FAIR Criticism... From REED's Grasp of Women's Boxing History, Only Rijker and Wolfe were LEGIT Punchers, Per Se...That Said, the 2-Minute Round Thing HINDERS Shields More Than a True Lack of Power... She's Not a Wolfe/Rijker Level Banger, But She Frequently HURTS Women...It'd Be Hard for ANY Fighter to Accumulate as Many KO's or Knockdowns in a Mere 2 Minutes... REED
Gotta Come BETTER Than Lame Insults and Ignorance Brother X... Shields' Ratings Coincide w/WHO She's Fighting, No Different Than Any Other Frequently Televised MALE Fighter... Hannah Gabriels and Christina Hammer are BETTER Fighters than Ivana Habazin, Period…Habazin's Tough and Capable But Had a 0% Chance of Beating Shields...Rest Assured, If/When Shields Fights the Equally Undefeated, Undisputed Cecilia Braekus, They'll Pull 400k-500k Peak Views... And a Crossover UFC Fight Between Shields and Amanda Nunes Would HEADLINE a PPV... REED
Cool... REED Doesn't Have to Tell You TV Networks COULDN'T Care Less About Equality, Women's Rights or Whatever...No Views, No TV Time...Simple as That... REED
HBO Was Pretty Much Circling the Drain By That Point, But Even w/That Said, CLARESSA SHIELDS Is the Reason They Showed Women's Boxing... The 1st Chick to Ever Throw Hands on HBO was the Aforementioned Cecilia Braekhus...Shields Had ALREADY Debuted on Showtime and Was Pulling Decent #'s for a Niche Sport WITHIN a Niche Sport... Claressa Shields and the Possibility of Matching Her and Braekhus is PRECISELY Why HBO Went That Route Towards the End... REED
Nah, HBO's ARROGANCE and HATRED of All Things Al Haymon (& Floyd By Proxy) Was Their ULTIMATE Boxing Downfall... Showtime was Literally RESUSCITATED By HBO's Collective "Fuck Haymon" Campaign...HBO and Arum DIDN'T See Much Earning Potential in Floyd, Haymon Walks In and Floyd's Last 6 HBO Exclusive PPVs Did No Worse Than 960k???...As High as 2.4m for Floyd-Dela???... HBO ASSumed it was All Attributed to Dela... Haymon Transitions His Fighters to Showtime and Floyd IMMEDIATELY Does 1m PPV Buys for ROBERTfuckingGUERRERO!!!...2.2m for Canelo and HBO Had to Accept the Ass End of the Highest Grossing Boxing PPV Ever, Floyd-Pac (4.6m)...4.3m for Conor McGregor Also, Just to Rub it In... You Would've Thought HBO Learned Their Lesson, Siding w/Larry Merchant in the Tyson Days...Tyson-Lewis COULD Have Been a Stand Alone HBO PPV Also, Instead of the Shared Event It Ended Up Being...Not to Mention the Entirety of Tyson's Comeback Bouts... Instead, Jim Lampley Was Left to Cry Over Spilled Milk, Specifically Naming "Al Haymon" in Virtually Every One of His "The Fight Game" Episodes... REED
The Sport is JUST a Year or So Removed from HBO, a Bit Premature to Make a Determination One Way or the Other Bruh... You Could Certainly Argue the Sport Was "Better Off" PRIOR to HBO Also, When Everything Save for EPIC Bouts were on Non-Subscription TV...Nonetheless, as ALWAYS, Boxing and Boxing Fans ADJUSTED... Rinse, Repeat... REED
But lots of knock-outs in men's boxing occur before the 2 minute mark. So I'm not sure how you can point to the two minute round as a major factor.
Inherently, the Majority of KO's Are ACCUMULATION Based, Doub...Do YOu DISagree???... Completely EXCLUDING the 15 Round Days, Women's "Championship Fights" are 10 2-Minute Rounds, vs. the 12 3-Minute Rounds Men Receive...Do You HONESTLY Believe 20 Minutes of ACTUAL Fighting and 36 Minutes of ACTUAL Fighting are Analogous???... Obviously, Men Are NATURALLY Stronger, More Explosive and Hit Harder...Some Shit Goes w/Out Saying...Nonetheless, if Men Endured 2 Minutes of Fighting Followed By 1 Minute Recovery, for 10 Rounds, There'd Be a Precipitous DIP in KO's for Championship Fights... REED
I think Doub is trying to say what the rest of us are saying... women's boxing is basura. Always has been. Always will be. Extending them to 3-minute rounds is just extending the torture. Get them bitches outta there as quickly as possible. Cut it to fuckin 30-second rounds I say.
That's NOT Even Remotely What Doub was Saying, But Since he Booby Trapped HIMSELF In His Own Argument, he Decided to Bow Out and "Like" Your Close Minded Take Instead... It's All Good Though... REED
I don't know. Men have better endurance than women - 3 minute rounds for them could be less exhausting than 2 minute rounds are for the average female fighter. And men score tons of early knockouts unrelated to levels of exhaustion. Anyway, I think women's shitty technique, lack of strength, slowness and inaccurate punching are much bigger contributing factors to their lack of knockouts. Two minute rounds is low on the list and barely worth mentioning.
Somehow, Women Magically Channel the ENDURANCE to Run the SAME 100m, 200m, 400m, Mile, etc. as Males in Track and Field...Same Exact Marathons Too... Women Also Conjure the ENDURANCE to Play On the Same Size Basketball Court, Shooting on a Rim the Same Height, Playing the SAME Duration as College Men...If REED's Not Mistaken, Women's World Cup Games are Played on the SAME Sized Field as Men's World Cup, as Well... Yet Even as These Other Broads Manage to FIND the Endurance to Perform, an Extra MINUTE of Fighting is Preposterous and Inconsequential in Women's Boxing???...NOR Should the Additional 16 Minutes Men Receive in "Championship Fights" Be Accepted as Even a Shred of Evidence Explaining the LACK of KO's in Women's Boxing???... Uuuuuuh, Okay!!!... REED
And the most comical thing is, AMATEUR women do fight three-minute rounds, they are too long merely for the professionals
Nah, Per the Link YOU Posted, @ Least 280,000 or So Fans WATCHED Claressa's Last Fight, Right???...Having Then SEEN It Play Out, MOST of Them Are Undoubtedly Thinking WTF w/the Rounds???... REED
Pertaining SPECIFICALLY to Claressa Shields, Shorter Rounds are DEFINITELY an Issue...Regarding Technique, John David Jackson is Her Trainer and There's Fight By Fight Improvement Bruh... Real Talk, There were @ Least 3-4 Times Shields HURT Habazin w/35-40 Seconds Remaining in a 2-Minute Round...Same Shit Occurred in the Hammer Fight... Not Singling YOU Out, But Some Are Clearly Arguing from a SEPARATIST, SEXIST POV...Whereas, REED Is Speaking on HOW the Women's Fights He's Watched Played Out... In NO Way Is REED Challenging ANY Fan to Watch More Women Bouts Than Men Bouts....Fuck That!...REED Himself Has ONLY Fucked w/TOP SHELF Women Fighters from Inception...And As Stated in the Video, You'll NEVER Hear REED Insinuating Shields' 3 Division Feat is ANYWHERE NEAR As Impressive as a Man's... But What's WRONG w/Televising and Acknowledging It???... REED
Never in my life thought I'd back Karl on anything, but yes, Shields talks entirely too much shit for a fighter who reigns in a sport with such a putrid talent pool.
We'll see - she is trying to get into MMA now as she wants to make some serious cash she can't make in boxing.
Even Though She's a Good Bit BIGGER, Claressa Shields Would Get WORKED By Amanda Nunes, in an Octagon... If/When Nunes Elected to Take the Fight to the Ground, Church! REED
The problem with Shields is that she doesn't look great, she makes her opponents look not very good. She does it in a different way, but it's why someone like Bernard Hopkins was never very popular.