Mayweather looks CAMP. And who is that Hummasexual with the black hair that carried one of Floyds old belts into the ring???
And if a riot breaks out, Floyds crew ain't the sort of crew that would want to be fucking with the Mancs. You think the Poles put a beating on Brooklyn? You wait till you see these fucking Mancs in action. I agree with the rest, I think Floyd knows that whatever else happens he is in deep. I do not think Floyd has ever been challenged like this for years- and he is not at all comfortable.
Again, redolent of the Tszyu-Judah showdown, and your predictions respectively. Hatton, for your information, hasn't SAID A WORD about Mayweather. And he certainly said fuck all about him last night. He asked the crowd two questions and then left it at that.
"Who's taking the Belts? [YOU!!!!!!!]. Let's fucking have'im!!!!!" Pretty good! :: But Floyd is still going to tear him to shreds!!!
Nah. Hamed was out there on his own when it came to that shit. PS.....I think Barrera likes Hatton because he sees in Mayweather a little-little bit of what Hamed was like. So yeah Mayweather is approaching Hamed territory now.:doh: ::
I didn't, and I didn't. I got into a fight and suddenly realised I had no chance of winning and really the guy I was facing up to wasn't the person I needed to fight anyways. As soon as I realised that, I tried to find a way out, for both our sakes. Nodding my head and making that body-language like Floyd did was the best I could do to calm things back down again.
Hatton did crack the jokes in Manchester in front of Floyd implying he thinks he's gay. Here's the link
Anything Hatton said was 1. Implied 2. Very much in response to something Floyd had directly instigated. Anything Floyd said was 1. Direct and Personal, Ad Hominem. 2. Instigated by Floyd. 3. Totally unnecessary.
Very True. Also I couldn't see any maliciousness in what Ricky has said along the road to this fight, his comments have all seemed to have had a bit of humour to them. Something that can't be said about Mayweather.
Really interesting weigh-in. Looks to me that Hatton has the mental edge but, then again, I thought the same thing at the Judah-Mayweather weigh-in. I agree with the person who said Hatton is gonna fight fair and foul--and do both with equal passion. It's what he did against Tszyu; he's gonna try and test Floyd's hunger. I think he'd be wise to get to fouling early and perhaps make Floyd wary. Floyd dominated Zab but each time Zab got pissed and threw caution to the wind (whether it was the Bruce Lee hand movement or just straight mauling Floyd) he put Mayweather on his heels. He had the power to hurt Floyd, does Hatton? If he does, we're going to see a very tight bout. If not, there are too many ways Mayweather can win.
Debuting middleweight Daniel Jacobs (1-0) needed just 29 seconds to TKO Jose Hurtado (1-2, 1 KOs) with a monster left hook.
:: Exactly. Staredowns/stare-offs I understand....but why do they have to be literally nose-to-nose with their entire bodies touching? I don't get it. Then again - it happens in the ring every round.
He didn't throw any punches, he tried to just mow Floyd down. I think Hatton wins if they fought in the UFC.