Yeah, I thought it was over. Coming off stoppage loses to Sanders and Brewster, not to mention being dropped by Touch of Crap, I honestly didn't give Wlad much of a chance the first time around vs. Peter. I thought he was done. Shot mentally.
Go watch some UFC then :stir: 'WOOO YEAH!!! SMASH HIM UP! WOO YEAH NUMBER ONE! WOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARARARAHHJJ YEAH!'
He pretty much was. He officially got knocked down 3 times, but he spent about half the fight beyond that, on the canvas cowering in fear from punches that didn't even land. It really says ALLOT about how much Peter sucks that he couldn't beat that version of Wlad. And allot about how much Steward has turned his career around. He's a different guy now. still vulnerable, but way more mentally at ease with that and way better geared, strategically to deal with it.
I like boxing too. When watching world championship boxing, I prefer it when both of the fighters are good at boxing, not just one.
Agreed, I actually find both of them really exciting. Vitali has a serious mean streak and Wlad is just ridiculously skilled. They also have some of the best pre-fight stare downs in history and given the fact that they're both staring you down at the same time just makes it that much more intimidating.
Yep. Credit where it's due... I have to say, if you told me five or six years ago that Wlad would be on to be the dominant champion of the division, I would have ridiculed you, personally.
I think guys like Eddie Chambers and Kevin Johnson are better than the Klits made them look, in part for stylistic (/size) reasons. Not legendary talents but not allot worse than Vaugn Bean or Tony Tubbs or Carl Williams or Bert Cooper, etc.
Probably not. But I don't look back at eras past and use names like Bert Cooper to say they were good.
I think Bert Cooper was good. And I think Eddie Chambers & Kevin Johnson are good. If you dominate them easily, you're way better than good. It really seems the Klits are complete victims of their own dominance by this point. They beat good guys easily (and there have been and continue to be some good, not great guys) and only get criticised for being 'boring'. It's like Roy Jones' light heavyweight reign with two important differences: 1) Roy had better guys people wanted him to fight but never did; 2) Roy still got all the praise in the world for his dominance with the 'boring' criticism a subtext rather than the main story. It's pretty unfair.
I think it's been pretty well established over the years that I am NOT a Tyson fan. So...your attempt at sarcasm = failed.
An undisputed cruiserweight champion (which now = 200lb) with one punch power A lightheavyweight & cruiserweight champion who's now a rock solid 220. One of the most successful amateur heavyweights of all time And Povetkin, who to my eyes is one of the better offensive combo punchers in the division the last 25 years. In any other era these aren't credible contenders? Seriously? Again, total victim of their own success. You start from the incorrect assumption that the Klits suck because you don't like their style downgrade everyone beneath them to fit THAT scale. These are good heavyweights. Not great, but solid contenders and additions to the division in any era.
If it doesn't it's only because we're watching outstanding heavyweights dominate. That's only boring if you choose to be bored by it. Would you have been bored in 1945 because nobody could match up to Joe Louis? I'd prefer to appreciate a dominant heavyweight while he was around.
Wlad vs Peter 1 was a horrible fight. It was a fat sloppy slob chasing after a skittish overgrown foal trying not to trip over their own legs. It was pathetic to watch.
I've been watching heavweight boxing since the middle/late 70's and this is easily the least interesting time I've ever seen. And it's not because Wlad and Vitali are that good...their challengers are mediocre. And no amount of selling them will make them better. And that's not to say I think Wlad and Vitali suck (before some overreacting apologist starts accusing me of that)...but their dominance is at least partially based on the level of their competition. And I don't CHOOSE to be bored...the division just isn't interesting. I refuse be a "make the most of it" fan or be an apologist for the current division.
The difference is that neither Vitali nor Wlad are very good. Vitali lost to a fat, washed up Lennox Lewis in his retirement fight. Wlad.. well, we don't even need to go there. The guys they're fighting are objectively just terrible. Lennox Lewis was a talented and dominant heavyweight and he proved it against upper-tier opposition. When someone knocked him out, he rematched them and utterly destroyed them (as opposed to jabbing and holding for 12 rounds). I appreciated him during his reign.
Exactly. It's not like these lame challengers are fighting good/great fights amongst eachother. Sorry Hut, these contenders are poop.
Pulling the age card is cheap. I've seen at least 15 of Larry Holmes title fights (and many of the fights between the contenders) and Solis, Povetkin, Haye and Adamek are better than many of those guys. I've seen every Tyson title fight (and many of the fights between the contenders) and they're better than half the guys he beat. Again, An undisputed cruiserweight champion (which now = 200lb) with one punch power. What era is such a guy not a credible contender? Name one. A lightheavyweight & cruiserweight champion who's now a rock solid 220. What era is such a guy not a credible contender? Name one. One of the most successful amateur heavyweights of all time, unbeaten in the pros. What era is such a guy not a credible contender? Name one. That isn't 'selling'. That's just REALITY, which you are choosing to warp because you don't like the Klitschko's style and can't accept the implications of their being so much better than guys with those kind of credentials.
The most exciting part of that fight for me was I had bet both fighters to win by decision and the fight itself to go the distance. I ended up winning something like 10 - 1 when it was all said and done.