A little sad as it was the end of a era, but not suprised, I told everybody that came over that day Jones was going to lose. No way he could drop twenty pounds of solid mass and have any strength. Of course they all told me I was crazy. The guys were thinking I finally got one wrong. When Jones was ko'd I very humbly said I told you. They all sat there quiet(which is hard after so many beers) and stared at the tv set.
......... Ecstatic. :bears: :cheer: I loved that Tarver talked shit before the bell then knocked Roy the fuck out.
I was shocked. I remember when Roy got dropped It looked like he landed almost under the ropes. I knew it would be hard for him to get up. But I couldn't tell how hurt he was. When he tried to get up the first time and stumbled I knew it was over. when the ref stoped the fight I was so shocked I wanted to scream that Roy was Kod. all I could scream was "knock out" "knock out" :: I wasn't rooting for either guy. Obviously I liked Roy more because I saw him fight more. I always love upsets. I don't care if it's my favorite fighter losing. But an upset i'ts always great specially a KO.
Yep, you are the only boxing fan on the internet that is not a teenybopper. You have the deepest respect of all...
REED, Sly feels your pain. In the words of Apollo Creed: "I didn't wanna hear nuthin from nobody not even my kids"
i was surprised but far from shocked. jones didnt look good at all in their firrst fight. jones losing to johnson wasn't much of a shocker either, but the way he was knocked out was devastating.
I was in complete shock along with all of my family watching the fight. When RJ went down everyone was silent. It was crazy. I can remember the moment clear as day.:eeeek:
When Roy first went down, I had the EXACT same reaction I had when the screen went black during the finale for "The Soprano's..." I was bewildered, confused and said out loud... "What just happened?!?!?" In the aftermath, my phone rang incessantly for at least an hour, but I couldn't bring myself to answer it. The next day after the smoke had cleared I was STILL in shock. Truth be told, it was several months later (just prior to the Johnson KO) when I brought myself to watch it again. What's funny is after the Johnson KO, I spoke with Bigdawg and he said he'd spoken with REED and REED simply repeated..."It happened again!!! It happened again!!! It happened again!!!" Bigdawg said that's all REED could get out. (Anyone who has ever spoken with Bigdawg would understand how hilarious he was as he's repeating this) "Like I said before" we live in a post-Roy Jones Double KO world...the grass simply isn't as green and the sky isn't quite as blue. These are depressing times we live in ladies and gentlemen.
it was one of those surreal moments in life, right after it happened, phonetap wondered if he was dreaming, it just didn't seem real.
for some reason i wasnt surprised, i kinda knew jones was going to get clocked, i didnt think he was going to get ko'ed though, even though its never happened to him before, i was entirely stunned.
It musta felt worse for you boys when Glen Johnson obliterated Jones, and even worse than that, Jones fighting in fear during Tarver 3 and pretty much ripping off everybody who paid for the fight.
:bears: Cool story Reed. I sympathize with you and have a newfound respect for you as a Roy fan. I had similar feelings when Mosley suffered his first loss to Forrest. I kept thinking if only that damn headbutt hadn't happened maybe he wouldn't have lost like that. Anyway when I saw this fight I was deployed in Qatar watching it with a bunch of other military guys on a bigscreen. I remember seeing Tarver coming to the ring and thinking he looked a little shook to me. I had to reevaluate that thought a few seconds later when Tarver delivered his infamous "YOU got any excuses tonight Roy?" line. That line drew a collective ooohhhs from me and some of the other guys and my heart rate started to pick up in that nervous way when a big fight one of your favorite fighters is engaging in happens. Anyway I felt Roy took the 1st rd and was on his way to a comfortable dominating decision victory until the 2nd rd KO happened. Like you Reed I thought Roy slipped or something and then when he didn't get up and was visibly hurt I jumped up out my seat and was like WHAT! My first reaction was excitement followed later by shock. Afterwards while everyone else was leaving it finally hit home and I just sat there in shock and utter disbelief. I couldn't believe my eyes. I hate to draw a comparison like this but the last time I sat there in disbelief like that was right after watching the towers fall. Initially I was only rooting for Roy by a slight margin, but after that loss I felt like his legacy took an unnecessary big blow. I felt Tarver was unworthy of being the one to beat Roy like that. So I was far from happy and felt bad for Roy, it really brought home the old saying that anyone can and will be beat.
My initial reaction to Jones getting dropped by that blind Tarver left hook was obviously shock. I was watching it live on ppv in privacy. But I can't say that I was upset with it. Leading up to the fight, Jones almost made himself the most hated human being in the sport, mostly because of his very stupid and arrogant ramblings of self-worship on sites like BoxingTalk. The kind of ridiculous crap he'd spew where he'd say he was the #1 heavyweight in the world with Holyfield second and Lewis third(when Jones was WBA heavyweight champ). Not to mention Jones spouting crap like "Give me a hundred million and I'll go f*ck up the Klitschkos!" It was all really too much for me and it was bound time that he was brought down to earth. After I felt he learned his lesson that he wasn't invincible, I began cheering for him again and it was pretty painful to see him look like a corpse during his effort against Johnson and his safety-first approach during Tarver 3 which was a fight which Jones could've won if he had actually fought Tarver with some fire.
I still remember it like yesterday, Me and Hex where sitting there, cousin Berto and my father also we are all yelling get-em Roy get em. Then.........BOOM down goes Roy THERE WAS COMPLETE SILENCE NOTHING NOT I FUCKING SOUND! Then Berto Yells " GET UP ROY GET UP!!!!!!! i said he's not getting up he knee's are stiff it's OVA it's OVA!!! My father looks over and goes Se Jodio!!! and then we really started drinking and my dumb ass cousin says "THEY SHOULDN'T OF STOPPED THEY SHOULD OF LEFT ROY CONTINUE"!!!:doh:
Esk said the same thing after the fight, that Nady was involved in yet another premature stoppage. :: Your cousin isn't Esk by chance, is it? I hate to think that there's anyone else out there who thinks like him.
So far me and Val were happy for Tarver, yet every other person felt sad. The afro-american community is coming over Roy like Dean over Mexico. :: :: I was happy, when Tarver did deliver, I was a bit sad, that His-Royness took a piss when Tarver delivered his famous line. I think to this day, he has refused to watch it. ::
It's no secret that Valdosta was happy about the KO. I've called him "Valdarver" since 2002...LONG before he and Jones fought. Valdosta has always been a Tarver fan.
i didnt mean to sound harsh, i just dont understand how a loss can effect a fan so much, its part of the sport
Floyd will get KTFO in due time and it'll be a grand celebration by the fightbeat community. Even those who 'like' Floyd will celebrate.:clap:
i like floyd, but i could careless if he lost, i would actually like to see him come back from a loss, or have to come back in a fight he is losing, and have to drop or ko the guy to win the fight
thats another thing, i dont think people really see athletes as heros, well i hope they dont, i know some young kids might, but not a grown adult
This is becoming one of the biggest pieces of cliche'ic bullshit on this site. First of all TARVER didn't even fight the 3rd fight with any fire, so if you're going to say IF Roy had fought with fire he would have won, then I could counter by saying IF Tarver had fought with some fire Tarver would have just won bigger? :dunno:
tarver doesnt fight any fights with fire, thats how he fights, jones can and does, thats why people say that, but i agree the part about he could of won is a little bit of bullshit