the only time u should be able to say the word Tito is in the following setting. Random Male liason: Is catching difficult for you You: Its rough, but not as bad as being Tito against Hopkins. This change in your vocabulary will score big points with sergei or whatever his name is this week.
Isnt Tito a puncher? They say a puncher always has the punchers chance. Tito is getting criticized for wanting to fight the best, WTF?
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I have always felt Tito was at his best @ 154. @ 160 he has always looked soft and small compare to some guys.
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They both come in wheelchairs and leave in stretchers. I just don't see show these two guys can compete against each other. Can Roy make 168lbs. Can Tito fighting at 170lbs? It all depends on the weight and what kind of damage it will do to their body. The lower the weight the better for Tito, the higher the better for Roy. If Tito can use plaster of paris and Roy can use steroids, then it will be a real war! Cupey
</P> I fuckin swear Tarver really had his eyes closed and just threw that punch just to throw it. Tarver sucks ass.
Roy can't make 168 any longer, but something tells me that Tito may not be able to as well.....if this fight goes down it'll have to happen at 175.
We've gone over this a million times and I've already proved that his eyes were open. Face it, Roy was KTFO by a milk dud Cupey
Wow, if it's at 175lbs then Tito is going to get fucking killed. It would take a a lucky punch to survive. I think Tito has issues with 160lbs, let alone 15lbs higher. But the loaded gloves could neutralize everything. Cupey
Roy didn't see it too which any fighter will tell you magnifies the was a wallup of a punch though that would've dropped a mule.
Milkdud sucks ass... I'm more angry that he gets credit for KO'ing Roy then the fact Roy was actually KO'd. I can understand Roy getting caught but damm , couldn't it have been anyone else other then Tarver.
Yeah, he never saw it coming. Tarver is sneaky with his punches that way. Give him time to think and he gets off his best shots. You have to pressure him to win, something Roy could never do. Cupey