I like the way sly tried to give Floyd credit for taking the De La Hoya fight as if there was a guy in the entire sport who wouldn't have jumped at it.
he bought his way out of the contract with arum to get the delahoya fight. why in the fuck would he sign to fight margarito and re-up with top rank? that was the best financial decision in his career. mayweather jr called out freitas at the post fight press conference after he beat casamayor. he wanted the fight. he called out tszyu many times. showtime/hbo prevented those matchups. plus there was no money in a mayweather jr vs tzyu fight.
Floyd was going to capture Osama Bin Laden and was on the way to the Pakistan before government officials intervened and forced his flight to turn back.
At the end of the day. All that matters is that whether it was his fault or not, pbf resume is way too thin (and thats an understatement) to even have an argument for being the goat. What was his greatest victory? Corrales? I was a huge corrales fan, but if thats your defining win, well..... I guess an argument could be made for the Pac or Canelo fights, but they werent in their prime when he fought them
Furthermore, I recall that it was Freitas who was pushing for the fight and Floyd claiming he wasn't worth his time. The fight not happening probably had far more to do with the networks than anything else, but it still another top fighter he did not fight no matter how you slice it.
this aint nothin but nitwits knitpicking. guys resume is littered with HOFers and they wanna cry about him not fighting freitas or margarito
1) no one is ''crying '' about him not fighting those. But it s just dumb to claim he has fought everyone whe he clearly hasn't. 2) no matter what you think of Freitas and Margarito, it's far better to have them in your resume than Ndou, Sosa, Chavez, Mitchell, Hernandez or Baldomir of the world. In fact, had he beaten Margarito, it would definitely rate amongst his top 10 wins (Freitas arguably too). Typical idiotic post from Neil as per usual
And out of these HoFers, how many were in their prime?? Hatton, Castillo, (maybe they make it)? Corrales and Gatti who'll go in mostly for being exciting . Cotto is probably his best ''in prime'' win but he's definitely on the lower tier of ATG
Neil the village idiot strikes again And Margarito is probably a top 5 win for pbf, and freitas definitely a top 10
Already started. If IIRC , at the turn off the century, you could count on your hand the number of undefeated champs. And most of them had really brief career and had to retire early cause of injuries. Nowadays, we have a ton of them, some having a claim to being ATG (Lopez, PBF) while others were barely above average champion (Otkke, Simon)
everyone shits on margarito. calls him a fraud, and a cheat. now all of a sudden he'd have been 1 of the five best victories of mayweather jr's career. would he have been a better victory than Mosley?
I personally don't do that. Call Marg a fraud or cheater I mean. There's no tangible evidence that Marg cheated against Cotto. And yes, he'd have been one of Floyd's better wins.
I don't think you wanna compare the overall resume of Floyd's to Robinson's. It's not a comparison Floyd's gonna win.
I'm calling balls n strikes here, so Neil admittedly is correct about Tszyu. Floyd pretty often called out Tszyu. I dont recall Tszyu having any interest in Floyd. And yes, the rival networks were a problem. Floyd was with HBO. Tszyu was with Showtime. And there wasn't enough money in the fight for the networks to work together like they did for Lewis-Tyson. Floyd was a nobody in 04. Only us hardcores wanted to see Floyd-Tszyu. So, Neil does have a point about that one.
As i said, im not saying that pbf is the reason that all of these fights didnt happens, but at the end of the day, is resume is much too thin to be in the goat discussion, and he sure as hell didn't fought all the guy he should. I think putting him in the top 10 is a bit too lenient for him, and he probably realistically sits in the top 25 range. With a different set of judges, he might have had a loss to castillo, and losses or draws against maidana and dlh (not that i would agree with that, but the fights were close enough for an argument to be made). If that would be the case, people probably doesnt even rate him in the top 50, and his so called exceptional longetivity and consistency would never be mentionned
Marg was red hot after the cotto fight, would have been a hell of a feather in pbf cap. But Neil have the memory of a goldfish and a shoddy knowledge of boxing history
Maidana was unpredictable and sloppy and threw shit nobody could anticipate. Margarito stands in front of you and throws punches.
As for Whitaker vs Floyd in terms of BETTER, I think three things speak volumes: 1. Whitaker arguably did just as well against the 97 peak Oscar as Floyd did against the 07 nearly washed up Oscar. 2. I don't think anyone of sound mind would give Castillo any prayer of making a close fight with Whitaker at 135. 3. Floyd never beat an opponent as good as Chavez was at the time Whitaker beat him. JCC was the consensus P4P #1 at the time. And Chavez aside, Nelson was head and shoulders better than anyone Floyd beat from 130-140. Argue for "greatness" all you want, but nothing will ever convince me that Floyd was a better fighter than Pete. He wasn't.
Gavilan alone destroys Floyd's resume my friend. Floyd would NOT beat Gavilan at welterweight. Prime Basilio better than any Floyd win. Prime Lamotta better than a still developing Canelo. Fullmer better. I could go on.
Also, those "bums" Robinson beat: Every... last... single... one... of them would beat the fuck outta McGregor.
I recall the Margarito cotto 1 fight. I attended that 1, and wagered on Margarito. I also attended his next fight when the red hot guy got sliced to ribbons at staples center. By the guy Mayweather Jr beat up next. Make it make sense, le pew
Mosley beat up Mayorga. Mayorga beat up Forrest. Forrest beat up Mosley. It doesn't necessarily mean that Floyd easily owns Marg just because he beat up Shane who beat up Marg. Shane was better at feasting on Mexican brawlers than Floyd was. Young Shane at least.
so margarito would have been a better victory for mayweather jr than his win over mosley? its comical