You are living in a world where a dwarf blonde girl gets knocked out by Miss Anorexia 2015 and its front page news. Klitschko, apparently, is to blame for the rocketing sales of spandex, creatine, questionable body art and morons on youtube. People say Klit got lucky to be in this era. Bullshit. How the fuck does anyone look good in an era of Rondas and Hunger-Game horseshit :dunno:
That is me with Evander Holyfield. I have always been a fan but meeting him in person or witnessing him in action would kill it. A guy who preaches the Bible and Jesus 24/7 while he's roiding up and cheating on one his six wives, making babies with any bitch he can find down at the club. I kind of like Wilder now. Mainly because I like the story with his daughter and all. But I kind of see him like Holyfield too (minus the roids.) Another hypocrite.
To each his own, but to me, its guy's like you who I just don't get. I don't get the whole fascination with dominance and other superman complex. I watch boxing to be entertained (which Wlad fails to do much of the time) and to see the best fight the best (which Wlad has mostly done for most of his career but has also fight a lot of unworthy garbage instead of champions/contenders).
disagreed, I think Wlad is mentally weak and that all of those losses were mostly due to him quitting mentally. The only he ever showed that he could fighting in the face of adversity was in the first Peter fight, and even then, the kd seemed more like it was him panicking than being really hurt.
I don;t understand his reasoning at all either. The fact that Sly says "Sure he's a little boring at times..." is utterly subjective: you know as well as I do, that everyone on this Forum slagged off both Klitschko's for 10 being two of the most dullest heavies ever. Now when someone who comes along and looks a bit 'edgy', who he don't see as 'worthy' as being a world title-belt holder because of his style, views, character, etc, - it's a hypocritical about-face.
Wlad has fought the top men in the division for the last decade...with the exception of his brother. He's beaten a hell of a lot of previously undefeated contenders. He's boring but he's been dominant and at least the division has been able to refer to ONE guy as the real champ for quite some time now. When his brother was fighting it was a two-headed champ. When Wlad leaves the sport....the division may be left in disarray until the next dominant champ comes along. Heavyweight division is always best when there is a dominant Champ (Johnson, Dempsey, Louis, Marciano, Clay/Ali, Tyson, Lewis). The "in between" eras have always been shit.
LOL. You gotta be kidding me. Tyson's comp>>> Wlad's. That bum David Haye was no better than a Tyrell Biggs, and was inferior to guys like Tucker, and Thomas. Old, faded Holmes still had more ability than anyone Wlad's beaten. Late 80's heavyweights were FAARRRR more talented/skilled than the scrubs the division has seen post-Lewis retirement. These fuckin bum heavyweights of today can barely throw a proper jab. Tyson's reign was more impressive, and more dominant than Wlad's. Mike beat better fighters, and did so fighting as a 5'10, 220 guy who wanted to do bodily harm. Not a 6'7, 250 pound guy who wants to 1-2 you to death, and clinch like his life depends on it on the inside.
From the top of my head, he didn't fight Ruiz, Valuev or Rahman (before he became totally worthless), arguably 3 of the top 5 hw of the last 10 years (apart from the 2 Kilt). And you say the in between eras has alway'S been shit (not true imo), but this era is shit even if their is a dominant champion (well 2 with Vitaly) Edit : Looked over Boxerc, and Ruiz and Rahman prime years were more than 10 years ago. Damn time fly quickly. Still, the point stand. Still, we have to respect what Wlad has accomplised even if the manner isn't pretty. I've said it a couple of times before but, if he was american, he'd be considered an all time great. Sure his competition is shit, but so was Joe Louis and Marciano.
I am not a Klit fan. If anything I liked Vitali more but still not really a fan. I think both eras were pretty weak. Tyson came up fast and cleaned out a division filled with pretenders. Berbick, Thomas, Tubbs, Smith, Thomas, Tillis. That's the point where he gained his reputation and as a bad mofo. He cleaned out these old fat fucks in impressive style. Beat up an ancient Holmes and then Ruddock was decent. he went to prison at a bad time as Holyfield and Bowe and Lewis were coming into their primes. Even Mercer looked promising for a while at the time. To the casual fan he had already established his badass reputation and punctuated it with the Spinks blowout. Look at the people he beat before the Douglas loss. To me, Lewis, Holy, and Bowe beat all those guys too. Maybe with not as many devastating KOs. He, through no fault of his own, came up and dominated a very weak division and then went to prison when some young lions were coming up. he did however make heavyweight boxing exciting and talked about everywhere The Klits made the divison as boring as hell especially Wlad. Nobody is going to sit around barber shops or boxing gyms and talk about Klitchkos fights(except Vitali-Lennox.) It's like the division has been frozen for a decade or more. Then thrown in that the UFC has become more and more popular and you can make a case that Wlad hasn't helped anything. Haye hyped up his fight by smack talking. That went nowhere. Shit, the more I write, I realize it would be better if the Gypsy King won. But in the end, he's garbage and Wlad will take the trash out in four.
You're entitled to your opinion, but I feel like Mike's resume is underrated. And you see it's underrated cause if you compare how he handled his comp vs how Bowe, Lewis, and Holy did, Mike for the most part was the most dominant. I would have loved to have seen Tyson vs Holy, Lewis, and Bowe in the early 90's, but we'll never know due to prison. Holy-Tyson was gonna happen, then Mike got injured in training and got locked up. There were talks of possibly Tyson vs Bowe in 96, but Bowe ended up get thrashed twice by Golota. There were also talks of Lewis-Tyson in 96, but Lewis had just gone life and death with Ray Mercer that summer (I still think Mercer won that fight). At the TIME, nobody thought Lewis had a realistic chance at beating Tyson, and Tyson-Holy was still a far more lucrative fight.
These nazis can complain about it all they like but Klit is a failed product as far as being a marketable HW champ that advances the popularity of the sport. Pretty much any new face would be good for boxing. Most of Wlad's reign is made up of guys that seem like they should be fringe contenders losing in tune ups to the real contenders, but they're are no real contenders. Even people that don't really want to see it can see it. So it's not all Wlad's fault. If there were more guys who could raise legitimate intrigue on their own for him to match up with he may be more popular. Or maybe get knocked out a lot more. Or both.
This is true, but only if you keep your eyes on USA only. Over in Europe, Wlad is among the most popular champions ever, has sold out football stadiums several times and the purse bid of Wlad vs Povetkin was bigger than in any heavyweight bout outside Holyfield vs Douglas. It seems that over here people care about his victories and gentleman manners outside the ring instead of his style
The same 'people over here' who flocked to see ZzzzzzzSven Ottke and Henry MaZzzzzzzske, time-after-time...
Furey looking less repulsive than normal. either wlad is wearing heels in the stare down or there's no way there's 3 inches between these two. they basically look the same height.
christ these stare downs are a bit homoerotic aren't they? Why do they make them gaze into each others eyes for 90 seconds?
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