Because I had a staff meeting. This works in my favor because you're choosing to lie right away, which shows you're dishonest. :: For instance, SD was not removed as mod because of smacktalk. He was asked repeatedly not to trash the MMA forum and troll forum members in there. The owners, including me, asked him to stop because he was supposed to take care of the forum---not argue with people there. He wouldn't stop, so we went with a different Admin who wasn't actively trying to sabotage participation. The other owners know this, and so do steve_dave and Anthony. Once again, you're choosing to be dishonest. :dunno:
wow you think he is lying about that too? Buddy has been telling the same story for years about that tho.
People don't just send Death threats for the sake of it...especially on the internet where all a person (espcially an Admin) has to do is flip the IP or email address to the police. Think about it. He's making that up.
Did Buddy's mom really start posting on a forum to defend him ? That would be so funny and kinda sad but fuck that more funny than sad LMAO
Just to set the record straight, i was already an admin. I also want to ask Steve-Dave not to fall for this attempt by Sly to get you involved in this argument and turn this thread into you vs. buddy again. It's a brilliant ploy by sly. Dont fall for it.
He was having heated debates with phonetap and von333 in the General Discussion forum at Boxingpress back then, so he started this username "superslick" using a throwaway email account. When he registered the username and email account, the forum software logged the IP address of the computer he was using to register the account. That's how I was able to check it. Sure enough, he had started two usernames from the same IP address. Then he either messaged or emailed phonetap. That part is a bit hazy, but since he had registered the email address with the username "superslick" on the Boxingpress forum, and phonetap gave me the email address, I was able to search for a username and an IP address. Of course, sly didn't know any of that or he would have hidden his tracks better.
sly was having vicious arguments with phonetap on the forum back then. In fact, I think some of them are still up on the Wayback Machine. It's so silly now, but back then they were pretty heated exchanges.
That's not likely to happen. I saw he accused you of being my right hand man like you're in some kind of collusion with me. If you think about all the times I had disagreements with you and steve_dave even before I was a site owner, that seems rather funny.
It's a non issue really, practical joke that went wrong. however, saying that I didn't know that (your ability to trace IPs) is BS. You had exposed two aliases before (that weren't mine) and did it publically...foolishly displayed their IP addresses for the forum to see. So everyone knew you could do that. Lies yet again. I wasn't necessarily trying to hide any tracks. And come on....phonetap was hardly the only guy I was having smack battles with in those days. My e-persona has been consistent...i make e-enemies like you make excuses. ::
Yeah buddy. When you fuck up, im right on your ass about it. And i dont give a damn if you remove my admin status for it. I have said things to you that other owners would have removed me in two seconds. I commend you for that. But rest assured, I am watching you. Especially in this thread.:warning:
Destruction? This is kinda sad. If you were bothering me, I'm sure I'd have some choice words for you. You're just making yourself look foolish now. All this because you didn't like being outed as dishonest again.
Dude...that's not even the half of it. If buddy continues this battle, I'll let you all know about what transpired in Chicago! :: Now THAT'S funy!! :giggle:
I was not aware of this. It's kind of funny that now his anger is spilling over onto you too, isn't it Anthony? Is it a coincidence that you also called his BS height claim with a money bet? I think not.
Nice try. Clever for you to try to show that you're not bothered though. It's about time you realize dthat this is the best tactic instead of having a melt down and banning people left right and centre..and making excuses about your health, family and work life affecting your moods. ::
Is there going to be a recording made of this upcoming meeting between Buddy and Sly? The way they're talking to eachother right now, it's hard to imagine them hugging, laughing and having a beer together.
Well, I could lie and say it wasn't her, but it was. I was going to university and posting on a forum. She asked which one, so I told her. Then I see her using my messed up childhood nickname as a username. I knew it was her right away. Geez, Tapper and Everlast had fun with that one. Everlast even went around saying she had sent him a picture of her topless. I'll probably never live that one down, but it's pretty funny in retrospect.
Hopefully sly is over that. Sly has always had an itch for me. Probably the horse thing and our time as mods together when i called him on his shit. But i am a sly fan.
He initially claimed he was mad because I said he was being dishonest. He's getting more and more dishonest in this thread by claiming you're my right hand man, essentially saying you're sticking up for me. On top of that, he made up a story about why SD was removed as mod. You and the owners know the score on that one. I'm pretty open about a lot of things. I'm also heading out now. I'm sure sly will insist I'm just trying not to answer his next barrage of crapola, but that's the way it is. opcorn: Hopefully he isn't too bitchlike.
Yeah just to set the record. Steve-Dave was removed because of the spamming in the MMA section. But i must again ask Steve-Dave not to fall for the bait and get involved in this. You will fall right into the Sly one's trap.