Ali ain't shit. Spence would beat the fuck out of him. Hope I'm wrong but jennings is about to catch a beating.
Wald Pussy sucks....if he isn't landing punches...he is leaning on or clinching on to his opponents....
wald pussy height is his what made his career.....he has a great jab...a good right hand...but everyhing else is shit.
Wald is a thinker...he got a point deducted for then he start pushing Jennings off him.....allhe has to do is survive the next 2 rounds..he will be in the clear.
:: jennings. Leaps in throws rabbit punches wlad loses a point. Another stinky opponent with amateur rushes and rabbit tactics,braised his hand at the end and when scorecards announced, :wack: klitschko should retire he can't pull the trigger on the right against Shift-stink opponents anymore.
The fact that wlad wont throw that right hand bugs the fuck out of me. Most of his fights would be over by 5 rounds if he let it go.
Jennings just happy to survive. He's the American haye. Instead of running away, he runs in. Klitschko too busy with that girl and child to train properly either that or he got old.
Against guys with the octopus arms that keep their hands up, he's always been tight with the right. I do think he looked old tonight albeit vs a guy who had no plan besides bulrushes and holding-hitting. Klitschko fights down to the level of his man.
Klit put on a good grab jab show tonight, complete with referee lip service and a commentary team that would have us believe wlad ' s holding was anything but unconstrained when it clearly was not.
Jennings performance by the way was far better than Haye's. There's no comparison. I agree with Jennings in fact that the fight was closer than the cards. If Wlad is going to be allowed to hold after every punch he throws, then whatever his opponent can land during the clinch must count. Based on the score cards, though, he got no credit for those shots. Admittedly, wlad landed the cleaner and harder shots. And if I didn't think he should've been disqualified for holding, I'd say he won the fight. But the thing is, who knows what would've happened if wlad hadn't been allowed to hold the way he does.
Enough with this Wald Pussy garbage. wald pussy is undercase, you fucks. It's been years now. It isn't complicated.
If WK ain't got old overnight, then fury gets in there and gets puleved. Furys uncle was hilarious last night. Fury won't keep his hands up like jennings did.
Get Neil to do the interview: "What was your favourite Public Enemy album, also, can I interest you in signing my Big Black Dicks Little Cambodian Chicks DVD" Get Hut to do the interview: "With Dow currently pumped as much as you are, do you feel your jab was falling as short as welfare payments are in some Post-Modern architecture Detroit Neighbourhoods" Get Clogg to do the interview "Trayvon!! Matters#### You .......fucking White privilege racist squirter fuck....JOE LOUIS!!!! MARCIANO!!! MO TOWN!!!"
Verdejo is an impressive talent bit it's time to put the kid in with some contenders to really see what he's got. Wlad vs Jennings made me fall asleep.