By definition you are wrong. A knockout means you don't beat a 10 count. This was a TKO where the ref made the decision to stop the fight. Like I said in my post, Weeks was positioning himself to step in and stop the fight before the last three shots came in. His decision wasn't based on one shot.
Not really. Imagine Kovalev getting up to 5 minutes to recover due to a clear low blow. If he were tired, and it looked like he was, he would have taken the entire 5 minutes. You give a pro fighter 5 full minutes to recover at that stage of the fight and you can't count on any stamina problems the rest of the night. Whoever (BOSS) said that had this occurred to an American in Europe, it would have caused an uproar in crying is spot on. One other thing I'll add, these shots to the belt that we are saying are not low or are borderline are called low all the time. Refs generally don't like shots that don't hit skin. The exceptions are when you watch Mexican fights and one guy is a lot better than the other guy. In those fights, the better fighter often mixes in some low shots on the belt or lower during the kill sequence that get ignored. It's just that those are meaningless fights and this is a $70 ppv of two guys with credentials and reasonable arguments for being P4P #1.
I meant TKO'd. It doesn't change my point. I don't understand what you're arguing here. Are you saying it's ok because it was ruled a TKO stoppage instead of a KO?
It's the last shot that caused Kovalev to really act like a beaten fighter, though. It's the last shot where Weeks actually stepped in. Kov was protecting his belt and belly and Ward went even lower to land a shot. So, you have to conclude Weeks's decision was based on one shot or you're going Reed on us. Yes, Weeks's decision to get ready to stop the fight was based on more than one shot.
The bit about belt line shots is factually untrue. You heard Weeks tell both guys that punches on the belt line were legal blows in the ring prior to the first bell. They received the same set of instructions in the dressing room prior to the ring walks. Both camps knew what is and isn't considered low and more importantly, both knew shots on the belt line are/were legal shots. Weeks could not be clearer.
Bullshit. Ward was going to be highly winded himself after that onslaught. Stop pretending the outcome was already decided when the referee's corrupt ruling happened.
No doubt in my mind that Ward has proven over 20 rds that he is a margin better than Kovalev. I saw him taking the last few rounds and getting a clearer decision this tune around. At the time of the stoppage I had Kovalev ahead but slipping and losing ground, and the big shot in the eighth would have taken more out of him. Ward is definitely in the very good if not yet great category, his record is really impressive on paper regardless of whether you feel he lost the first Kovalev fight. However, off-paper, he has been helped by the unwillingness of officials to penalise his rabbit blows, headbutt's, and grab and clinches (often as bad as wlad klinchko at his worst). He is really blatant and it might have been interesting to see how he would adapt if he was penalised earlier in a fight.
Apparently, in the first fight, kovalev should've just targeted ward's balls. He'd already hurt him with some legal blows so everyone would've been fine with a ko stoppage.
I'm a reverse racist from Rhodesia because I think this guy is a wigger? And because I think you have to have some kind of inherent bias to ignore a prize fight ending on consecutive punches to the pelvis? And lmao at this "But he hurt him!" It's a fucking boxing match! Have you never seen a fight before?
Who EXACTLY Said They were Okay w/It, Esk???... The Problem is, the SOLE Focus of YOU and Many Others is the END Itself, Which is Just as Much of a "Bullshit FARCE" as Weeks' Stoppage Was... Why the Fuck are YOU Okay w/IGNORING the FACT Ward Legitimately HIT and HURT Kovalev w/LEGAL Shots???...Why has the NOT Received the Least Bit of Credit from YOU, as of Yet???... REED
Who's ok with it is those who don't seem to mind. If you're not ok with it then why aren't you focusing on the stoppage which is what went wrong with the fight? Ward hurting Kovalev is what went right with the fight. That was great, do you want me to complain about that? I know Ward hurt him, that's great but would've liked to see the conclusion of the fight. A low blow stoppage is disgusting. Imagine if Leonard won with a low blow to the balls against Hearns. Think of all the classic fights in history, when would've a low blow to the balls ending a fight in stoppage been good? That's what everyone needs to focus on, that outrageous bullshit ending.
Definitely ANNOYING... At the Time of the Stoppage, REED Wasn't Sure the Final Shots were Even Low, Yet was STILL Disappointed Weeks Ended Matters Then and There...The 8th was Fairly Close to ENDING when Weeks Stopped the Fight... Kovalev Sat on the 2nd Rope from the Bottom, which to REED was Similar to a Hurt Fighter Taking a Knee...The Onus was On Weeks to Rule on WHY Kovalev was "Down", Basically...Low Blow, Legal Blow, Make a Decision and Proceed Accordingly... Don't STOP the Fight, However... REED
who gives a shit about the ward fight. what did nobleart think of the stoppage in the co main event??? it was childs play for the jackal
You're ASSuming (Quite Conveniently, REED Might Add) Kovalev Automatically Regains Full Strength, After a 5 Minute Respite... Nevermind the FACT Kovalev was Fatigued as Early as Round 5 in the First Ward Bout where he Threw FEWER Punches than was the Case in the RE...You're Also ASSuming Ward Never Revisits Kovalev's Body... And Your Last Paragraph is Patently FALSE...Refs Designate Legal/Illegal Areas During Pre-Fight Instructions/Staredowns...CLEARLY, the Belt Line was Designated as a LEGAL Shot, in this Instance and in the Vast Majority of Instances... Again, Welcome to Andre's Asshole, Motherfucker... REED
If that's the Case, WHYthefuck Did Kovalev PRETEND he was Hit Low, Earlier in Round 8, when the Shot CLEARLY Landed on the Beltline???... That's Called "DEFEATIST Body Language", Dude...And for a Hard, Stone Faced, Emotionless Fighter like Kovalev, INSINUATING a Legal Shot wasn't Kosher, Tells All... REED
How do YOU Know Ward was Going to Be "Highly Winded After the Onslaught"...Ward Would've Gotten the SAME Break Kovalev Would've, Bruh... What a STRANGE Stance to Take, about a Fighter that HASN'T Looked Visibly Winded in a Bout for Several Years Now... Are YOU Ward's Strength/Conditioning Guy or Something, or Merely Talking OUT of Your Ass, as Usual???... REED
LMAO!!!! You silly old negro. That's the first time I've seen it again and it's one of the worst stoppages I've ever seen. How are you and Reed watching it 4 and 5 times in 12 hours and not seeing anything wrong with it?
Is that guy still around? Did he make enough to cover his medical for the next half a year, or is he sneaking back into Cuba for his monthly checkups? I hear Cuban doctors are easier to feint out of paying your bill.
If You're Able to Fucking REED, You'll Clearly See REED has Focused on EVERYTHING...REED was the 1 REMINDING the Rest of You Motherfuckers of What Ward Did that LED to the Finish... YOU and Others have Conveniently IGNORED what Led to Kovalev Being Against the Ropes, Getting Unanswered Shots Dropped on him, PRIOR to the Low Blows... And SPARE REED the Histrionics, Dude...Getting Hit LOW Ain't the Same as Getting Hit "In the Balls"...As Punk Astutely Pointed Out, Kovalev was NEVER Hit "In the Balls"... Your FAUX-Outrage is Comical and Misplaced in this Instance... REED
That's Just It, Who's IGNORING the End of the Fight???...Who HASN'T Already Said the Ending was Shitty and Premature???...REED's Said it DOUBLE DIGIT Times Himself... The Long and Short of You as a Poster is You Hate Biased, "B-Scene" Level Posts, yet that's PRECISELY the Type of Bullshit You Consistently Bring to Fightbeat, Dude...You're NOfuckingBETTER than the "B-Scene" CASUALS You Complain About... As if Some 25 Year Old Video of Max Kellerman is Supposed to PROVE Something...Is a Video of YOU as a Teen Fair Game as Some Sort of PROOF of the Person You Are in your 40's???... Fuck Outta Here w/that Weak Ass Shit....As if it HASN'T Been Posted on Fightbeat 20-30 Times Already...You're NOT Breaking Ground or Revealing Anything... REED
Thanks for the Racial Jab, "Black Man", but Unless you're SKIMMING Posts for the Parts You Disagree w/REED, Muzse and Others Have REPEATEDLY Found "Wrong" w/the Stoppage... REED
One thing that's gotta be said. Kovalev's stamina... I've seen worse but you have to wonder how a fighter of his caliber just seems to GAS the way he does. Not just the Ward fights. But we saw it against Hopkins and Chilemba. The guy just doesn't seem to be able to pace himself properly to go the full course. Even in their first fight, Ward looked tired too but he clearly has the natural instincts of when to turn it off and on, conserving his energy. Sometimes I wonder if maybe some of the things that came out of Ward's camp pre fight were true as far as the "drinking vodka in training camp" and other habits.
What makes Kovalev so dangerous is he has a herky jerkiness about him but he has real heavy hands. I don't think it's so much that he gets really exhausted, he just gets to the point where he stops herking and jerking and he suddenly becomes a lot more basic and less effective.
Kovalev seemed slightly up on the cards. Ward had started to swing thing in his favor, then he hurt Kovalev. Then, without doing nearly enough damage in his follow up to be anywhere near forcing a stoppage by any reasonable standard, he hits his opponent with 3 consecutive lowblows and when he doubles over from the last and lowest one the ref calls a TKO. That's really weird and that's the most notable thing about the fight. Not that one guy got briefly rocked in a boxing match. I can understand someone like Neil who doesn't give a fuck saying "meh, Ward probably would've won it anyway". It's the truth. But you're demanding people give credit and stand up and take notice of what Ward accomplished. And that's strange because all the happened was he was in a close fight, he stunned his opponent and the ref gave him a tko on a flurry of low blows.
No, I just mean basic stuff like cholesterol checks, dental cleanings, pap smears............stuff like that. I can't imagine he's getting paid much more then that to put folks to sleep before the main event even starts. ...........and before you chime in, I'm not saying he's boring.................he's just...........ummm..........magical.............that's it. Magical!