Man, you're on a roll today aren't ya? :: I must have really offended you with my short fat gay indian comments.
I'll bet Im taller than either of you dwarves. 5 grand a piece. we can meet at the cloud pascal fight so I am not going to Canadia to merely take your monies.
Don't be silly, sly. The short fat gay Indian has been used since 2006. I think it was Caligula who invented it but it could've been phonetap. Not sure.
Actually he wasnt confident. He actually said he could be wrong, but took the bet anyways. He just said no way were you 3 inches taller.
Yup...that was some rough stuff. If i were you at this moment I'd be banning him and then crying about how everyone around me is losing their jobs, my wife and I are stressed, I had a bad childhood and went through so much, recovering from a bad flu, etc. :: You know how it is, Buddy my boy.
It's ok, I wasn't really offended. Just trying to make you feel bad. :: I brought my wife into this, by referring to 50 shades of grey and so I opened myself up to this type of thing.
What happened to 5ft9 and a half? Looks like someone's lying. :: It's close on who's taller, so that stays at 5ft6---no matter how you try to wheedle. I tell you what. I'll give you a chance to win it back at the Beaver Boxing Club. We can ask if we can rent the ring for three 3-minute rounds, and then I'll show you how slow I am. ::::
Yeah, that isn't cool, Hanzy. As much as I've disagreed with sly, making up shit about his wife is dead wrong. That's a no-go, dude. Say what you want about him, but his wife should be off-limits.
wives are not off limits. It's not cool, but it's not against the rules. this is known. That is why Petre isnt here anymore. He was a mod and demanded we do something about Calig attacking his wife. We didnt and he left.
I don't know your height, so I won't bet. However, if you are coming to Canada, I would definitely meet up. I'd be the first to buy you a drink or two. Based on your past posts, you wouldn't be going for the cheap stuff. ::::
Yeah right, My Little Pony. Just make sure you show and bring my money. So are you willing to bet $5,000 that you are 5ft9 and a half, or are you willing to admit it was another "rounding up error". LOL. Regardless, I wish you the best. It's the weekend and I'm chilling with the little lad. We're off to the beach soon and it's time to relax. We'll have to get back to the gladiator arena a little bit later. ::
Anthony, Petre was a dink. No big loss. Anyhow, off for now, lads. Neil, no dice although it'd be cool to meet you and shoot the shinola.
I'm sure someone said Neil is only like 5'4. He probably looks like a white version of Broner's dad, but slightly taller.