Nah, when Wlad Fought More Aggressively he Got LOVE...A Man THAT Big, yet THAT Polished Offensively, was a Sight to Behold... Suspect Whiskers and Stamina is what Led to the Stylistic Shift.... REED
Agreed on the style shift, but disagreed on the rest. Jake of all people said he was delighted when he lost. Makes no sense...he fought the way people wanted to , but they were happy when he got beat :dunno: :scratcher: And it was, definitely, IMHO, Manny Steward who introduced that holding shit. If he knew what a clinch was pre-Steward, he could have fooled me.
Jennings actually landed some good shots on Wlad. If Wlad engaged, he might realize his chin aint as bad as it was.
With the Possible Exception of Joe Louis, REED Can't Think of a Single Fighter that was Universally Looooooooved by All, Across the Board...Point Being, Soooooo What, if Jake Didn't Like Wlad???? Pacquiao's an Affable, Fun Loving, Aggressive, Fan Friendly Fighter, yet even He Has Haters... Sure, Manny Steward TAUGHT Wlad the Jab-Grab, but it's Wlad who Controls WHEN to Do it...The Same Manny Steward Went APESHIT on Lennox Lewis for Not Being Aggressive Enough vs Tyson... This Isn't a Video Game and there's No Joy Stick Controlling Wlad, FORCING Him to Fight Sooooooooo Perpetually Negative.... REED
He took this shot well. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Again, i recommend everyone watch that Klitchko documentary on HBO to understand his mindset. Wlad does not see boxing as Boxing. He looks at it as a Chess Game. He will try to out think and win at any cost and he does not care what people think.
He should to an extent. They watch the streams and then gather here for in depth analysis. When people put up that sort of time and money, and fair objective judgment, least you can do is meet them half way and punch yourself out every now and then so they get some kudos back.
Ruiz was not a paper champ. He was Lewis mandatory and Lewis refused, declined, did not fight him. When Ruiz finally did what Lewis didn't do in two attempts and put Holy on his ass, Ruiz was a legit champ.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Mike Tyson wasn't the champ in 1996 either. The lineage was pretty clear until Foreman beat Moorer. Foreman sat on the title and the division was a mess until Holyfield fought Lewis. Lewis was then stripped of a meaningless belt for making the far more lucrative and clamoured for Grant fight. Tyson was a title holder in the mid-90s, who I guess you can argue was some kind of people's champ until he lost to Holyfield. Beating Bruno and Seldon does not make you the heavyweight champion in 1996. This stuff is all fairly easy to follow. :dunno:
I saw that "fight" in a bar. Needless to say the crowd wasn't impressed. The majority of people there including the waitresses probably could have offered better than Seldon.
You Ever Felt the POWER Behind the Gust of Wind Accompanying a Missed Shot, by a PUNCHER Like Mike Tyson, Typist???... CONfuckingCUSSIVE... REED:warning: