Some people have their fucking anti-diego glasses on. Diego clearly won the fight two rounds to one. I dislike the space cadet as much as anyone but his scrambling skills are the best in the sport. And the scores are irrelevant, the correct fighter won. And don't listen to Ashes, he hasn't seen the fight.
WTF GSP beat Penn 2-1 and if it hadn't been for the finger in the eye GSP would have beat him 3-0. See Penn has a habit of poking people in the eye as evident in the Hughes rematch. And yes GSP had a busted nose but that occurred after the eye poke and GSP held his own to last out the round. The last two rounds were straight up GSP rounds! GSP landed the cleaner punches in the last two round and slammed Penn to get the take down. GSP clearly won a close hard fight.
all this fucking bickering over scorecards.....MMA shouldnt score fights, PERIOD. 3 rounds isnt enough for a clear winner to emerge most of the time, esp when being judged on a round by round basis.....its too easy to have one close round, and two split rounds....If its not 30-27(or less), it should be a draw
another fight where neither guy really deserved to lose....GSP probably got the best of him, but you cant come away from that fight saying GSP, and that there is no room for argument. I think GSP won, but I can understand guys having a gripe the other way. Same with Tito vs Forrest, i think Tito won that one, mostly because the first round should have been a two point round, but there are many people who think forrest won 2-1. My arguement there is the same, that the first round was a two point round, so at worst Tito gets the draw, but the same as my last 129 posts in this thread, MMA is not meant to be decided on judges cards......if its not unanimous, it should be a draw
GSP is the man plain and simple and he is a true "mixed martial artist"! He seems to be able to do it all and is very well rounded at and early age. I'm american but I could care less about him being from canada I hope he beats Hughes ass badly and knocks him them fuck out! He's a prick in person
The point is they do score fight's and GSP clearly won but I do agree with you about the scoring. I think draws should be used when you have close fight's like Karo/Diego, Hermen/Grooves, Forrest/Tito(I think Forrest won) and so on but it's not that way now and going by what happened in the fight GSP beat Penn and the people that say other wise are the people that are going on the blood factor and thats a bullshit excuse because GSP's eye was bleeding from being poked in it(illegal) and as a result got punched in the nose other then that GSP showed to be the better fighter that night. I happen to believe Penn is a great fighter when he wants to be so I'm not basing my opinion off of hate for Penn.
thats really all you had to say:nixweiss: :jester: I dont think thats its a fact that GSP showed he was a better fighter that night....Penn is a better boxer for sure, and strength and size has a ton to do with why BJ lost that fight
You need to watch that fight again. You don't win rounds by getting punched in the face. I like gsp but he did NOTHING in that fight, in the last two minutes he hit the mat really hard. Last round was gsp but not the 1st or 2nd. He got owned in the stand up and had to defend a sub, as where penn had to handle a bit of GnP in the end. All you had to do was look at his face after the fight. I really like gsp and I hope he beats Hughes but he didn't beat Penn. I agree with everything everyone has said about scorecards though.
yeah it really is.....A guy could have two black eyes, a busted lip, and a broken nose after being struck 3 or 4 times, and never had another lick landed on them, and the dominate the rest of the fight....its a terrible logic, period thats why you watch the fight, instead of just looking at the guys afterward and saying, "oh, well Gatti musta lost this one"
Yeah but thats not at all what happen in the penn/gsp fight. That's not my "logic" for every fight but for that fight all you had to do was see his face to know he lost. They pretty much had a boxing match and gsp got out class, simple as that. He won the last round but it wasn't a 10 8 round, no reason why he won the split. And if someone in mma took 3 or 4 shots that gave him two black eyes a broken nose and a busted lip he wouldn't still be fighting.