Rampage Jackson has the best boxing technique in the UFC. Other guys hit hard with poor technique, he actually knows how to slip and move.
This Win Might B GOOD for CB...He was Nearly STOPPED, yet he Manned Up & Got a 1st Round KO... REED:cheer:
I picked Mir because Nog has been in so many wars, I dont know what he has left. But GO BIG NOG!!!!!!
Mir is DOMINATING Noguiera... REED has NO Knowledge of Big Nog's BOXING, but Mir's is CLEARLY Superior Tonight...DROPPED him Twice...Landing Some NICE Uppercuts...Mir DOESN'T Seem to Want ANY Part of Nog on the Ground Though, Cause he's had 2 Opportunities & Let Nog Get Up BOTH Times.... REED:hammert:
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! LOL C`MON NOG!!! Frank`s stand up looks great. It`s the combos that are winning it for him.