Hopkins didn't look good dominating Wright, a guy that beat Tito 12 - 0 and made him look like an amateur? :: Tito fans are a lost cause. It reminds me, I have always liked tito, fun fighter, great puncher, but his fucking fans. Those fucking fans, blind, rabid fans. It was that reason alone I loved his ass kicking at the hands of hopkins.
Hopkins, in his last couple fights, has done more impressive things at 41-42 years old than anything Trinidad has done past the age of 28.
Even if Tito gets ko'd, at least he tried. I dont see nothing wrong with that. A fighter is not going to fight if he knows he has no chance. Tito feels he has a chance. Let him try.
IF Tito is to comeback he has to ry to fight at 154lbs and fight the likes of Vargas, Mayorga, Mosley, margatiro (if he can get the latter two to move up). But fight Hopkins? Trinidad wouldn't beat Bernard even if Hopkins was 50!!
Trinidad can offer more money to Hopkins than anyone else at this point. I think there is a real possibility of this fight coming off.
I don't see it that way. BOTH were given opportunities. It was a middleweight tournament and Bernard was considered as the true champion going in. Hopkins stood to gain more money than he's ever made before (by fighting Tito who was the P4P#1 star at the time) BUT Tito stood to gain unversal recognition as the true Middleweight champion. So they are quits. Hopkins doesn't owe Trinidad anything.
The tournament was made because of Tito. If Tito was not in the picture I dont think that tournament would have ever been made. :nono:
First let me just say I comment Tito for having the balls to want to fight the best. When Tito didn't come back and fight Hopkins immediately the haters bitched. Now the dude wants to come right out of retirement and fight Hopkins and the haters still bitch. Thank God Tito doesn't depend on you guys to guide his career because you'd probably tell him to go down to featherweight and fight Pacquiao. Whether Tito does or doesn't have a chance is not important, he's looking to fight the best, that's what the great ones do when they come back for one more. Of course Roy fans wouldn't know that because he came back to fight Badi and Hanshaw hahahahahaa. If Tito makes an appearance at 170lbs I'd like to see him against Elvir Muriqi. He would make a good test and he's not that big a puncher. I personally would prefer to watch Tito fight at 160lbs and take on a soft touch or maybe lure the winner of Forrest-Baldomir to a fight. Or how about luring John Duddy into a clash in NYC. There is Raymond Joval and how about beating up Joey Gilbert. Then he can move up to 168 and fight a top-10 guy. But at 170lbs Trinidad has some height and reach on Muriqi and it would put him in fighting shape again. Cupey
Dude, Tito had no intention of fighting Hopkins. Tito laid out his plan since he was a welterweight. It was Hoya, Reid, Vargas, Joppy, and then Roy. Hopkins injected himself into the picture with his antics, BUT IT WAS TITO THAT ACCEPTED THE IDEA OF FIGHTING HOPKINS. There was no tournament until Tito said he'd fight Hopkins. Hopkins should suck Tito's dick Cupey
:bears: Thank you. Tito gave him a opportunity. If it werent for Tito I think to this day Hopkins would be fighting on espn.
Hopkins jump started his run at the top by fighting Tito. Without Tito, Hopkins would still be fighting the Allens and Hakkars of the world.
That may be true...but so what? :: The point is Hopkins would crucify Tito yet again. Why bother fighting a fight you cannot possibly win?
Tito's a retard. He should be at 154 and I don't want to hear bullshit that he can't make 154 anymore. He is a tiny middleweight and has no business fighting there.
I agree that at middleweight he's just not right. always looked soft to me. Currently Middleweights are really super-middles and light heavyies killing them selves to get down the middleweight. Maybe Tito can get with some nutrition experts and work his way down, or bulk up Cupey
He should go back to 154. Tito also has problems when he loses his height advantage. At 154 that is less likely to happen.
It's called being a competitor son. When you get your big mac fat ass off the sofa and try to compete at the level Tito has competed in then let me know. Otherwise, you have no clue what it is to be called the best. Damn cyberpunks. Meet me at the corner of Atlantic and Boardwalk and it will be your last day on the planet. Cupey
Would you rather he take the "Fraud mentality" and only take fights that are impossible to lose? :dunno: