Yeah but now EGOS are involved and everything now is very very PERSONAL, at least for Hatton it is. The reason I say that is Mayweather's attitude before fight is to win it before it starts. In this one he has to do it from stratch because Hatton hasn't believed a word Floyd has said and only added fuel to the fire. Hatton may go but he won't go quietly and will play very ROUGH along the way. I mean headbutts, low blows, elbows and the crowd could care less and Cortez is not the ref to stop Hatton from doing these things. We are tuning in to see a boxing match, what we might see is Golota-Bowe all over again.
I tend to not look too much into things like this and try to overanalyze it. I expect both guys to be very confident when they enter the ring. Mayweather is an intelligent fighter and tends to stay within the game plan, no matter how boring it might be.
True. Rahman-Lennox comes to mind. But every opponent Mayweather has faced has been a sportsman in the ring, touching gloves, following the script. Mayweather was about to put Judah away then came the low blow and a rabbit punch. Mayweather took the foot off the pedal then. Hatton will be a sportsman AFTER the fight, but before and during NO touching gloves, NO respect...
If anyone is acting out of character it's Hatton. When has Hatton ever talked this much shit about any fighter. When has he ever got into a shoving match when any fighter pre-fight. I don't recall. That tells me that when someone is doing something that they normally don't do then they have let their opponent get into their head. I hope PBF wins. But I just want to reiterate I'm a PBF fan in the ring not outside the ring. I can care less how he talks or behaves I just like what he brings to the talk on fight night. That being said Ricky will get a taste of what it's like to fight against a guy that won't be stationary and a guy that has fast hands and feet and excellent defense. He's shit outta luck. But hey atleast he's a likable guy. I'll Holla 5000
Perhaps it's because no other fighter Hatton has faced has tried to disrespect him like Floyd has done and yet still Hatton hit Tszyu viciously low. The more the fight goes into a settling predicatable pattern, adv Floyd. Hatton is way too small but if he has any hope of winning it can not be business as usual, it has to be MAYHEM.
Here's my thing with Hatton coming in at 145 and trying to stay light. Remember Ruiz when he fought Roy. He came in extremely light in that fight. Why? He tried to box with perhaps one of the greatest boxers of all-time. He tried to switch up his game plan. He went away from what made him successful and this to grab, maul, hold. Hell he gave away his greatest asset which was his size and strength. The same thing with Hatton. He's not gonna out quick PBF and he damn sure not going to out box him. See the thing with Hatton and why he was so successful at 140 is because he was able to impose his will and strength. Why not take that same approach into this fight. Weigh in at 147 and then come in somewhat heavy like he always does. That way he will have all of his strength and his power. Coming in 2lbs lite and then going away from what he always does which is blow up within the 24 hours is asking for trouble. In my eyes. I'll Holla 5000
Dunno man, Hatton is coming in light to assist his stamina. Carrying extra weight for 12 rounds would be a detriment like when he fought Collazo.
This is true. But he still shouldn't be allowing that shit to get in his head. Just imagine if Hatton didn't do shit and carried on like he has in all of his other fights. I would say damn nothing PBF did fazed Hatton. But you know what when he started doing shit out of the ordinary I just say damn who's the one that acting different. Who's the one off of their baseline behavior. It's not PBF because we all know that he acts like an asshole in all of his pre-fights. Hatton is the one that's known to be a professional. Pre-fight mental edge in my eyes goes to PBF. Now will that have an effect on tomorrow hell no. But like many have stated. It's just fun for us to sit around and talk about. Hell PBF/Hatton are gonna shake hands after the fight tomorrow night and sit back and count their millions. I'll Holla 5000
Yeah but he's always heavy during his fights. That's how he's able to gain such an advantage over his opponents. I'll Holla 5000
I wouldn't say him being heavy helps, it's more his strength, stamina and octopus style that wears opponents down.
Not in the UK bro- Hatton could have been fighting any old bum (like Junior Witter, for example), and this fight would have been HUGE!!
Yes, like plenty of other fighters before him, Mayweather is increasiingly becoming the guy fans will tune in, just on the of chance he gets sparked. What a great way to gain noteriety. There's nothing to be proud of when one is hated. It's real easy to be an asshole 24/7.
Worked for Ali. Worked for Hamed. Worked for Eubank for a time. If you're getting paid, you're getting paid!
I won't feel sorry for the loser of this fight, no matter how bad they lose. They are still making at LEAST 10 million.
you don't believe that someone who talks with a gay accent and ends his night at 11pm when the pub closes could have no heart? :dunno:
I don't disagree mate. Hamed and Eubank are really not bad examples of similar guys and attitudes...but Ali was both loved and hated. Really, Mayweather isn't important enough to get that kind of reaction. But I really was making the point that guys have had this act before and they made their money...but it's really a piss weak way of going about it, IMO.
Both Eubank and Hamed were at least somewhat entertaining assholes. There is nothing entertaining about Mayweather. :doh:
Agreed roost, there's nothing tough or admirable about the "face off", it's extremely homosexual. I've never understood why it's made mandatory to have to rub lips and bodies together while lost in each others eyes.