Nah, I'm not fighting you. Too much rage has built up within you after our smacktalk today. I'll be forced to kill you and I can't do that to your wife and child. Besides once you see me in person again and realize that I'm significantly taller...and deadly muscular, you wouldn't want to fight anyway. I'll just take your $500 dollars, little man, have a beer and dust. :giggle:
Soft is talking shit about another guys wife from the safety of your mom's basement. You're on thin ice Gladys.
Ok, I was waiting for the missus to get home, but I got a question from sly about this on another venue and I'll give my answer a bit later. We're out for now, folks.
:warning: It was an innocent remark, I really am interested in both your heights, this whole beef has reached legendary status. Hanz insults your wife and you on a personal level and you don't say shit to him. :boring:
A fight between Sly and Buddy could be a YouTube sensation. 5'6" vs a rounded up 5"9'. Wood chopping vs Tae Bo. Evolution vs Creation. Man vs Beast.
@ 30%. i could just keep the whole thing. I want you to have the money. Sly is keeping 5k out of your hands right now.
All I can say is that if you describe yourself as 5'9" AND a half, you're probably not. The extra half means you're sensitive about your stature and willing to lie about it. If I'm 6'5" and a half, first of all, I'm not going to mention the half inch. And second, I'm certainly not rounding up. Great thread.
:laughing: seriously Hanz would have been banned after the first mention of Buddy's wife What is good for the Goose, not always so good for the Gander Rydell has no problem with the rules going out the fucking window as long as he's not the target and ESPECIALLY if the target is someone he is having a beef with In an unrelated matter, I'll bet you and Rydell that I am so much taller than either of you that it would actually be funny to have me looming over you as the two of you argue about a centimeter here, centimeter there
only the short of the world add centimeters and parts of inches to their stature People say "how tall are you?" and I say "Tall, man"
I wish I was tall. I'd get a TON of pussy! :clapagain: Do you get offered a ton of pussy whenever you go to the clubs and bars, cdogg? How many women have you brought home with you in a single evening while your girlfriend was out?