Apparently Broner and Tank got into a scrap backstage at the Kovalev-Canelo fight, Broner punched Tank and Tank's PR guy.
Tank's a Good Dude, he's Just Gullible as Fuck and Easily Influenced... This was Bound to Happen, Hanging Around a Certified Headcase Like Broner...Dude is Wiping His Ass w/$100 Dollar Bills One Minute, Eating Out Strippers the Next, Sucker Punching Regular Joes on the Vegas Strip or Threatening Suicide on Social Media... Broner Needs to Be an "Associate" @ Most, Not a "Friend"... REED
Davis is GULLIBLE... His Promoters are TURNING Him Into a Joke...REED Has No Doubt Tank Davis Would Fight Anybody You Put in the Ring w/Him, He's Just Being GROSSLY Mishandled by Mayweather Promotions... REED