I'd rate Froch above Kessler, personally. Kessler lost 'much worse' to the one guy who beat them both IMO and I actually scored the first fight between them in Denmark a draw (no qualms with Kessler winning as the home fighter, mind) whilst Froch won the second pretty clearly. And they were both well past their respective bests in the second fight, so to give Kessler the benefit of being 'well past his best' in that one but not the same to Froch is a bit disingenous. And in terms of resume, Froch's is clearly a lot better. It's the latter that really swings it for me - with Froch there are few unanswered questions - he's really easy to rate because he's fought everyone he should have and won more than he probably should have considering he's a big daft farmer. Take the close home win over Froch off Kessler's resume and what's his best win? Andrade? Greene? Beyer? MTF :dunno:
Froch's unbelievable belief in himself got him pretty far. The guy REALLY fights like he has the talent of Ray Robinson, and his belief and will got him pretty far.
All I need is my eyes, Kessler beat Froch closer to each guys prime. Froch has a better resume but in the fight that counts the most to me, Kessler beat Froch. Oh and all of this draw stuff is garbage. Kessler won close but clear.
Kessler was technically superior but I feel Froch was a more effective fighter despite looking like a trashy fighter most of the time. Froch has a better resume because of that so IMHO you have to rank him higher than Kessler, even if he had a way more visually pleasing style than Froch. There's no style points in boxing.
I don't really think Kessler was technically better or more visually pleasing, personally. Way over the front foot, head down the middle.....quintessential modern pish. mo'dernity, mo' problems