Thats a body shot. You don't have to be some banger to take guys out with a body shot. Shit, Chavez took out MEEEEEELLIONS of fighters with shots to the guts. He a bigger banger than Duran too? Some of Duran's KO's live on in legend for their sickening nature. Ricky Hatton just scored his second impressive KO. When he has around 30-40 of those...we can come back and talk. Until then, work on those traps. :nono:
Duran is a legend, so naturally the nostalgia will surround this thread. My point is, Duran was never a one punch fighter and typically broke a guy down then finished them off in brutal fashion. Hatton has bucked an extremely durable (if anything) fighter in Carlos Maussa, and a top caliber fighter like Jose Luis Castillo with one body shot. The guy has fought 2 great fighters and has rose to the occasion both times, winning both fights before the final bell...and naturally compared to an old school fighter he is nothing. And you know I've been getting those shrugs traps are swole. Looking like Evander Holyfield over here.
at 135 duran was a puncher. and even at 154 and 160 his timing and accuracy was such that he could hurt people. if you say duran wasn't a puncher, then Hatton sure's hell isn't. so i don't know why you'd even bring him up honestly. do you honestly think duran wouldn't have stopped Tackie, Urango or Collazo? get real. Hatton's a hack.
Hatton HAS TO BE one of the top 10 pfp guys right now. You Sir, are a pathetic deluded excuse of a fight-fan.
I don't want to drag this thread along any longer but it's sitting right here so i'll put my two cents in. I think people get too worked up when any fighter is compared to a guy from the past, especially if that guy happens to be a legend. It depends on what is meant by a "modern day" version. I suppose everyone has a different interpretation. Some people look it as a guy who's similar in style/quality/attitude/attributes etc. I tend to be more "lenient" when it comes to that but still don't agree with jaws in this case. Hatton has a mauling style, likes to come forward and abuse his opponents. Duran had more technical skill and therefore was able to accomplish great things above his prime weight. Of course there are many other differences, some large and some more subtle. I think one of the biggest differences is attitude. Duran seemed to absolutely despise every opponent he was in with. No respect whatsoever. Hatton fights agressively because that's his in the ring style, but it doesn't appear he takes anything personal. He's a physical fighter that overwhelms guys with tenacity and rough tactics. (yeah holding too) Hatton's "trash talking" of Mayweather is a joke. It seems moreso a case of Floyd fans getting their panties in a bunch over anything even remotely negative said about the guy. How would you guys have responsed to what Duran would said about Pretty Boy? :laughing: If you combined Hatton's style with the personality of a guy like Ricardo Mayorga, I think you would be a lot closer to this modern day version of Duran being argued about.
nah. it's a matter of taste. some people like certain styles of fighters better than others. hatton's style happens to be of the type i absolutely can't stand. i don't think that disqualifies me as an legitimate fight-fan. do you? i mean, it's not like i'm responding to intangible things like his personality. rather, my opinion is formed solely on what he does in the ring. and imo, what he does in the ring is crap - along the lines of john ruiz.
A "hack" just doesn't wipe his ass with Castillo. :nono: Jose Luis doesn't hold as much but he's an in-fighter through and through. You make it sound like Castillo never encountered someone holding on the inside. He has. However what he was never in with is a guy who was stronger, more tenacious and could wack to body like Hatton can. If Ricky didn't clinch once he still would have won. Just suck it up and stop with sour grapes. Mayweather beat Oscar because he used "negative" tactics and would not mix it up with him. Hatton beat Castillo by forcing the fight and brawling on the inside but he held, so that should somehow have an asterisk next to it as well.
you make good points regarding the technical abilities of Duran compared to Hatton's. but there's also the matter of how each fighter responds to difficulty. Can you imagine if Duran's primary response to getting hit had been to hold his opponent with both hands and summon the ref for a rest? There's just no way. He was too busy fighting. Hatton's similarity to Duran is more of an association - a self-proclaimed one in which he's tricked slow-witted commentators to compare him to Duran by claiming in just about every interview he has that Duran is his idol. it's B.S. if you took Duran's repretoire, and broke it into 4 categories, energy, combination punching, defense, meanness, i don't think Hatton measures up in even a single category, let alone all four. it's kind of like when people were saying Mosley fought like SRR because he rolled his hands the same way. That's about the extent of it. So Hatton charges his opponent the way Duran might have. Big fucking deal. Take that away and he's John Ruiz, who nobody in their right mind would ever compare to Duran.
i can't agree with this. Ricky fighting without clinching is like Ricky fighting without defense. clinching is his defense. and he's not gonna beat Castillo without defense. Hatton controls pace with his clinching too, which is key to his success. He fights when he wants, and doesn't fight when he doesn't want to. By clinching. He can't live in a ring without clinching, and without a referee. If he could, he would. But he can't so he doesn't. And consequently, he's forced to bore his fans to death in order to win, and hope he can end it early to spare them the tedium.
So the fact that Hatton was faster, hit harder, more accurate, more active and more aggressive didn't have any effect. He knocked Castillo out in the fourth because clinching alone? If Hatton didn't initiate one clinch, Castillo would have been the one with his hand raised? Cmon now.