I never blamed Ward for anything!!!! athetic: I merely noted the large part Froch had played in the stature this fight had acquired. If he had lost to Johnson it would have been Johnson vs Ward.......a total anti-climax to 3 years of graft. Froch has fought the big names. A Ward win over Froch does good things for Ward, no?
Who is fighting right now? Two black guys, lots of blood, 4th round. One of them has the word "Despa" on his shorts. Am I in the right place?
Yeah I just found out, managed to get the words "Da Beast" of one of the fighters shorts. Cornelius White vs somebody Despaigne. :bears: You got the Sky in tonight?
Actually, I can't figure out what the channel is....I can't get it to give me the number. On Sopcast. I clicked on something that said "PL Football", and that's all it was. The boxing just popped up.
I clicked it,.. but it looks like I'm fucked, boxingscene ate my explorer. Thanks anyway wolfy,.. you weren't about to let me perish.
Fine. fight him and be a dead straight guy :: Does anyone know how to figure out the address of a sopcast channel?
I know he said he would probably be fighting a scrub, I don't know if he knew who said-scrub was. Guy is 14-2 but its a scrubbish 14-2
I'm getting excited! I dont think Froch will win, but I think he's gonna FORCE Ward to have to fight. That could put Ward in trouble. But I suspect it'll bring out the best in Ward.
He's the fucking king of Jab-Sway-Jab. :shadow: He's a Stinkobank fighter so he has reflexes in his poo.
I have sky sports, but only through my tv. I wouldn't know whether sky sports' website has a link for this fight. ray: