I hope I have a tape that Klompton doesn't. That'd be a first! He supposedly has the second two Ortiz-Loi. Which reminds me, Ironbar just uploaded Ortiz-Laguna III in almost full.
Some guys are underrated on one forum or one circle but not another. Some by the casuals but not the die hards. The only guys that I can safely say are underrated all over are the ones that are completely overlooked. Rarely if ever hear of the following men mentioned, including this thread, though I’ve found all very impressive in one way or another during my brief studies of them. Not sure I’d class all, or any, as ATGs in a strict sense, but I think all were great fighters. I’ll add to the list as more come to mind. Del Flanagan Pete Latzo Carl Tremaine Frankie Schoell Al Shubert
Yep, completely agree. When you're underrated in that group, you're properly underrated but I wondered if it had anything to do with him being a west coast fighter. Jack Chase was also, though, so I don't know.
I watched the Saldivar-Ramos fight recently and that performance from Saldivar is up there with Olivares' destruction of Lionel Rose, Napoles' dissection of Curtis Cokes and Salvador Sanchez's... (erm, another word beginning with D) ... dessimation of Danny Lopez as one of the truly great first-time title-winning performances that announces a major talent that exists on film.
You watched the full fight, Jel? If so, where. I saw the full fight years ago. The current version thats online is not complete. If you see the full version, can you post it, upload it, or even mail it?
Ah, no, you're right - it wasn't the full fight. I wish it was and I can't honestly remember if I saw the full version in the past.