top 10 hardest punchers p4p:current

Discussion in 'General Boxing Discussion' started by Double L, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. Donnybrook

    Donnybrook The Greatest of Are Times

    If his chin holds up...not sure it will.
  2. Der Tiger

    Der Tiger Leap-Amateur

    I was going to say, the other list Haye might be starring on is top 10 shakiest chins
  3. adamiw

    adamiw Undisputed Champion

    sure, i see it as a 50-50 fight....Haye has more power...Mormeck can take a punch better, but isn't indestructable. Haye has shown improved fitness and resillience in recent's gonna be a good fight, shame that it won't get the coverage that it deserves.
  4. Eaner v2.0

    Eaner v2.0 WBC Champion

    Gio Segura should be near or in the list of those mentioned. Kid has bricks for hands.
  5. Jake

    Jake WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    agREED on Valero and especially Ponce de Leon. Bell can certainly punch, but is far too inconsistent. I mean he was the last guy Dale Brown looked decent against!

    I haven't seen enough of Haye. Knocking out Gurov was hella impressive, but his resume is otherwise mediocre. Not to say he's not among the sport's best punchers, just that present evidence is a bit inconclusive.

    Cazares is pushing it. I'd argue he's not even the biggest puncher at 108 (Segura would be my pick, as he can do nothing else BUT punch). Plus, dude should realistically be fighting at bantamweight, if not higher.
  6. Jake

    Jake WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    eaner beat me to it re: Segura.
  7. Hitman

    Hitman Undisputed Champion

    beat me to it. i agree
  8. Rainmaker

    Rainmaker "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Peter didn't land his hardest shots and he still knocked down Wlad three times. Peter hitting you with his hardest shot means you're flat on your ass. Watch the Williams KO. Williams isn't a big name but the KO is brutal. Listen to the sound the punch makes. Look at the momentum the punch creates, I think no one in the heavyweight division can create the power of that shot. He didn't land that punch on some big names yet but if he does? The guy on the receiving side will be in big trouble.
  9. Donnybrook

    Donnybrook The Greatest of Are Times

    I see Cazares and Segura as pretty equal....but regardless it's a very good catch.

    And there are plenty that should be at least 1-2 divisions higher. :crafty:

    Actually, Carita Lopez and Darchynian deserve mention too (despite Vic's loss to Donaire).

  10. Octopus

    Octopus Undisputed Champion

  11. svenottke

    svenottke Leap-Amateur

    1. Edwin Valero
    2. Rafael Marquez
    3. Manny Pacquiao
    4. Daniel Ponce de Leon
    5. O'neil Bell
    6. Kermit Cintron
    7. Alexander Munoz
    8. Darnell Wilson
    9. Sam Peter
    10. Vic Darchinyan
  12. Double L

    Double L Book Reader

    good call. that guy packs a wallup.
  13. Tam Tam

    Tam Tam "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Oneil Bell
    Rafa Marquez
    Daniel Ponce DeLeon
    Wlad Klitschko
    David Haye
    Alejandro Berrio
    Marriano Carrera
    Kermit Cintron
    Rodel Mayol
    Randy Suico
    Vic Darchinyan
    Jhonny Gonzalez
    Danny Williams
  14. Donnybrook

    Donnybrook The Greatest of Are Times

    Carrera? You gotta be kidding me. :lol: :dunno:

    Of course, you have brought Williams to the fore! :clap:

    Mayol's a good catch as is Gonzalez.

  15. Mean Mr Mustard

    Mean Mr Mustard "Twinkle Toes" McJack

  16. Double L

    Double L Book Reader

    no. next!
  17. Mean Mr Mustard

    Mean Mr Mustard "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Are we talking one-shot merchants or consistently hard, round-after-round, punchers?
    Cos if it's the latter, then Hatton is definately up there, no question.
  18. Ugotabe Kidding

    Ugotabe Kidding WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    So are you saying that a guy who can't punch KOed your favourite with one punch?
  19. Orthodox Crusader

    Orthodox Crusader "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Sam Peter
    Pac Man

    I give up...boring. I prefer the swarmers, always did.
  20. Donnybrook

    Donnybrook The Greatest of Are Times

    Thread says HARDEST PxP punchers, so I believe it refers to who can generate the most power in a given punch - most power in one shot.

    That's why I don't think Hatton belongs there...and I'm frankly not sure if Pacquiao does either (if he does, it's lower 10).

  21. Donnybrook

    Donnybrook The Greatest of Are Times

    :lol: Come on, now.

    Double didn't say Hatton CANNOT punch.

    And boxers don't have to be huge PxP punchers to put resilient opponents out every time.

  22. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Come on DonnyBrook, are you serious? Pacquaio bounced both Barrera and Morales off the canvas like Basketballs, and both guys had great beards.

    Marquez was dropped three times in the first round against this man.

    If he isn't a top 10 P4P puncher...then you must give me the NEW definition of power!!
  23. Neil

    Neil tueur de grenouilles

    kendall holt
  24. Donnybrook

    Donnybrook The Greatest of Are Times

    Good point....but you know what? I just re-watched Pacquiao-Barrera the other day and I never got the impression that MAB was legitimately hurt, dazed, wobbled, glassy-eyed....

    He was simply overwhelmed and caught with speed/bunches of shots.

    Morales? I seems pretty clear to me after subsequent fights that Erik did not have much left going into fights 2 & 3 (ESPECIALLY the 3rd).

    Marquez - yes, legit; but again, JMM wasn't hurt as much as he was stunned by Pac's speed (and his broken nose).

    That being said - you raise a great point, especially given how Manny has been able to carry his power into 130 lbs.

    But when I put him up against guys like Valero, Ponce-de-Leon, Rafael Marquez, Pavlik, Bell, Haye, Wlad in terms of HARDEST ONE-SHOT POWER....

    I think Pac comes in on the latter half of the list.

  25. Jake

    Jake WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    but wouldn't the fact that Manny has been running through cats from 112 to 130 strengthen his argument in a P4P sense? With the exception of Marquez (who only moved up 4 lb.), none of the others have proven they can crack outside of their given weight class. Obviously that will never be the case for Wlad, given he's a heavyweight. But who's to say that Valero is as effective at even 140 as Manny has been 122-130? Or that even Ponce enjoys as much success at 130 as Manny?

    I agree with you in principle, but just seems odd that you of all people would argue this point, as you love to dive in head-first on just about any mythical/p4p matchup.
  26. Double L

    Double L Book Reader

    where did i say he couldn't punch? where?!!!
  27. Donnybrook

    Donnybrook The Greatest of Are Times

    Good point...

    I took "PxP" in the context of this thread to mean equalizing across divisions -- and not literally whether a boxer had proven his power across multiple weight classes.

    Hence, I am judging Manny at 130. :dunno:


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