This is the reason why all great fighters eventually lose it. It's hard to get up early to train if you are wearing silk pajamas.
Sometimes it's hard for people to believe their heroes are only human and susceptible to getting knocked the fuck out like everyone else. Bored, age, reflexes, fixed? Nope, just a careless, cocky, over confident few seconds by a great fighter, and he was put to sleep. It really is no more or no less complicated than that.
Nah, I'm not saying that. I debated the opposite for an hour last night. But something isn't right with him, though..
Nothing is wrong with him. He has fought that way for a while now. He just happened to fight a fighter this time that can capitalize on it. Simple as that.
I understand. Here's my thing. I have no problem with Silva losing this fight or any, to be honest. When he was fooling around and got caught, my immediate words were "He deserved it!" In my years watching boxing and MMA, I have never seen a champion (with fights left on contract) 1 Acknowledge he'd probably lose before a big fight, and 2 Not want a rematch. This is where my problem lies.
Right. When Sonnen was giving him hell. We don't know how Silva would have done against (this) Weidman a couple of years ago or really ever. We know how he did last night--not well. Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong, but it's just a pet peeve of mine when people say with confidence x would have happened "a few years ago" or "when he was in his prime" when we all just got through watching y happen. Many of the people picking Weidman went by styles of the fighters, not necessarily perceived slippage of Silva. While there was some talk of slippage, Silva has looked pretty damn good lately. I prefer giving Weidman the benefit of the doubt until we have evidence to the contrary.
Exactly. Lets not pretend that Silva hasn't lost and come close to losing to some pretty crappy fighters. Weidman is no Forrest/Bonnar/Leites/Cote
Shameful loss for Silva. Getting caught like this is unexcusable. That KO was certainly avoidable. Silva should be ashamed of himself.
Let's not act like Weidman is something special. He's good alright, but Silva has fought and beaten better opposition. Let's see how long he keeps that belt first and how impressive he looks in his next couple of fights.
OK so what do I know about MMA :: Not to make excuses though, but I think Silva just got too damn cocky for his own good. It's not like Weidman looked particularly impressive before Silva basically let himself get KO'd :kidcool:
Agreed, I called it before the fight. Most of you guy's disagreed but I felt it was obvious. He's been only looking at the mega fights (and by that, I mean GSP, not Jones who's a far bigger challenge) or the easy fights (outmatched clown like Bonner) for a while. It seems everytime they were an unfavorable matchup for him (Sonnen remach, Weidman), he complained about it
Agreed. People are just making shit like that up to explain the loss. Honestly he looked absolutely fine last night, the same as usual really. Still VERY sharp and fast for a 38 year old. He got too cocky and got caught, simple as that, it didn't look like he had slipped at all.
Silva acted like a dickhead and paid the price. Apart from that, he was making Weidman look like a novice in the standup zone.
disagreed, I thought Weidman was tagging him cleanly from time to time and was winning the standup (mainly because Silva wasn't doing anything though).
agREED... Which is Why REED ISN'T Ready to Annoint Weidman as The Next GREAT Middleweight...It's Also why REED is DISAPPOINTED Silva Initially DECLINED an Immediate RE.... REED:hammert:
he'll have some time to regroup and talk to his team. i'm sure there will be many trying to convince him to do a rematch. anyhow, silva just seems like an odd guy when he speaks.
People need to stop saying that Silva loss "because he was clowning" and give Weidman credit for the win. Weidman won that round and finished the fight in devastating fashion. Silva does this almost EVERY fight, but all others were afraid to try to capitalize on it. I think Weidman wins the rematch if they have one as well. Weidman deserves some credit he had a great win against an all-time great.
CLEARLY, the KO Resulted from Silva being OFF BALANCE & ILL PREPARED for the Death Blow, which Resulted from his CLOWNING... Just Because Silva FREQUENTLY Clowns Doesn't Mean we Can Minimize Clowning as THE Reason he Got Drilled & Subsequently LOST...Weidman DESERVES & GETS Credit for Beating Silva @ his OWN Game, but Silva's CLOWNING was a MAJOR Factor in His Chin Getting Checked... That's UNDENIABLE... REED:hammert:
BTW I said before I thought Silva looked absolutely fine, still sharp and fast, but maybe his chin has taken nosedive in quality, or maybe it was just a flukey shot that landed just right. Because that punch was really over extended and had nothing on it, and Silva has always shown a good chin. It was almost like a hooking jab.
Silva DIDN"T SEE the Shot... He Pulled Back about as Faaaaaaaaaaar as Humanly Possible, Hands DOWN, Chin IN THE AIR, BEGGING to Get Drilled...He DIDN'T SEE the Shot... Silva DOES have a Good Chin, but Getting Caught BLIND, w/4oz Gloves Can Dent ANY Chin.... REED:hammert: ps. The Reflexes Just WEREN'T There in REED's Opinion & he'll Cite Silva's LACK of COUNTERPUNCHING as an Example...Typically, the Showboating is Followed by Accurate COUNTERS from Silva... That DIDN'T Happen Saturday Night, Even Though Weidman Left MANY Openings to Be Countered...
Silva gave the fight away like an idiot. That's all there is to it. Weidman isn't that good. He looked like he was fading and Silva was easily picking his apart standing.
Lmfao. Which shots did silva land that constitutes picking him apart standing? The most most significant shots silva were to himself. Slapping his own head and arms.