Of course it means they are a bigger star. I can't even fight what Cro Cop made against Mir but at UFC 115 his gurantee was $75,000. Mayweathers gurantee vs Mosley was 22.5 million. Keep believing your MMA dicksucking bullshit.
By your logic Jaden Smith is a bigger star than Pacino. Maybe you should actually think about what and how you say something. Making more money doesnt mean you are a bigger star. I am not saying Mayweather isnt a big star. Im just saying that there are people more known in this world than him and make less money.
Congrats mr english teacher. You probaly noticed the word fight instead of find in the other poorly structured sentance
Why you keep brining up this irrelavant bullshit. I don't give a damn about actors or singers. Stay on topic, comparing MMA fighters star quality to boxers. Mayweather and Pac are bigger worldwide attractions than any MMA fighters. Ali is bigger than any athlete in any sport ever.
OK.. Enough of this crap. I guarantee you that the Lesnar-Carwin fight will sell more PPV's this year than Mayweather-Pac will. When stars don't fight, who gives a shit. Back on the subject of this thread (and I wish all the BS post could be deleted). GSP is kicking Koscheck's ass. Personally I just think GSP's team does a better job of getting their fighters ready to fight. Obviously it's a very solid group of coaches, but they're are also doing a better job. It doesn't hurt that Jackson is a freaking genius at picking matchups.
This has got to be burning Koscheck's biscuits BIGTIME. He's trying everything he can to piss off St. Pierre, and St. Pierre just keeps taking the high road when it comes to smacktalk. He did zap Koscheck pretty good with the mental strategy when he had Koscheck's friend listed on his chart and he was letting Koscheck see it. St. Pierre played that one well. Now he's sitting back and letting Koscheck turn into a bigger and bigger douchebag everytime he talks.
The Thing is, GSP ALREADY Has a Real-Life WIN over Koscheck...It Seems to REED that Koscheck's Trying to Get Under GSP's Skin for the Sake of HIS OWN Psyche.... REED:hammert:
Yeah, even though Koscheck is a very good collegiate wrestler, GSP took him down easily enough in their first fight and controlled him. GSP isn't making the coaching personal, but Koscheck is and it's hurting him. Heck GSP is letting Greg Jackson coach and pick fights although he did let Bruce Leroy pick his own. Sevak looks to make it interesting for Alex. If that matchup happens, I expect good things.
You said money makes you a bigger star. So i was just showing how stupid your argument is. Ali may be the biggest star in the world, but its not all because of boxing.
Come on most people in europe dont know who the fuck fedor is, they dont know who mayweather is, they only know soccer, what they call football.
Fedor doing commercials over there too. The dutch and the french are big on Fedor. Italy too. Fedor was teaching seminars in Italty for a little while after Pride.
Spoken like the true MMA groupie you are. Mayweather-Pac breaks 3 million buys if it happens. Brock-Valazquez does 1/3 that at best.
Says the threatened little boxing fan that is so blinded with fear that he can't even see an obvious joke. I said Brock-Cain does more PPV buys THIS year, which is a fairly clear joke regarding the fact that Mayweather-Pac ain't happening this year or likely any year. Now why don't you scurry back to 1999 and pretend Roy Jones is still the man.
of course. Everyone wanted to watch ricky beat the PfP #1 guy. What is your point? You think the more money you make the bigger star you are.
Threatened by a sport that is growing in popularity and sales why boxing continues it's downward slide. Say what you want about the UFC HW Champion but far more people are hyped about Lesnar-Velasquez than the crap we get from the boxing HW division with Klitschko-Briggs. And that isn't even open for debate.
The biggest fight right now is in the UFC. And then the next big HW fight will also be in the UFC when JDS gets the winner of Brock and Cain. So you can spew all day about which HW division "isn't nothing special" but the big fights, the fights people are dying to see, are happening in the UFC. Yet another point that you won't bother to argue. :Steve-Dave/MMA::Steve-Dave/MMA::Steve-Dave/MMA: