted that criticism of his fiery sermons is an attack on the black church and the U.S. government was responsible for the creation of the AIDS virus. The presidential candidate is seeking to tamp down the growing fury over Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his incendiary remarks that threaten to undermine his campaign. "I am outraged by the comments that were made and saddened by the spectacle that we saw yesterday," Obama told reporters at a news conference. After weeks of staying out of the public eye while critics lambasted his sermons, Wright made three public appearances in four days to defend himself. The former pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago has been combative, providing colorful commentary and feeding the story Obama had hoped was dying down. "This is not an attack on Jeremiah Wright," Wright told the Washington media Monday. "It has nothing to do with Senator Obama. It is an attack on the black church launched by people who know nothing about the African-American religious tradition." Obama told reporters Tuesday that Wright's comments do not accurately portray the perspective of the black church. "The person I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago," Obama said of the man who married him. Wright criticized the U.S. government as imperialist and stood by his suggestion that the United States invented the HIV virus as a means of genocide against minorities. "Based on this Tuskegee experiment and based on what has happened to Africans in this country, I believe our government is capable of doing anything," he said. Obama said he heard that Wright had given "a performance" and when he watched tapes, he realized that it more than just a case of the former pastor defending himself. "What became clear to me was that he was presenting a world view that contradicts what I am and what I stand for," Obama said. In a highly publicized speech last month, Obama sharply condemned Wright's remarks. But he did not leave the church or repudiate the minister himself, who he said was like a family member. On Tuesday, Obama sought to distance himself further from Wright. "I gave him the benefit of the doubt in my speech in Philadelphia explaining that he's done enormous good. ... But when he states and then amplifies such ridiculous propositions as the U.S. government somehow being involved in AIDS. ... There are no excuses. They offended me. They rightly offend all Americans and they should be denounced." Wright recently retired from the church. He became an issue in Obama's presidential bid when videos circulated of Wright condemning the U.S. government for allegedly racist and genocidal acts. In the videos, some several years old, Wright called on God to "damn America." He also said the government created the AIDS virus to destroy "people of color." Obama said he didn't vet his pastor before deciding to seek the presidency. He said he was particularly distressed that the furor has been a distraction to the purpose of a campaign.
QUESTION ... Who here thinks this is the first time Obama's heard Wright link HIV to the US Government ? :: You'd have to be a total fucking moron to believe that ... and that's exactly what he's hoping his supporters are. :clap:
hmmm, no thread about Hillary lying about Bosnia, no thread about McCain voting against MLK day. But speculative crap and propganda to fire on your latest target. You are a troll.
You have made it obvious that your biggest qualm with Obama is this rediculous issue. What are your thoughts on McCain's relationship with Jerry Falwell?
Hillary is trash ... I guess you missed my last Sig about her. :clap: McCain is a nut too. I made plenty of comments about him months back before he became the nominee (basically that's what he is so that's the first pile of shit we're stuck with ) IF there was a single idiot here dumb enough to support Hillary , I'd be all over it. Preaching to the choir aint my thing.
Oh really ? :: You might want to go back and read the Daily Obamanation ... As for McCain and Farwell , two more piles of shit ally themselves ... whoopdydoo! I'm shocked! McCain is crap. We have 3 piles of it to choose from. :shit: :shit: :shit: Unlike some of you ... I refuse to choose any of them.
Most people in the public are ignorant and stupid. That is the way they are. Only 10 % know what the score is. They would buy it because they are made to buy politician's bullshit & they usually do. They elected Bush, so go figure.
Says the guy whose significant impact on this forum for a bit now has been posting about Obama and his Pastor.
Ohhh that makes u soooooooooo special, isn't it smart one :: U voted for Bush, didnt u? I wonder which is worse.
comments from a former pastor is a non-issue made an issue by paranoid racists looking for something to slam Obama on. Politics is total garbage, and its as if Obama's body of work/vocalized opinions mean nothing as long as they find some guy in his past who is outrageous. I'll just reiterate what Arben said, how about McCain's 180 on Jerry Fallwell, someone with twice the lunacy of Wright.
PetreTG needs to get a life.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o> <o></o> His agenda and strategy (“I-will-rubbish-HRC-and-McCain-in-order-to-make-my biased/mindless-campaiyn-of-calumny-against-Obama-look-respectableâ€) are soooo tiring and ZZZZzzzz already.<o></o> <o></o>
Sorry but , where a man chooses to practice his faith in god is not a non-issue. And had say , Ron Paul been a member of any church even remotely connected to racism , you guys would have been on it like flies on :shit:
So u voted for Gore and Kerry then? If u are so bold to publicly express ur opinions on politcians, then u should be bold to publicly tell us who u voted for in the last 2 presidential elections. Who did u vote for, PetreTG? Be honest.
And had say Ron Paul had a newsletter with racist views published under his name you would have been all over it......oh wait.:doh:
Personally, I think Obama's connection to Wright is small potatoes compared to Obama's connection to Bill Ayers. TFK
Yes that is something he will need to explain more. The fact that he went to his home, made speeches with him and serves on a board. Hopefully Obama explains himself better than he has, and he can go on to talk about the issues. But this needs to be addressed.
an interesting question now is, who will african americans side with? will they forsake and denounce wright as obama did or will they forsake and denounce obama?
Many african americans dont agree with Wright. And also, not every African american will vote for Obama anyways. I think Wright is the one that comes off looking bad in the end. And the people that supported wright look foolish (slystaff) now that obama said the man is a loon.
with 90% of black supporting obama i dunno some will be effected lots of blacks, especially those overly religious (slystaff) might be offended in some fashion
What is with Ayers and the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1:country-region><st1lace><st1:country-region><st1lace>US</st1lace></st1:country-region></st1lace></st1:country-region> govt vis-à -vis terrorism?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o> <o> </o> With the plethora of declassified info by the US Congress on <st1:country-region><st1lace>America</st1lace></st1:country-region>’s history of terrorism, how on earth could ordinary Americans be dishonest, hypocritical and make a fuss about Obama’s friendship with Ayers? :dunno: <o></o> While Ayers was perpetuating his terrorism on the <st1:country-region><st1lace><st1:country-region><st1lace>US</st1lace></st1:country-region></st1lace></st1:country-region> govt....<o></o> <o></o> .... The <st1:country-region><st1lace><st1:country-region><st1lace>US</st1lace></st1:country-region></st1lace></st1:country-region> govt was perpetuating its own State-sponsored terrorism on the world via her secret police - the CIA ... killing of foreign leaders and ordinary citizens, destabilising and wrecking democratic governments, sponsoring coup de tats, funding terror groups, creating wars etc.<o></o> <o></o> What is with <st1:country-region><st1lace><st1:country-region><st1lace>America</st1lace></st1:country-region></st1lace></st1:country-region> and terrorism by the way?<o></o> <o></o> With the characteristic and normal involvement of past US presidents in terrorism - if past US presidents have sanctioned CIA's terrorist and murderous activities like they are required to do and surely did (50s - 80s the glorious years of American evil ::), why can't Obama be eligible to be president? :dunno: By the way, George Bush snr was the CIA head for a good 15 years! Go figure.