I wouldn't mind watching Solis-Vitali before the UFC card, but DirectTV doesn't carry EPIX. Any other way to watch?
Knockdown was legitimate. But it didn't stop him. I have to agree with the commentary team, no way Solis got down to 247 and then quit for fun, he was injured at first he was the very image of a man whose hamstring was gone.
Damn. I don't know if it was a preexisting injury, but i'm guessing it was not. If he had leg problems, I don't think he would have gotten the weight off. Sometimes shit just happens.
Yeah, and now the problem for him is, after taking that weight off, if he is seriously injured, he could be off the leg for a while...meaning he could go right back up in weight while he's out of the ring.
Fuck Solis. Watch now he will be screaming how he was handling Vitaly and would have beaten him if it wasn't for his freak injury.....zzzzzzzz
1. Solis was buzzed. 2. He did hurt himself. 3. I don't think the mobile approach is going to cut any ice with Vitali. Eventually somebody is going to have to stand in there and just lay it on him.
Come on. Vitali retired over a knee injury. I am bittery disappointed. It would have been so much better to see Vitali get a narrow decision win and a few bruises than this shit. If he looked shit and won he would have gotten more credit than this.
The only FEASIBLE way I lost money on that fight was if Solis didn't last 4 rounds. Jesus christ. Fuck the fatties.
sad for eveyone because Solis, at this weight, was looking pretty good. May have made a fight out of this, and who knows, maybe pull the upset. And Klithsko himself needed a strong opposition for his own reputation too.
On point 1- he wasn't kO'd but he was legit floored. On point 2- he looked mobile and sniping but he came in in a straight line and thats when he took one on the top of the head which hurt him. He did land a few nice chopping rights.
Vitali also lost a close first round to JC Gomez. Gomez didn´t win another round in a proper beatdown. Hide won the first round, knocked out in the 2nd. Vitali knocked him down. His legs went a bit wobbly from the shot to the temple and his knees couldn´t support his weight at that moment. He hurt his knee, because Vitali hit him. End of story.
I'm not sure if didn't hurt his knee before the kd and that he fell because of that. Hard to tell. But if the kd was due to that glancing blow, Solis chin is pure crystal
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/i4WbJWdWuoc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Look at where Chuvalo hit Quarry in that fight. Joe Frazier, Ali, Norton, Lyle, Shavers, none of them buzzed Quarry like that. Jerry just responded badly to being hit on the top of the head like that. Chuvalo wasn't even a really 1-punch guy. He just hit Jerry in a sweet-spot and it really shook him up. Please ignore one of the videos- the video you need to watch is the one featuring the obnoxious Bert Sugar. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/703SI9FdUyw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Azazel, Vitali often doesn't do much in the 1st round. I'll bet money with you if there is a rematch, Vitali wins again. Soils is a scrub.
I actually gave Solis too much credit, especially seeing the Austin fight etc. My main pick was Vitali UD. I should have known that scrub wouldn't last the distance. Fuck, Arreola and little Adamek would probably beat Solis.
"><iframe title="YouTube video player" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pOVfPwfby7U" allowfullscreen="" width="480" frameborder="0" height="390"></iframe> I love that Vitali is talking shit to Solis after he quit:bears:
How did Solis quit? The referee stopped the fight. Solis got to his feet. :dunno: EDIT: This is the classic sort of nonsense I am talking about. http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2011/mar/19/vitali-klitschko-odlanier-solis-heavyweight "At least Klitschko, who struggles with injuries, is in one piece and still available for Haye, should the Londoner get him in the ring after his upcoming fight with his brother, Wladimir. As the elder Klitschko moved on his prey with a raking, crooked left, his timing still to hit a rhythm, his suspect legs and undoubted patience not even tested, a couple of grazing blows ruffled the Cuban's curly locks, one possibly with a sliver of force, and Solis went south without further encouragement." This is a liberty of the highest order. First, the plainly stated falsehood that no punch of significance landed. Anyone who has seen the fight sees a punch land which moves Solis head significantly and discombobulates him. Why persist with this manufactured falsehood that the guy was not hurt? He had had the best of the first round, became emboldened, made a mistake and was hurt. Mitchell had already written a piece in which he suggested that Solis was in the right place at the right time. Then, when Solis fails to turn the trick, the old pathology takes root: dismiss the fight as a fraud, gloss over the fact that David Haye was stopped by Solis in the Ammys, and suggest, in a roundabout way that is as oblique as it is ridiculous, the notion that Haye will come looking for Vitali after he is finished with Wladimir. :atu: Worse again is the fact that Mitchell pointedly mocks the HW scene- despite only recently having paused to heap scorn on the farce that was Alvarez-Hatton fight.
<object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/pJ2Cd14kflg?fs=1&hl=de_DE"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/pJ2Cd14kflg?fs=1&hl=de_DE" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390"></embed></object> Öner lost it again after Klitschkos manager Bönte called it a hard KO punch.