The worse thing that can happen is Floyd Dominate Shane in a boring fashion. This fight needs to be a war. Floyd needs a war
Since 2002, Mosely is 8-5 with 1 No Contest. Which of those 8 wins do you consider a good win? His steroid fueled win against De La Hoya? His wins over terribly shot Vargas and Mayorga? His win over a Cement Gloveless Margarito? Gimme a break. I'm amazed the boxing fans are accepting this garbage as a suitable replacement for Floyd\Pac. Moseley may have been a top P4P fighter, but that was many years ago. Hell, when Moseley was at his best back in 97-98, Mark Coleman was UFC Champion. You think Shane won't allow Floyd to potshot his way to a boring decision? I don't think Shane will have a choice. Floyd will fight his same boring safety first fight, win a lackluster decision, and the boxing forum will once again be filled with posts about how Mayweather robbed the fans again. TFK
Do U Realize How Much U're RESEMBLING Rjjp4pno1 w/your EXAGGERATIONS????...So Shane was "Steroid Fueled", Yet U NEVER EVER Say Shit about Brock Lesnar, a NOTED Former Pro Wrestler???...An Industry where THE MAJORITY of the Practioners R "Steroid Fueled"???... U're CLINGING to that BULLSHIT as if there AREN'T SIMILAR Allegations AGAINST GSP...As if Sean Sherk Hasn't ALREADY FAILED a Steroid Test... "Terribly Shot", Huh???...Do U Mean like Noguiera was, when Mir BEAT him???...Yet U're Telling REED how REVAMPED Mir Is, for Beating a TERRIBLY SHOT Noguiera (AFTER an ACCIDENT, No Less)...U've SERIOUSLY Called Floyd-Shane "Garbage", while PRAISING Mir-Carwin & Yet U Still CAN'T ADMIT that U have a Fucking AGENDA????.... Get the Fuck OUT of Here, Dude... 8-5 is about On Par w/Randy Couture's COMBINED MMA Record, yet U STILL Treat Couture w/MORE Respect than U're Treating Sugar Shane Mosley... REED:shit:
I think it's because the one who are skilled in it ( stand up ) will go into boxing ( or K-1 for that matter ) as there is far more $$$$
So the only way you can defend the Shane\Floyd fight is to take shots at the UFC? That says it all right there. Anyway, let's look at your latest mistakes... It was only 2 days ago I said this... Of course, Lesnar has nothing to do with the Floyd fight, so your point fails double. What bullshit? Shane has admitted to using PED's. And again, what does Sherk or GSP have to do with fight? Nothing. Just a weak attempt to make the Floyd\Shane fight sound better than it is. Nog isn't nearly as shot as Vargas or Mayorga. In fact, when Nog fought Mir, he has never been stopped at that point in his career. And Mir has beaten more then Nog since being fully healed from his accident. Nice try at fudging the facts to strengthen your argument, but another failure. When you can finally tell me what my so called 'agenda' is, I'll respond to questions about it. The difference is, Couture has actually had some impressive wins since 2002, Moseley hasn't. Sorry Reed, try again. TFK
Fuck U AND Your SMARMY, PSUEDO Coy BULLSHIT, Dude...REED the Following Post & WEEP... Despite his Age, Sugar Shane Mosley STILL Has Very Good SPEED & POWER...He's BIGGER & STRONGER than Floyd Mayweather...He has an EXCELLENT Chin & Floyd's Actually PUSHING his Buttons, which'll Only Make Shane Fight that Much HARDER... & we're Talking about a Guy that was ALREADY an ENERGETIC, Fairly AGGRESSIVE Fighter... WHY Will Mosley/Floyd B Entertaining???...Because Sugar Shane WON'T Allow Floyd to just POTSHOT his Way to a Boring Decision...Floyd's Gonna have To Throw MORE Punches than he Did vs. Marquez & Put Some MUSTARD ON those Shots.... Shane's Gonna MAKE Floyd Fight... WHERE In that Highlighted Portion did REED take ANY Shots @ the UFC????...Unlike YOU, REED is FULLY Capable of Trumping Up a Boxing Match WITHOUT Referencing the UFC @ All...U CAN'T Do that....Now THAT "Says it ALL Right There"... Of Course, U Wanna TAPDANCE your Happy Ass AWAY from the Lesnar-Roids Issue, Because it SHITS on ANYTHING U Can Accuse Sugar Shane of...You FOOLISHLY Attempted to DIMINISH Shane on the Premise of Being "Steroid Fueled" while Flat Out REFUSING to Look in the Fucking MIRROR & Ask why 1 Former & 1 CURRENT UFC Champion have a HISTORY of Steroid Use.. All your PRE-PUBESCENT Bullshit about "Failure" DOESN'T Mask Your Agenda OR Hypocrisy...In the SAME Fucking Argument, U Want the RIGHT to Reference Roids in Boxing while IGNORING the Shit in MMA... Mosley HASN'T Had an Impressive Win Since 2002???...The SADDEST Part about that Quote is that U Actually WENT to Boxrec, yet Still DIDN'T Have an Appreciation for WHO Shane Beat in that Stretch...When People Say "MMA Fans DON'T Know SHIT about Boxing", they're Talking about YOUR Ass, Homey.... REED:kidcool:
Mir has never been in amazing shape he has always been a fatass. I don't care how good his BJJ is. BJJ is nada in the sports world. If it was so hot BJJ would be on PPV doing millions of buys like boxing.
Damn, you're really getting mad and frustrated. Can't blame you though, you're getting taken to school. Did you even read the post you just typed where you took a ton of failed shots at MMA while trying to defend the Floyd\Shane fight? Tap dance around the Lesnar-Roids issue? I just posted a quote from 2 days ago where I said it was obvious Lesnar used PED's. Damn, one comment about Shane's admitted PED use, and you've gone off on some unrelated tangant about steroids. Settle down and try to stay focused. So who were the impressive wins? TFK
that makes no sense. Someone who had trained their whole life in Muay Thai, Karate, Sambo, etc. Will desert the sport they know and love for a "chance" at a bigger payday in a completely different sport? Not necessarily.
His Vargas fights...and his complete domination and destruction of Antonio Margarito....shit even his showing against COTTO was impressive...
"Taken to School" by an IDIOT that DOESN'T Even Know what the Fuck a FACT is???....By an MMA Moderator/Troll that THINKS his Pathetically OBVIOUS Agenda is MASQUERADED???... U're Not HONEST Enough w/YOURSELF to Ever "School" REED, Scrub...But PLEASE Keep Telling Yourself that, Because it's THE ONLY Time U Ever Genuinely Produce HUMOR on this Site.... If Shane was "Steroid Fueled" then So was Lesnar...PERIOD, END of Discussion... If U were even HALF the Boxing Fan U PRETEND to B, REED Wouldn't Have to Spell Out Shane's Impressive Wins Since 2002...But if NATHAN Else, U've FULLY Illustrated your BIAS & IGNORANCE on this Thread... Anyways, The "Totally Shot" Vargas had Won 4 STRAIGHT Fights Prior to Being TWICE Stopped by Shane...Ever Heard of Luis Collazo???...He was the DEFENDING CHAMPION when he Nearly KO'ed Ricky Hatton & was Arguably ROBBED of his Title...Shane Beat him by like 10 Points on EVERY Judges Scorecards...If that AIN'T Impressive, then What Is???... Fuuuurthermore, THE WAY Shane KO'ed Mayorga was Impressive, as was the Margarito Fight, a Bout that Shane was a HUGE UNDERDOG in... THE LAST Thing U Want to Do is Debate BOXING w/REED, Scrub...It's like Shooting Fish in a Barrel...U're the Guppy & REED is the 1 Planting Bullets in your Ass.... REED:hammert:
Collazo Too, but U're Stating this to a Guy that HASN'T Actively Watched Boxing in the New Millenium, so Don't Waste your Time Dog.... REED:hammert:
Cmon TFK. Even at his advanced age, Mosley is one of the best opponents that they could come up with if they couldn't get Pac. Mosley is game as fuck, has a great chin, quick, and experienced as hell. I think it will be a good scrap.
Oooooh, you called me a scrub. I'm so hurt. Did you stick your tongue out at your monitor while you typed that? Anyway, to continue to schooling, what MMA fight did Lesnar fail a drug test for or admit to using PEDs? Mosley admitted to using PED's in the Oscar fight. Do you see the difference? And are you really point to the Vargas wins as impressive? And his win against Mayorga was impressive? He struggled the whole way and barely won. And a win over Margarito without his cement hand wraps isn't all that impressive. Look, if you want to say Mayweather against a past his prime fighter with 8 wins in this last 14 fights is some kind of great fight, then it shows how far boxing has fallen when this is what passes for a megafight. TFK
A guy with 8 wins in his last 14 fights who struggled to beat a horribly shot Mayorga against a dancing safety first fighter who has continually angered fans with his boring performances. Yeah, that's gonna be a hell of a scrap. TFK
I think Mosely's the best person to put in front of Floyd if its not pac. Although i am not very impressed with his victories before Margarito, i still think he showed something special in that fight. Maybe he has gained something back in his old age. But his wins against Vargas and Mayorga werent impressive.
I would've liked to have seen Floyd fight Cintron. I know he's not as big of a name as Mosely, but he's an excellent fighter who's only losses can be looked at in a different light since Margarito has been exposed as a cheater. It wouldn't do anywhere near the buyrate of Floyd\Shane, but it is a much better fight. TFK
A mega fight in MMA is Lesnar-Mir a WWE wrestling rookie vs a fatman who is shot. Floyd-Shane is much more meaningful than any fight that has ever happened in MMA history.
Yeah, to CONTINUE this BOXING LESSON, EVER HEARD OF LUIS COLLAZO???....That's a CLEAR-CUT, IMPRESSIVE Win for Shane, Over a Guy in his PRIME...A Guy who Nearly KO'ed Ricky Hatton (PRIOR to Floyd or Pac Doing it) AND had a "Fight of the Year" Battle w/Andre Berto, AFTER Losing to Shane... U'll GLADLY CONTRADICT Yourself & Lable Vargas & Mayorga as "Shot", Despite Noguiera Being EQUALLY, if Not MORE Shot...U'll GLADLY CONTRADICT Yourself & PRAISE Mir for Stopping Noguiera, Even Though Shane STRETCHED Both Vargas AND Mayorga like they were Being Fitted for Caskets... But As Opposed to Dwelling on them, Let's Cast your CONTRADICTIONS to the Side & Address the Name U Clearly Knew NATHAN about...Luis Collazo...Yep, it's a SCHOOLING Alright...& U're the LAME, Borderline Retarded Kid w/the Cauliflower Ears & a Hairlip, Sitting in the Corner Wearing a DUNCE Cap & a TapOut T-Shirt... LUIS COLLAZO... Go to Boxrec, Google him, Call Someone that Actually KNOWS the Sport of Boxing...Do WHATEVER it Takes...Then Come Back & ADMIT that U were Talking OUT of Your Ass by Saying Sugar Shane "HASN'T Had an Impressive Win Since 2002".... REED:hammert:
Reed, did you actually see the Mosely fight against Mayorga? You keep posting like it was some impressive win against a top fighter in his prime, when it was a huge struggle against a badly faded, limited fighter who's biggest strength, his chin, had long abandoned him. If anything, that fight shows how far Mosely has fallen, not how strong he is. TFK
Yeah ok. That was MMA's highest PPV ever. It doesn't take much does it to have an MMA superfight. A WWE wrestler witha couple of fights against a fat cripple.